Protein folding in the cell - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Protein folding in the cell


Basics - cell compartments, molecular crowding: cytosol, ER, etc. Folding on the ribosome - co-translational protein folding Molecular chaperones – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Protein folding in the cell

Protein folding in the cell
Basics - cell compartments, molecular crowding
cytosol, ER, etc. Folding on the ribosome -
co-translational protein folding Molecular
chaperones - concepts, introduction -
intramolecular chaperones - chemical chaperones -
protein chaperones
Cell compartments and folding
eukaryotes - cytosol ..........................
........protein synthesis, folding/assembly -
extracellular .........................proteins
are exported in folded form - mitochondria protein
synthesis energy production - chloroplasts protein
synthesis light harvesting - endoplasmic
reticulum.......... import of unfolded proteins
protein processing - peroxisome
........................... import of folded
proteins anab./catab. pathways - nucleus
................................. import of
folded proteins - lysosome.......................
......... import of unfolded proteins degradation
bacteria - cytosol ............................
......protein synthesis, etc. - periplasm
.............................import and folding
of periplasmic proteins - extracellular
.........................proteins are exported
archaea - cytosol ...............................
...protein synthesis, etc. - extracellular
.........................proteins are exported
Folding in vitro vs. in vivo
in vitro
in vivo
protein denatured in a chaotrope
Differences 1. One has all of the information
immediately available for folding the other
process is gradual 2. the cellular environment is
very different (much more crowded)
folding by dilution in buffer
folded protein
folded protein
Co-translational protein folding
Fact - first 30 amino acids of the polypeptide
chain present within the ribosome is
constrained (the N-terminus emerges
first) Assumption as soon as the nascent chain
is extruded, it will start to fold
co-translationally (i.e., acquire secondary
structures, super-secondary structures, domains)
until the complete polypeptide is produced and
Sindbis Virus Capsid Protein (SCP)
SCP is the capsid protein of the Sindbis
virus 26S Sindbis RNA encodes a polyprotein
SCP is auto-proteotically cleaved from the rest
of the polyprotein other cellular proteases
cleave E1-E3 from the polyprotein to generate the
mature proteins E1, the envelope protein, is 9
kDa SCP is a 33 kDa serine protease WT SCP
self-cleaves Ser215 gt Ala215 mutant doesnt
SCP folds co-translationally
Experiment 1. make and translate different SCP
construct RNAs in vitro in the presence of
35S-methionine for 2 min 2. Prevent re-initiation
of translation with aurintricarboxylic acid
(ATCA) synchronizing 3. at set timepoints, add
SDS buffer and perform SDS-PAGE 4. observe by

