Participatory Democracy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Participatory Democracy


Participatory Democracy & Good Governance for Labor Leaders Presentation at NANNM Orientation Program for Labor Leaders by E.O.ICHIMA,AMNIM,AMIMC,CMC – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Participatory Democracy

Participatory Democracy Good Governance for
Labor Leaders
Presentation at NANNM Orientation Program for
Consultant, Skillpath Consulting Abuja 09 780 32
86 0803 339 8100 0808 046
5510 /
the origin of the right to participation is
labor - ILO
Ground Rules
  • Switch Off Mobile Phones or Put Them on Meeting
  • No Unnecessary Movements/ Distraction
  • Listen Carefully
  • Talk One Person at a Time
  • Contribute to Improve the Program
  • Share Ideas/Participate
  • Socialize to Dissipate Stress

  • This paper will be delivered in three sub-modular
    format broken into
  • Participatory Democracy
  • Good Governance
  • Labor Leadership
  • Then a QA segment to round out the presentation
    will follow

Your Expectations from this Paper
  • Individually list one thing you expect to gain
    from this module and state why it is important to
  • __________________________________________________

Write your response down in the jotter provided
Goals of Management
  • The Management Wants
  • To survive and remain competitive
  • To grow and prosper
  • To achieve a favorable return on its investment
  • To effectively use human resources

Goals of Management
  • The Management Wants 2
  • To attract, retain, and motivate employees
  • To protect managements rights to make decisions
    and retain flexibility
  • To obtain a commitment from the union that there
    will be no strike

Goals of the Union
  • The Union Wants
  • The union to survive and remain secure
  • The establishment to grow and prosper as well as
    the union
  • To obtain a commitment from the establishment
    that there will be no lockout
  • The establishment to achieve a favorable return
    on its investment and return fair wages to

Goals of the Union
  • The Union Wants2
  • The establishment to effectively use human
    resources within the rules and policies of the
    agreement and to achieve job security and
    employment opportunities for members
  • The establishment to attract, retain, and
    motivate employees within the rules and policies
    of the agreement
  • To protect union and employee rights that were
    negotiated and included in the labor agreement

If these goals are at variance, the case for
participatory democracy makes a lot of sense!
Sub Module 1
  • Participatory Democracy

Definition and Overview
  • Participatory Democracy aka representation of
  • To participate means to contribute, chip in, take
    part, play a part
  • Concept has been over flogged and understood
  • Our concern is translate talk to action e.g.
    how can NANNM and government fashion out a
    better way of achieving MDGs related to health?
  • Where state or federal governments involve NANNM
    in participation, are these interactions open and
    predicated on transparency, full disclosure etc?

Definition and Overview 2
  • What was/is NANNMs input into the 2008 budget at
    states and federal levels?
  • Democracy - social equality or consensus
  • Democracy involves the process of power
    acquisition through popular mandate
  • Social dialogue among actors in the
    bipartite/tripartite process to reach a decision
    everyone is comfortable with

Definition and Overview 3
  • Is NANNM or NLC prepared to re-engage governments
    to build capacity in areas of common good?

Participatory Democracy
  • Representation of interests
  • A process of working together to achieve mutual
  • Mobilization of constituencies to input into the
    decision making engine
  • Social dialogue among the social partners
    government, labor and business

See more on interest next slide
UnionParticipationJob SecurityFair
WagesProtected RightsNo lockouts
ilityNo strikes
Common InterestsSurvivalCompetitivenessProfitab
Key Question
  • Can there be Democracy without Participation?
  • Democracy without Participation Dictatorship
  • Dictatorship breeds corruption, see the
    corruption equation
  • (MD) (AIT) C

How is AIT Achieved?
  • Consultations
  • Media Publicity/Newsletters
  • Adherence to the principle of consent with
  • Holding regular meetings at which leaders account
    for their stewardship
  • Campaign against evil culture of nepotism,
    partiality, bias, discrimination within the trade
    union movement and government circles
  • Ensure that trade union and government programs
    are conducted in the open

