The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance


Chapter 15 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Early Days of Genetics Pre 1900, geneticists and cytologists studied mitosis and meiosis. In 1900, scientists in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

Chapter 15
  • The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

Early Days of Genetics
  • Pre 1900, geneticists and cytologists studied
    mitosis and meiosis.
  • In 1900, scientists in the two fields began to
    see parallels between the behavior of chromosomes
    and Mendels heredity factors during the sexual
    life cycle.

Early Days of Genetics
  • Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri and others
    working independently began to recognize the
  • The things they noticed were
  • Chromosomes and genes are present in pairs in
    diploid cells.
  • Homologous chromosomes separate and alleles
    segregate during the process of meiosis.
  • Fertilization restores the paired conditions for
    both chromosomes and genes.
  • The chromosomal theory of inheritance began to
    take shape.

The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
  • This theory suggested that
  • Mendelian genes have specific loci on
  • Chromosomes undergo segregation and independent

Thomas Hunt Morgan
  • Initially, Morgan was skeptical about the
    chromosomal theory of inheritance and Mendelism.
    However, his results proved otherwise.
  • Around 1906, Morgan began to piece together the
    first solid evidence associating specific genes
    with specific chromosomes.

Morgans Organism of Study
  • Morgan chose the fruit fly (Drosophila
    melanogaster) for its ease of use, heartiness,
    and prolific breeding habits.

Drosophila melanogaster
  • Another thing making the fruit flies an ideal
    tool for study is that they only have 4
    chromosomes (3 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of
    sex chromosomes--Females XX Males XY).
  • One drawback there were no suppliers of fruit
    flies so he had to capture and breed his own.

White Eyed Mutants
  • After about a year of breeding and studying,
    Morgan found a white eyed fly (normal eye color
    is red).
  • This eye color was due to a mutation and is known
    as the mutant phenotype.
  • Morgan and his students invented a notation that
    is still used today to denote a mutant--a
    lowercase letter, w.
  • Writing the lowercase letter with a , (w)
    superscript denotes the wild type phenotype.

Experiments With the Mutant
  • Morgan immediately mated the white eyed male with
    a red eyed female and found all of the F1
    offspring have red eyes--suggesting that red is
    the dominant allele.

Experiments With the Mutant
  • He also found that when mating the F1 generation,
    the F2 exhibited the 31 ratio of red eyes to
    white eyes, but only males had white eyes, and
    they were present in a 50/50 ratio of red to

Morgans Conclusion
  • Somehow the eye color of the fly is linked to its
    sex. (If not, 1/2 of the white eyed offspring
    would have been male, the other half would have
    been female).
  • Since females are XX and males are XY, he
    concluded that the gene for eye color must be
    located on the X chromosome, with no
    corresponding gene on the Y chromosome.

Morgans Reasoning and Analysis
  • In a male fly, having a single copy of the mutant
    allele would give the mutant trait, white eyes.
    Since females have 2 X chromosomes and all of the
    F1 males have red eyes, there is no way for the
    females to have white eyes in this generation.

In Support of Sex Linkage
  • This finding lent support to the chromosomal
    theory of inheritance--a specific gene is carried
    on a specific chromosome.
  • It also provided data regarding sex linkage.
    That is, genes located on the sex chromosomes
    exhibit unique inheritance patterns and unique
    ratios in the offspring.

Sex-Linkage Continued
  • Now that you know a little about sex linkage,
    most sex-linked genes are only found on the X
  • Females can pass such a disorder (gene) on to
    both male and female offspring.
  • Males can only pass a disorder (gene) on to
    daughters only.

Sex-Linkage Continued
  • Sex linked recessives are only displayed in
    females when they are inherited in the homozygous
  • Males display the trait when they inherit one
    copy of the gene (said to be hemizygous).
  • Color blind example.

  • Some genes are said to be sex linked.
  • Others are simply said to be linked. They are on
  • They are inherited together with other genes and
    the results of breeding experiments lead to
    results different from those predicted by
    Mendels law of independent assortment.

Morgans Evidence of Linkage
  • Morgan used more mutant traits that he
  • Normal fruit flies have gray bodies and normal
  • 2 mutants he noticed had black (b) bodies and
    vestigial wings (vg).
  • It was known that these mutations are autosomal
    and recessive.
  • He didnt know if the traits were on the same or
    different chromosomes, however.

To Determine Where the Alleles for these Traits
  • Morgan crossed flies until he got true-breeding
    wild-type flies and true-breeding double mutant
    flies for black bodies and vestigial wings.
  • He could now perform a series of crosses to see
    if the alleles for these traits were on the same
    chromosomes or were on different ones.

His First Cross
  • He crossed the homozygous wild-type fly with the
    double mutant (homozygous recessive) and got a
  • Remember, both true breeding flies produce only
    one type of gamete, so a heterozygote in the F1
    is assured.