Macromolecular crowding
in vitro
lt0.1 mg/ml
Ellis and Hartl (1996) FASEB J. 1020-26
When doing experiments in vitro, we should all be
thinking about thisproteins in isolated (pure)
systems may not behave as they do in the cell-
binding partner(s) might be missing - cell
conditions (pH, salts, etc.- post-translational
modifications might be missing may be
dramatically different
Effects of crowding
Definition Molecular crowding is a generic term
for the condition where a significant volume of a
solution, or cytoplasm for example, is occupied
with things other than water Fact - association
constants (ka) increase significantly -
dissociation constants (kd) decrease
significantly (kd1/ka) - increased on-rates
for protein-protein interactions (see for
example Rohwer et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275,
34909) Assumption - non-native polypeptides
will have greater tendency to associate
intermolecularly, enhancing the propensity of
Effects of crowding example
denatured lysozyme, reduced or oxidized
dilution in buffer with different crowding agents
loss of activity due to protein aggregation
measure lysozyme activity
crowding agents ficoll 70, dextran 70, protein
(BSA, ovalbumin)
roughly spherical polysaccharide
van den Berg et al. (1999) EMBO J. 18, 6927.
Problem non-native proteins
non-native proteins expose hydrophobic residues
that are normally buried within the core of the
protein these hydrophobic amino acids have a
strong tendency to interact with other
hydrophobic (apolar) residues - especially
under crowding conditions
Solution molecular chaperones
Molecular chaperonesgeneral concepts
Requirements for a protein to be considered a
chaperone (1) interacts with and stabilizes
non-native forms of protein(s) -
technically also folded forms that adopt
different protein conformations (2) not part of
the final assembly of protein(s) Functions of a
chaperone classical - assist folding and
assembly more recent - modulation of
conformation - transport - disaggregation of
protein aggregates - unfolding of proteins
self-assembly refers to the folding of the
polypeptide, as well as to its assembly into
functional homo- or hetero-oligomeric structures
Molecular chaperonescommon functional assays
Type of assay Rationale
Binary complex formation If chaperone has high enough affinity for an unfolded polypeptide, it will form a complex detectable by co-migration by SEC co-migration by native gel electrophoresis co-immunoprecipitation
Prevention of aggregation Binding of chaperones to non-native proteins often reduces or eliminates their tendency to aggregate. Assay may detect weaker interactions than is possible with SEC
Refolding Chaperones stabilize non-native proteins some can assist the refolding of the proteins to their native state. Usually, chaperones that assist refolding are ATP-dependent
Assembly Some chaperones assist protein complex assembly
Activity Some chaperones modulate the conformation/activity of proteins
(Miscellaneous) A number of chaperones have specialized functions
Intramolecular chaperones
Concept - portions of a polypeptide may assist
the biogenesis of the mature protein without
being part of the final folded structure - these
regions are chaperones by definition, although
classical molecular chaperones act
inter-molecularly, not intra-molecularly.
Intramolecular chaperone example
Subtilisin E - non-specific protease - mature
protein cannot fold properly if propeptide is
propeptide (77 aa)
precursor (352 aa)
mature protein (275 aa)
Shinde et al. (1993) PNAS 90, 6924.
Intramolecular chaperone continued
Subtilisin E propeptide - unstructured alone in
solution - alpha-helical when complexed with
subtilisin? propeptide is 20 of preprotein CD
suggests combination mature subtilisin
propeptide mostly helical
propeptide with subtilisin
propeptide in TFE
NoteCD traces are additive
  • Propeptide must interact with subtilisin

