Title: Steady State General Ocean Circulation
1Steady State General Ocean Circulation
steady state means constant in time, no
Sum of all forces 0
Outline 1. Ekman dynamics (CoriolisFriction)
2. Geostrophic dynamics (CoriolisPressure
gradients) 3. EkmanGeostrophy with Coriolis
as ff0by
2The subtropical gyre circulation is a geostrophic
flow (with many eddies)
From WHP Pacific Atlas (Talley,
2007) http//www-pord.ucsd.edu/whp_atlas
3Geostrophy Coriolis balances pressure
gradient Geostrophic Degeneracy
4Ekman balance Coriolis Friction
a-1?(2Az/f) is a vertical decay scale
from Stewart, 2005
5Ekman velocity spiral
- Surface velocity to the right of the wind
(northern hemisphere, due to Coriolis) - Surface layer pushes next layer down slightly the
right, and slightly weaker current - Next layer pushes next layer, slightly to right
and slightly weaker current - Producing a spiral of the current vectors, to
right in northern hemisphere, decreasing speed
with increasing depth - Details of the spiral depend on the vertical
viscosity (how frictional the flow is, and also
whether friction depends on depth)
6Ekman transport
- The wind stress on the ocean surface is the
vector - ? ( ?(x) , ?(y) )
- Integrate the Coriolis/friction balances in the
vertical - x -fv ?/?z(AV?u/?z) -gt -fVEK AV?u/?z
?(x) /? - y fu ?/?z(AV?v/?z) -gt fUEK AV?v/?z
?(y) /? -
- UEK and VEK are the Ekman transport ?udz, ?vdz
- Ekman transport is exactly to the right of the
wind stress (northern hemisphere ). - Ekman transport does not depend on the size or
structure of AV (but the detailed structure of
the spiral DOES depend on it)
7Ekman layer transport
- Transport 90 to wind, to right in northern
hemisphere - UEk ?/?f (units are m2/s, not m3/s so
technically this is not a transport need to sum
horizontally along a section to get a transport). - Typical size for wind stress 0.1 N/m2, UEk 1
m2/s. Integrate over width of ocean, say 5000 km,
get total transport of 5 x 106 m3/sec 5 Sv.
8Ekman layer depth
- Depth depends on eddy viscosity AV (why?)
Dek (2AV/f)1/2 - Eddy viscosity is about 0.05 m2/sec in turbulent
surface layer, so Ekman layer depth is 20 to 60 m
for latitudes 80 to 10.
9Ekman layer velocity
- Velocity spirals with depths and magnitude
depends on eddy viscosity. If AV is constant,
surface velocity is 45 to wind - For eddy viscosity 0.05 m2/sec, and wind stress
of 1 dyne/cm2 (.1 N/m2), surface velocity is 3
cm/sec at 45N.
10Observations of Ekman layer
Direct current measurements in California Current
region revealed excellent Ekman-type spiral
(Chereskin, JGR, 1995)
11Global surface wind velocity
Westward Eastward
12Ekman divergence (Ekman upwelling) at equator and
at land boundaries
- Equatorial Land boundary
- (southern hemisphere, like Peru)
13Ekman transport convergence and divergence
14Ekman transport convergence and divergence
Ekman Pumping
Geostrophic flow
Vertical velocity at base of Ekman layer order
(10-4cm/sec) (Compare with typical horizontal
velocities of 1-10 cm/sec)
15Pacific winds (mean)
- Ekman pumping
- Gray downwelling
- White upwelling
from Talley 2006
16Ekman Pumping
vertical integral
Ekman transports
Convergence in Ekman transport
Vertical velocity Ekman pumping
Recall MEx ?y/rf Ekman transport 90 degrees
to wind MEy -tx/rf