Title: ITS/CLO Partnership
1- ITS/CLO Partnership
- In IT Security Implementation
- By
- Kent Leung
- Chief Computing Officer
- Information Technology Services office
2ITS/CLO Partnership
- CLO Computer Liaison Officer
- DSO Departmental Security Officer
3Recommendations on IT Security from IAU
- IAU recommendations in April 2002
- Establish and enforce an Institutional Computer
Security Policy - Establish Security Incident Handling Procedures
4Recommendations on IT Security from IAU
- IAU recommendations in April 2002
- Assist Departments to develop Departmental
Security Policy, Guidelines and Procedures - Conduct security awareness and training
5Establish an Institutional Computer Security
- ITS promulgated the PolyU Computer Systems
Security Policy in 1999 - It is not only for ITS but for ALL users in PolyU
- Department has the responsibility to compliant
with - Endorsed by the internal and external auditors in
2000 - Endorsed by ITSC in April 2002
- Available on the PolyU Security Website
6Establish an Institutional Computer Security
- ITS promulgated the network policy for student
hostel in 2002 - http//www.polyu.edu.hk/its/services_facilities/HA
7Enforcement of the PolyU Systems Security Policy
- ITS reviews the PolyU Systems Security Policy
annually to cope with changing circumstances - Departments should also review departmental
system security policy annually to cope with
changing circumstances
8Enforcement of the PolyU Systems Security Policy
- Ensure all service providers comply with PolyU
SSP and departmental SSP - New services should comply with SSP before put
into production
9Establish Security Incident Handling Procedures
- ITS has in place security incident handling
procedures - ITS security team handles all security related
incidents, e.g., Virus infection, Hacking and etc - Lead by Mr. P.F. Chan
- Users only need to report IT Security related
incidents via HOTS - All cases kept confidential
10ITS assists Departments to develop Departmental
Computer Security Policy, Guidelines and
11Departmental Computer Security Policy, Guidelines
and Procedures
- Establish the scope of the Policy by identifying
the extent of IT assets - Information, service, software and hardware
- Perform risk and threat analysis on each
identified asset
12Risk Analysis
Information/Services Confident-iality Integrity Availability Max Tolerable Downtime (hours)
Network Infrastructure Network Infrastructure Network Infrastructure Network Infrastructure Network Infrastructure
Backbone Core 3 5 5 0
Internet Link 3 5 5 1
Network Management Network Management Network Management Network Management Network Management
Network Management 4 5 3 4
Internet Firewall and DMZ Servers Internet Firewall and DMZ Servers Internet Firewall and DMZ Servers Internet Firewall and DMZ Servers Internet Firewall and DMZ Servers
Webmail 4 4 4 1
Operation Services Operation Services Operation Services Operation Services Operation Services
Backup 4 4 3 24
Academic LAN Services Academic LAN Services Academic LAN Services Academic LAN Services Academic LAN Services
GroupWise 5 5 4 4
13Risk Levels
Rating Likelihood Level Description
5 Very High Expected to occur in most circumstances
4 High Should occur quite frequently but intermittently
3 Medium Should occur occasionally
2 Low Could occur at a few specific time
1 Very Low Could occur in exceptional circumstances
0 Not occur No occurrence probability
14Threat Analysis Summary
INFORMATION / SERVICES Masquerading System Compromise Communication Interception Denial of Service Virus or Malicious Code / Damaging or Disruptive SW Misuse of System Resources Improper Access to information Technical Failure of Services
Backbone Core Distribution M M
Internet Link H H M
Network Management M H
Internet Email and WebMail H H M H H
15Departmental Computer Security Policy, Guidelines
and Procedures
- Helps available from
- ITS (contact Mr. P.F. Chan)
- NetDefence
- Your own choice of vendor
16Departmental Computer Security Policy, Guidelines
and Procedures
- Decide in joint consultative meetings if the
PolyU Systems Security Policy is sufficient to
protect the perceived risks in the Department - If Yes, adopt and enforce the PolyU Systems
Security Policy - If No, add additional rules and guidelines for
17Departmental Computer Security Policy, Guidelines
and Procedures
- File copy of the Departmental Policy, Guidelines
and Procedures in ITS and IAU for record - The PolyU Systems Security Policy is the
minimum security standard that must be complied
by Departments
18Security Awareness and Training
- ITS/CLO shall conduct and encourage departmental
staff to attend security briefings regularly - ITS/CLO shall regularly brief their staff and
students of prevailing external threats, virus
attacks and the security update of the software
they are using
19What Has ITS Done?
- Access Control on Routers
- Use switches instead of hub in Campus Network
- Provide VPN Service
- Provide transparent proxy
- Maintain an IT Security Website
- Dedicated team on IT Security
20What Has ITS Done?
- Implement firewalls
- Require users to register their Web servers,
e-mail servers etc - Firewall Bypass Registration
- Firewall bypass requests effective from 29 Nov
2002 - If your department has not registered, all
firewall bypass rules will be removed - Remind and encourage users to change passwords
21What Has ITS Done?
- Provide anti-virus software on PC client to all
users - Implement virus filtering on GroupWise and Campus
E-mail - Require remote user to authenticate before using
PolyU E-mail servers - Send virus alert notices to all users
22The Role of CLO/DSO
- Advisor to the Department Head
- Partner of ITS
- Mentor on IT security issues in Department
- Departmental Representative on IT security issues
- Oversees Departmental IT security related matters
23The Role of CLO/DSO
- Oversees Departmental IT security matters
- Manage IP assignment
- Assign IP address within the departmental VLAN
- Keep an up-to-date list of the location, owner
and contact person of each IP address
24The Role of CLO/DSO
- Oversees Departmental IT security matters
- Coordinate departmental firewall registrations
- Examine and authorize firewall bypass
requirements - Maintain an up-to-date firewall bypass records
- Renew firewall bypass applications annually
25The Role of CLO/DSO
- Keep abreast of security updates on various OS
platforms - Alert departmental users on new virus attacks and
the latest anti-virus tools - Coordinate replies to security related queries on
attacks originated from the department
26The Role of CLO/DSO
- Provide information and assist in the
investigation of security incidents - Work closely with ITS on all security and IT
related issues - Report IT security incidents to ITS