Intramolecular cleavage or intermolecular?
Fact unfolded His10-preprotein can refold alone
in solution
Experiment 1. prepare subtilisin pre-protein
containing an N-terminal polyhistidine tag
(His10) 2. unfold in denaturant 3. bind different
concentrations of the protein to Ni2-NTA
resin 4. assay for folding by measuring
propeptide release
Q what do the results mean? Q why bind the
protein to a resin? Q why use different
concentrations of proteins?
Li et al. (1996) J. Mol. Biol. 262, 591.
Chemical chaperones
Concept - small molecules could enhance the
stability and assist the folding or assembly of
proteins - under conditions of cellular stress,
such as a heat-shock, small molecules may help
proteins from misfolding and aggregating - one
easy way to test is to see how they can prevent
loss of activity, or, prevent the aggregation of
a protein - protein aggregation can be
conveniently monitored spectrophotometrically
at 360 nm, where light scattering from the
aggregates is detected
Chemical chaperones example
protein aggregation
Singer and Lindquist (1998) Mol. Cell 1, 639.
Chemical chaperones example
40ºC heat shock
40ºC heat shock
Note tps1 yeast cells have a deletion in the
trehalose synthase
Different chemical chaperones
protein aggregation
protein aggregation
trans-acting protein molecular chaperones
- cis-acting (intramolecular) chaperones are
relatively rare - chemical chaperones may play an
important role in protecting proteins in the
cell, but their extent of action is likely to be
limited - organisms have evolved large families
of protein molecular chaperones that have either
general functions in the cell, or have highly
specific functions - the expression of many of
the chaperones is induced under cellular stress
conditions--giving rise to the name Heat-shock
proteins, or Hsps, followed by their Molecular
Weight (MW) BUT - not all chaperones are
Hsps - not all Hsps are chaperones
Molten globules
- intermediate conformation assumed by many
globular proteins under mildly denaturing
- as determined experimentally using experimental
techniques involving hydrogen exchange,
small-angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), circular
dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, binding of
hydrophobic probes, etc.
presence of substantial content of secondary
structure absence of most of the specific
tertiary structure associated with tight packing
of side-chains dynamic features of the
structure with motions on a timescale longer than
nanoseconds the protein is still compact, but
radius is 10-30 larger compared with that of
native state presence of loosely-packed
hydrophobic core greater exposure of apolar
Lysozyme molten globule
molten globule states notice how two different
folding paths converge into a local minimum
(lower energy state) that is close to, but has
not reached, the lowest energy (folded) state
Similar molten globule states very likely occur
in vivo
Native state
Molten globules inside the cell
Molten globules might be found - during
co-translational protein folding - before
translocation into a membrane - following
extrusion through a membrane - following
cellular stress
Probing protein structure with ANS
1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid
Excitation wavelength (maximum at 370 nm)
Emission wavelength (maximum at 480 nm)
- Fluorescence emission maximum and strength
changes upon binding to a hydrophobic region(s)
of proteins
4,4'-dianilino-1,1'-binaphthyl- 5,5'-disulfonic
- strength of emission is better than ANS -
photoincorporation occurs with UV irradiation
- retains fluorescence when covalently bound
Background for two papers
Chaperonins. Large, double-ring structures that
accept non-native proteins inside their cavities
and assist protein folding. The eukaryotic
cytosolic chaperonin is involved in folding
actins and tubulins. Prefoldin. Hexameric
molecular chaperone also involved in actin and
tubulin biogenesis. Its existence was not known
when the Cell paper was published in 1997 (it was
discovered in 1998). It is also known as Gim
complex, or GimC. Stochastic model for de novo
protein folding. The definition of stochastic is
involving or containing random variables. In this
context, it means that folding polypeptides will
interact with whichever molecular chaperone may
be present at any one time during its synthesis.
If the protein has not folded or assembled after
interaction with chaperone(s), it will be
released in the bulk cytosol and may interact
with other chaperone(s) before it has a chance to
fold/assemble. Pathway model for de novo protein
folding. Hypothesis that many newly-synthesized
cellular proteins follow an ordered pathway
during de novo protein folding. This ordered
pathway would typically occur when one or more
molecular chaperones interact with the newly made
BUT NOTE THAT MOST PROTEINS can probably fold in
vivo either with minimal or no assistance from
molecular chaperones!!!
Protein folding catalysts
Protein folding catalysts - peptidyl prolyl
isomerases (PPIases) - protein disulfide
isomerases (PDIases)
The proline peptide bond
- proline, an imino acid
trans conformation favoured 1000-fold over
cis Rside chain OC-N-H is planar
trans 93
cis 7
- cis conformation rare except for proline - cis
can be 10-30, depending on the nature of the
Xaa-Pro bond
Proline cis-trans isomerization
- slow because it involves rotation about a
partial double-bond (t1/2 between 10-100 sec at
25ºC) - cis-trans equilibria more common in
flexible regions of native proteins (e.g.,
coils)OR during protein folding - strong acids
favour cis-trans isomerization by protonating the
nitrogen atom - proline residues disrupt
alpha-helices often found in turns - cis-trans
isomerization could be used as a molecular switch
Catalysis of cis-trans isomerization - simple
reaction does not involve breaking or forming
bonds - mechanism catalysis by distortion and
transition state containing partially-rotated C-N
bond - this would result in a reduced partial
double-bond character PPIase, Peptidyl Prolyl
Isomerase, catalyzes proline cis-trans
isomerization - active site of PPIase hydrophobic
in character conserved Arg residue of a PPI
might be involved in H-bond formation with N,
producing C-N bond with more single-bond character
Peptidyl prolyl isomerases
Three classes are known
Cyclophilins - ubiquitous 11 different ones
found in S. cerevisiae not essential for
viability - binds cyclosporin A
FKBP binding proteins- no sequence similarity
with cyclophilins many different members found
in eukaryotes, as well as prokaryotes not
essential for viability. Yeast mutant lacking all
its cyclophilins and FKBP binding proteins still
alive!- bind immunosuppressants FK506 and
rapamycin (but not cyclosporin A) - both
cyclophilins and FKBPs form complexes with the
molecular chaperone Hsp90, perhaps to catalyze
cis-trans isomerization as well as to assist
folding (or modulate protein conformation)
Parvulins- not related to cyclophilins or FKBP
binding proteins, and are not inhibited by
cyclosporin A, FK506 or rapamycin- occur as
small proteins of lt100 amino acids or as domains
of larger proteins- have high PPIase activity
Assay methods for PPIases
Chymotrypsin-coupled assay - chymotrypsin cleaves
only the trans-form of the Xaa-Pro bond amino
acid of a small model peptide such as
N-succinyl-Ala-Xaa-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilide - in
aqueous solution, 90 of Xaa-Pro bond of this
molecule is in trans-conformation - after
addition of excess amount of chymotrypsin, the
trans form of Xaa-Pro bond is cleaved
instantaneously - hydrolysis rate of the
remaining 10 Xaa-Pro bond is limited by its cis
to trans isomerization - cis-trans isomerization
rate of model peptide is measured by the release
of p-nitroanilide spectrophotometrically
Chymotrypsin-free assay- in a mixture of TFE and
LiCl, the N-succinyl-AXPF-p-nitroanilide peptide
is approximately 50 in the cis conformation-
upon dilution in buffer, cis-trans isomerization
occurs, decreasing cis content to 10- small
differences in absorbance between the cis and
trans forms of the prolyl imide bond in the model
peptide are then measured at 330 nm
NMR- could also monitor cis-trans isomerization
by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), but this
method is more expensive, slower, and requires
more protein
Discovery - 1989 an 18 kDa, cytosolic peptidyl
prolyl isomerase from kidney was shown to be
nearly identical to a cyclophilin known as Cyp A,
a receptor protein for the immunosuppressant
cyclosporin A - mechanism catalysis by
distortion and transition state containing
partially-rotated C-N bond - this would result
in a reduced partial double-bond character -
active site of PPIase hydrophobic in character
not known whether conserved Arg residue of a PPI
might be involved in H-bond formation with N,
producing C-N bond with more single-bond character
Cyclophilin A with Gly-Pro
Catalysis of cis-trans isomerization - simple
reaction does not involve breaking or forming
bonds - mechanism catalysis by distortion and
transition state containing partially-rotated C-N
bond - this would result in a reduced partial
double-bond character - active site of Cyp A
PPIase hydrophobic in character not known
whether conserved Arg residue of a PPI might be
involved in H-bond formation with N, producing
C-N bond with more single-bond character - The
pipecolic amide moiety of FK506, which probably
mimics the proline residue of peptide or protein
substrates, is bound in a hydrophobic pocket of
FKBP, presumably at the active site
cyclophilin A in complex with dipeptide, GP -
R55A mutant has lt0.1 activity
Chaperones involved in folding
Overview of molecular chaperone families -
distribution of chaperones in eukaryotes, archaea
and bacteria Nascent-chain binding chaperones -
Trigger Factor, NAC, Hsp70, prefoldin
Overview of chaperone familiesDistribution
Eukaryotes Archaea Bacteria
- - Trigger Factor
Hsp70 system Hsp70 system Hsp70 system
prefoldin prefoldin -
chaperonins (group II) chaperonins (group II) chaperonins (Group I)
small Hsps small Hsps small Hsps
Hsp90 - Hsp90
- - SecB
- - PapD/FimC
Hip, Hop, Bag, clusterin, cofactors A-E, calnexin, calreticulin, etc. etc. - -
Overview of chaperone familiesmultigene families
  • not all molecular chaperone families are present
    in the three domains of life some are highly
    specialized and are found in just one domain
  • eukaryotes have evolved not only more different
    families of chaperones, but typically have more
    members (e.g., Hsp70, small Hsps, prefoldin,
  • related to diversity of processes? (eukaryotes
    have organelles, greater diversity of cell
  • must perform comparitive studies, e.g., with
    genome of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon
    cuniculi, 2.9 Mb. Amitochondriate, parasitic
    cause of severe infections
  • bacteria and archaea do have chaperone multigene
  • potential overlap in function? (e.g., Hsp70 in
    same/different compartments)
  • replacement of function by other chaperone
    families (e.g., prefoldin)

Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins
Homologues genes that are related in sequence
and function Orthologues cross-species or
cross-domain genes that are related in sequence
and function Paralogues homologous genes that
were duplicated in the same organism
category O Post-translational modification,
protein turnover, chaperones
15 --------qv--b-efghs-ujx-l- HslU O
COG1220 ATP-dependent protease, ATPase subunit
48 aomtpkzy--drbc-f-----j---- SpoVK O
COG0464 ATPases of the AAA class 5 58
---t---yqvdrbcefghsnujxilw ClpA O COG0542
ATPases with chaperone activity, ATP-binding
domain 54 aomtpkzyqvdrbcefghsnujxilw GroEL
O COG0459 Chaperonin GroEL (HSP60 family) 2
26 -------yqvdrbcefghsnujxilw GroES O COG0234
Co-chaperonin GroES (HSP10) 6 19
-------y---rbcefghs-ujx-l- HtpG O COG0326
Molecular chaperone, HSP90 family 70
-o-tp--yqvdrbcefghsnujxilw DnaJ O COG0484
Molecular chaperones (contain Zn finger domain)
7 -------------ce---s-uj---- CbpA O
COG2214 Molecular chaperones, DnaJ class 36
aomtpkzyqvdrbcefg-s---x--- IbpA O COG0071
Molecular chaperone (small heat shock protein) 3
10 aomtpk-yq----------------- GIM5 O COG1730
Prefoldin, molecular chaperone, beta class 9
aomtpkz------------------- GIM1 O COG1370
Prefoldin, molecular chaperone, alpha class
other categories translation, transription, cell
motility, ion transport, etc. etc.
Different sites of action
Location of chaperone is very important
cytosol? membrane? organelle?
extracellular? periplasmic?
Co-localization / aggresomes
  • chaperones can co-localize with
  • other chaperones
  • protein degradation machinery
  • different substrates
  • etc.