Are they on the Same Chromosome?
  • Next, he performed a cross of the hybrid F1
    offspring with another double mutant.
  • If the genes were on different chromosomes, then
    4 different types of offspring would be seen in a
    1111 ratio.

If they are on the Same Chromosome
  • If they are on the same chromosome and no
    crossing over occurs, then we should see a 11
    ratio of the parental phenotypes.

If they are on the Same Chromosome
  • and you see some crossing over and the genes are
    very close together, most of the offspring will
    look like the parents but some will be
  • This is exactly what Morgan saw!

(No Transcript)
Crossing Over
  • The whole idea of crossing over came from these
    experiments that Morgan performed. From the
    results, he reasoned that since the numbers
    didnt fit what was supposed to be happening,
    something else must be occurring.
  • He reasoned that somehow a physical breakage must
    be occurring between the homologous chromosomes,
    something we now call crossing over.

Additional Things to Come From These Experiments
  • The idea of a linkage map using the recombination
    frequencies of genes.
  • Determination of the order of genes.
  • Gene mapping to determine where the genes were

Crossing Over and Gene Mixing
  • Crossing Over

Sex Determination
  • Whether or not a person is male or female is
    determined from their genotype XX is female XY
    is male.
  • In humans, the father determines the sex of the
  • The chance of being a male or female is 50/50.
    Half of the sperm will inherit a Y, the other
    half will inherit the X.

Sex Determination and the Y Chromosome
  • The Y chromosome contains a region (SRY gene)
    which codes for proteins that induce the gonads
    to form testes.
  • In the absence of this protein, the gonads form

Sex Determination and the X Chromosome
  • Inheriting an X chromosome from dad will give a
    female 2 X chromosomes.
  • Only one functions within the cell, the other is
  • It becomes a Barr body.
  • The Barr body becomes reactivated in gametes so
    all of them have an active X chromosome when

X Inactivation
  • This process is a totally random event and occurs
    independently in embryonic cells at the time of X
  • Females consist of a mosaic of active X
    genes--those derived from the father and those
    derived from the mother.

X Inactivation
  • As the embryo continues to divide mitotically,
    the we now have groups of cells with active X
    chromosomes derived from the mom, and active X
    chromosomes derived from dad.
  • If a female is heterozygous for a sex linked
    trait, approximately 1/2 of the cells will
    express one gene, and 1/2 will express the other

X Inactivation and Mosaicism
  • X inactivation can be seen in calico cats.
  • It can also be seen in a sweat gland disorder.

  • Normally, in meiosis, the chromosomes are
    distributed without fail and the numbers of
    chromosomes remains the same throughout the
  • Occasionally, chromosomes dont get separated
    properly in meiosis I or II.
  • Some gametes fail to receive a copy of a
    chromosome others receive 2 copies.

  • When nondisjunction occurs and is followed by
    fertilization, a situation arises where an
    abnormal number of chromosomes are present in the
    developing organism.

  • A cell with triple the number of a chromosome is
    known as trisomy.
  • Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome is an example.
  • Having only one copy of the cell produces a
    situation known as monosomy.

Nondisjunction and Mitosis
  • Nondisjunction occurs in mitosis too.
  • If it occurs very early on, then the organism, if
    it survives, will likely have a large number of
    phenotypic abnormalities.

Chromosomal Alterations
  • 1. Deletion--a gene or base pair is lost.
  • 2. Duplication--a segment of DNA gets repeated.
  • 3. Inversion--occurs when a chromosomal fragment
    flip-flops and reattaches to the original
  • 4. Translocation--occurs when a fragment from one
    chromosome is lost and becomes attached to
    another chromosome.

Deletions and Duplications
  • Occur most often during meiosis because of
    crossing over.

Duplications and Translocations
  • These dont alter the balance of genes, but the
    order on the chromosome is disrupted.
  • This effects the neighboring genes and the
    expression of the duplicated/translocated genes.
  • They are usually lethal.

Non-Lethal Disruptions
  • Aneuploidy--Down Syndrome. It isnt a
    duplication event, but essentially is like a
    duplication event.

  • Klienfelter Syndrome-XXY males. Have male sex
    organs but their testes are small and they are
  • Also have other feminine characteristics such as
    large breasts.
  • They can be of normal intelligence, but some
    often exhibit some metal impairments.

  • XXX females cannot be distinguished from any
    other female except by karyotype.
  • XO are females with Turners syndrome. It is the
    only known monosomy in humans. They are sterile
    because their sex organs dont mature, can
    develop 2 sex characteristics with hormone

Extranuclear Genes
  • These are the genes found on the chromosomes of
    organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts.
  • These are derived from the mother and replicate
  • They code for the proteins and RNA that they use
    to perform their particular functions.
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