Example - misfolded proteins may end up in
aggresomes (e.g., CFTR) - aggresomes contain
various molecular chaperones, including Hsp70 and
Hsp40, as well as proteasome components
This can potentially cause problems -
researchers expressed mutant CFTR - they then
expressed mutant GFP that is normally broken
down - saw GFP fluorescence (green) in the
cytosol (i.e., it wasnt degraded) - has
implications for proteins that aggregate in cell
and cause diseases
Nascent-chain binding chaperone TF
  • Trigger Factor (TF)
  • - most effective peptidyl prolyl isomerase
  • - behaves as a conventional molecular chaperone,
    i.e., can bind non-native proteins
  • - ribosome-bound (interacts with RNA in the 50S
    ribosome subunit, but some of it is cytosolic)
  • - interacts with large fraction of nascent
    polypeptides (as determined by cross-linking)
  • - only occurs bacteria (where it is ubiquitous),
    although other eukaryal/archaeal proteins have
    FKBP domains
  • - deletion is not lethal(!) However, deletion is
    lethal when knock out bacterial Hsp70, which also
    binds nascent chains
  • crystal structure suggests that it forms a
    pocket for chains exiting the ribosome
  • (recall the crouching Dragon structure
    presented in class)
  • how do the chaperone binding site and PPIase
  • what is the exact nature of the polypeptide
    binding site?

TF bound to ribosome
Baram et al. PNAS 2005
Nascent-chain binding chaperone NAC
Nascent polypeptide Associated Complex (NAC) -
eukaryotic protein consists of alpha and beta
subunits archaea have only beta subunit - as
with TF, bound to ribosome - does not contain
domain resembling a PPIase
Primary function - prevents inappropriate
targeting of nascent polypeptides by SRP - if ER
signal sequence is present, SRP binds it, causes
translation arrest, and docking occurs
co-translational insertion of protein then takes
place, and the sequence is cleaved - if ER
sequence is not present, NAC prevents SRP from
binding to the nascent chain - evidence suggests
it may help targeting to mitochondria
Nascent-chain binding chaperone Hsp70
Found in nearly all compartments where protein
folding takes place - cytosol of eukaryotes
(Hsp70) and bacteria (DnaK) - mitochondria
(mt-Hsp70) - chloroplast (cp-Hsp70) -
endoplasmic reticulum (BiP) - in yeast and
nematodes, there are at least 14 different
Hsp70s One surprising exception - not found
in all archaea this has been viewed as a
paradox - reason is that it has been shown to
bind nascent polypeptides - it can be
cross-linked to nascent chains in eukaryotes and
bacteria - another reason is that it is
important for de novo protein folding
Hsp70 in de novo protein biogenesis
  • Hsp70 is believed to bind and stabilize nascent
    polypeptides early in their synthesis--preventing
    misfolding and aggregation
  • Hsp70 binding and release, in an ATP-dependent
    manner, may help proteins fold to the native
    state OR Hsp70 may transfer non-native proteins
    to other chaperones for folding (e.g.,
  • Hsp70 is also important during cellular stresses
    (thermotolerance), and has numerous other
    functions in the cell apart from assisting de
    novo protein folding. It often works in
    collaboration with other chaperones, especially

Structure of Hsp70 chaperone
  • flexible linkage between ATPase and
    peptide-binding domains, and different
    conformations of molecule possible
  • polypeptide-binding domain consists of
    beta-sheet scaffold loops possess hydrophobic
    residues that contact peptide
  • domain also has an alpha-helical lid that is
    regulated by the ATPase activity

Polypeptide binding domain with bound peptide
ATPase domain (homology with actin, which
also binds ATP)
Jiang et al. (2005) Mol. Cell 20,
513-24. Structural Basis of Interdomain
Communication in the Hsc70 Chaperone
Substrate specificity of Hsp70
Experiment 1. synthesize 13-mer peptides that
overlap by 10 amino acids, based on actual
protein sequences (spacer is Ala2) - this covers
entire protein sequence and any binding site 2.
cross-link peptides to nitrocellulose membrane
(automated) 3. add chaperone and allow binding to
equilibrium 4. electro-transfer any Hsp70 bound
to peptides onto membrane 5. probe membrane by
Western blotting with specific antibody 6. screen
37 different proteins this way 7. obtain
statistically significant information on binding
Hsp70 binds short hydrophobic sequences
  • Binding sites are either completely buried or
    partially shielded
  • Binding motif occurs every statistically
    occurs every 36 residues
  • Consistent with general binding affinity for
    nascent polypeptide chains (estimated at 20 or

Rudiger et al. (1997) EMBO J. 16, 1501
Nascent-chain binding chaperone prefoldin
Discovery - a group performed a screen for yeast
genes that were synthetically lethal in
combination with a gamma-tubulin mutation - found
5 genes that when disrupted, resulted in
cytoskeleton defects actin sensitivity to
osmotic stress, latrunculin-A disrupted actin
filaments tubulin sensitivity to benomyl
disrupted microtubules - another lab
independently purified a bovine protein complex
containing 6 proteins that could bind unfolded
actin and tubulin the yeast complex was later
purified and shown to possess the same 6
orthologous proteins as the bovine
complex Characterization - synthetic lethality
with various actin and tubulin mutants, as well
as mutants involved in microtubule processes
(i.e., cofactors A-E) - may cooperate with
cytosolic chaperonin (CCT) in actin and tubulin
Prefoldin subunit structure
Predicting coiled coils in proteins - a number
of web-based programs are available - rely on the
repeating unit of the coiled coil - a and d
positions in a-g heptad repeat are usually
hydrophobic - the a and d positions form the
apolar interface between the two helices because
of alpha helices normally have 3.6 residues/turn,
the 3.5 residues/turn of the coiled coil induces
a strain on the helix
Some coiled coils can have three or more helices
Prefoldin quaternary structure
  • most of surface is hydrophilic in character
  • inside tips of the coiled coils and bottom of
    cavity display some hydrophobic character
  • Structure of archaeal prefoldin hexamer
  • oligomerization domain is a double beta-barrel
  • coiled coils are 80A long and would be expected
    to behave independently

Prefoldin functional mechanism (a)
PFD prefoldin Pa alpha subunit Pß beta
Siegert et al. (2000) Cell 103, 621.
Prefoldin functional mechanism (b)
  • Binding of prefoldin to unfolded proteins
    requires the multivalent interaction of the
    coiled coils
  • many other chaperones also bind in a multivalent

Prefoldin functional mechanism (c)
Hsp70-like function of prefoldin?
  • Prefoldin is found in all archaea but Hsp70 is
    not those that have Hsp70 probably acquired it
    via lateral gene transfer
  • Mechanism of prefoldin is clearly different from
    that of Hsp70, but the overall function of each
    may be similar
  • - both bind nascent polypeptides
  • - prefoldin can stabilize an unfolded protein
    for subsequent folding by chaperonin
  • (explanation in class)
  • - range of proteins archaeal prefoldin
    stabilizes is considerable 14-62 kDa
  • Archaeal prefoldin (with 2 different subunits)
    may play a general role in protein folding
    whereas the eukaryotic chaperone (with 6
    different subunits) may have acquired more
    specialized functions this is seemingly the case
    for the eukaryotic chaperonin CCT, which has 8
    different subunits compared to the archaeal
    chaperonin, which has 1 or 2 subunits, and the
    bacterial chaperonin (GroEL), which has 1 subunit
  • the presence of prefoldin may resolve the
    paradox that many archaea dont have Hsp70, the
    otherwise ubiquitous molecular chaperone

GroEL/GroES chaperonin system
  • GroEL forms homo-oligomeric toroidal complex
    dependent on GroES cofactor for function GroEL
    is essential for cell viability
  • GroEL/GroES system may bind 10 of all bacterial
    cytosolic proteins but recent study shows
    only a portion of those are completely
  • Belongs to so-called Group I chaperonins which
    includes evolutionarily-related bacterial GroEL,
    mitochondrial Hsp60, and chloroplast Rubisco
    subunit-binding protein (Rubisco is most abundant
    protein on earth and requires chaperonin for
  • Functional mechanism is the best understood of
    all chaperonins

GroEL/GroES structure
crystal structure of E. coli GroEL/GroES
  • GroEL has two stacked heptameric rings
    (equatorial domains form inter-ring contacts)
  • GroES forms a single heptameric ring that binds
    co-axially to one GroEL ring (caps GroEL,
    preventing polypeptide exit or entry) binds only
    when GroEL in ATP state
  • crystals structure without GroES has been
    solved, and with ATP-gamma S (non-hydrolyzable
    ATP analogue)
  • mitochondrial chaperonin (Hsp60) is single-ring
    GroES from chloroplasts consists of a fused dimer

GroEL subunit structure
  • chaperonins have 3 domains
  • equatorial domain is the ATPase
  • intermediate domain is a flexible hinge binding
    of ATP and GroES causes the apical domain to move
    upward and turn about 90 to the side
  • apical domain is the polypeptide binding domain
    the binding site consists mostly of large, bulky
    hydrophobic residues
  • (determined by mutation analysis)
  • GroES binds to the polypeptide binding site
    displaces substrate into the cavity

Group I chaperoninfunctional cycle
  • large conformational changes occur upon ATP and
    GroES binding cavity interior expands 2 fold,
    hydrophobic residues in apical domain turn away
    from the binding site and the interior becomes
  • ATP --gt ADP transition is when folding takes
    place in the cavity when ATP is hydrolyzed, and
    ATP/GroES binds to trans ring (opposite the cis
    ring), GroES on cis ring dissociates and the
    polypeptide exits
  • the polypeptide may not be folded upon exiting
    it could undergo another round of folding by
    either the same chaperonin, another chaperonin,
    or another chaperone

GroEL mechanism of action
1. Multivalent binding of substrate 2. Unfolding
of substrate (controversial) - evidence that
non-native protein is unfolded further upon
binding to GroEL and hydrolysis of ATP 3.
Combination of multivalent binding, unfolding may
re-direct folding intermediates to proper folding
pathway once inside hydrophilic chaperonin
cavity 4. Infinite dilution??? (cage model)
Paper presentation (next 3 slides) Farr et al.
(2000) Multivalent binding of nonnative substrate
proteins by the chaperonin GroEL. Cell 100,
GroEL function single polypeptide
  • N- and C-termini of GroEL (chaperonins in
    general) are buried inside the cavity
  • construct is a fusion between all 7
    subunits--protein size is 400 kDa!
  • the fusion protein assembles properly as judged
    by em reconstructions
  • powerful tool for analyzing contribution of
    individual subunits to binding, etc.

GroEL function in vivo
  • strain with wild-type GroEL under control of lac
    promoter (inducible with IPTG)
  • without IPTG, strain growth arrests
  • growth restored when covalent GroEL (fusion
    construct) is present this represents a growth
  • other constructs were tested in the absence of
    IPTG o represents no growth, represents
    very slow growth

GroEL function in vitro
  • found that covalent GroEL was a bit less active
    at binding non-native proteins compared to
    wild-type GroEL mild protease treatment restored
  • experiment binding of denatured protein to
    various constructs, isolation by SEC, and amount
    of bound proteins quantitated

conclusions gt require at least two or three
GroEL subunits for binding non-native proteins
these should preferably be in positions 1-3 or
1-4 (i.e., not immediately adjacent) gt
ability of GroEL/GroES to fold substrate
followed similar pattern (not shown)
Group II chaperonin system
Group II chaperonin structure
alpha-helical protrusion
side view of top ring
apical domain
apical domain
side view of bottom ring
intermediate domain
intermediate domain
thermosome side view
equatorial domain
equatorial domain
comparison of GroEL/ES complex (one subunit of
GroEL, one subunit of GroES) with single
thermosome (alpha) subunit
8 subunits per ring 4 alpha, 4 beta subunits
thermosome top view
Group II chaperoninfunctional cycle
  • open or closed states of thermosome (archaeal
    chaperonin related to CCT) were determined by
    SAXS experiments in the presence of nucleotides
    (ADP, ATP) or ADP in the presence of inorganic
    phosphate (PO4, or Pi) to simulate ADPPi
    transition state
  • none of the studies have been carried out in
    presence of substrates assume open
    conformations can interact with substrate and
    closed state is involved in folding
  • ATP?ADP transition somehow causes large
    conformational change

CCT-actin em reconstruction
  • actin is composed of 4 subdomains, Sub1-Sub4
  • hinge between domains Sub3-Sub4 and Sub1-Sub2 is
  • ATP binds in cleft between large and small
  • actin cannot fold properly in the absense of ATP
  • CCT-tubulin reconstruction also done tubulin
    makes more contacts with CCT subunits

Evolution of chaperonins, prefoldin and
  • FtsA, actin homologue
  • FtsZ, tubulin homologue

Evolution of eukaryotes
  • CCT and prefoldin co-evolved essential for
    actin/tubulin biogenesis
  • actin and tubulin are essential components of
  • cytoskeleton is required for large number of
    cell processes unique to eukaryotes, including
    intracellular movements, engulfment, etc. etc.
  • hypothesis eukaryotes could not have evolved
    without CCT and prefoldin

Small heat-shock proteins
  • found in all three domains of life, usually in
    multiple copies
  • form large molecular weight complexes
  • consist of three distinct domains
  • can efficiently bind proteins on the aggregation
  • play important role in thermotolerance
    protecting proteins from aggregating under stress
  • cooperate with other chaperones (e.g., Hsp70) to
    renature proteins function, like that of
    prefoldin, is ATP-independent

Small Hsp crystal structure
- sizes of small Hsps range from 150 kDa to 800
kDa - smallest functional small Hsp is a
nonamer (trimer of trimer)
  • crystal structure from Methanococcus jannaschii
    Hsp16 small Hsp (first archaeal genome to be
    sequenced) (wheat and ? Structures now also
  • spherical shell composed of 24 subunits
  • 2-, 3-, and 4-fold symmetry
  • N-terminal domain (first 33 amino acids) were
    not resolved in the crystal structure these are
    likely to be flexible or disordered

Small Hsp surface view
  • immunoglobulin domain fold (same as PapD/ FimC)
  • dimer interface most extensive (building block)
  • C-terminal region is exposed on surface
  • N-terminal region faces interior of the oligomer
    (N-terminal region was not resolved in the
    crystal structure)

Wheat small HSP
End view
Side view
Dodecameric structure
van Montfort et al. Nature Structural Biology
Hsp33 the redox chaperone
  • exclusively bacterial induced during oxidizing
    (stress) conditions in the cell

oxidizing conditions (e.g., H2O2)
Hsp33/Hsp33 dimer
  • domain-swapped dimer (active form) inactive
  • activation dependent on redox condition in cell
    under oxidizing (stress) conditions, disulfide
    bridges are formed and dimerization takes place
    conserved cysteines
  • Hsp33 efficient in preventing protein
    aggregation in vitro

Jakob et al. (1999) Cell 96, 341.
Study questions
  • What is the main difference between in vitro and
    in vivo protein folding?
  • What do you understand by molecular crowding?
  • What are the effects of molecular crowding?
  • What is a chaperone?
  • What is the definition of a chaperone?
  • Explainn the action of a chaperone?
  • What is Gro?
  • Wha is its function?
  • Why is IPP important?
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