  • Ensure that both parties abide within the
    framework of union constitution and government
    democratic bylaws
  • Put aside/budget for enough resources for union
    activities during the budget
  • Provide education and value re-orientation
  • Increase active involvement of women and remove

Why Participation?
  • When left to decide what a father would consider
    good for a child, the father is never entirely
  • Emerging pressures downsizing, rightsizing etc
  • To include Unions in awareness-raising campaigns
  • To add voice, contribute to control of
    corruption, ensure accountability, governance
    effectiveness GAIT
  • Nurses elsewhere vs. nurses here are there gaps
    in IT skills, do they have standard CPD programs,
    special incentives?

Why Participation? 2
  • Lobbying and when necessary compelling government
    to listen/change their policies by developing
    position papers esp. when and where core labor
    standards are ignored
  • A forum to link the role of unions in collective
    bargaining to aims of sustainable development as
    a measure of policy coherence
  • Compare notes state by state, nation A and B
    globalised economy

Why Participation? 3
  • Make a case for ongoing research and learning as
    adopted by the global unions in year 2000
  • When negotiations ends in 50/50 or Either/Or
  • Privatization of social goods e.g. health and

Aspects of Participation
  • Problem Solving
  • Awareness Raising
  • Shared sovereignty in decision making
  • Opportunities to participate in decision making
  • Access to complete information necessary to make
    a decision
  • Guaranteed equal rights and respect for dignity
  • The right to minimum economic, health and safety,
    and environment standards
  • The right to a share in the economic value
    created by ones work

Factors Inhibiting the Flourishing of Trade Union
Participation With Government/Employers
  • Dictatorial tendencies on the part of some labor
    leaders that angers government and its
  • Resources constraints - lack of employee
  • Corruption -
  • Abuse of power tendency to become
    autocratic/act solely on the basis of self
    desire, self aspiration (climbers)
  • Pride and impunity

Some ILO conventions that relate to Participation
  • C.87 - freedom of association and protection of
    the right to organize
  • C.98 - the right to organize and to bargain
  • C.100 - Equal Remuneration Convention
  • C.111 - discrimination in respect of employment
    and occupation
  • Others are Conventions 29,105,138 and 182

Tasks/Concerns for NANNM on Participation
  • When we participate, is there any written
    guarantee that this participation will not lead
    to lay offs?
  • Is there any written guarantee right of
    protection from reprisal for employees/labor
    leaders who voice criticism on government?
  • Are state government health institutions
    implementing policies in accordance with the
    Yaradua six point agenda?
  • Is there a balance between Union and Management
  • Is your state governed by a do-it-my way or else

Sub Module 2
Good Governance
Good Governance
  • Public good and the promotion of overall welfare
    of society
  • How will people respond when your name is
    mentioned after your tenure?
  • As a leader, are you democratic, do you allow
    true participation
  • In the Union circle for example, it includes
  • does the state chairman carry his other officers
  • Does he/she seek the blessing of the national
    secretariat before taking certain actions?

Good Governance
  • Are state or national officers accountable or can
    be held accountable?
  • Is there a measureable level of trust ?
  • Are these leaders competent, men of character and
  • At or during meetings, are they in charge?
  • announce the intended duration
  • Set up ground rules
  • Allow all to speak
  • Sum up and leave the issue

Good Governance
  • Are you in constant touch with what is happening
    in every level of the Union/Association?
  • Do you think win win?
  • Can you apply/integrate BATNA and WATNA to
    achieve ZOPA?

Good Governance Fundamentals
  • According to Bello Imam (2004)good governance
  • Accountability of Leadership
  • Transparency in Decision Making
  • Openness in transaction
  • Observance of the rule of law
  • Popular participation in decision making -
    vibrancy of trade unions/third alternative

Bad Governance Indicators
  • I know it all dont dare to question me or my
  • Arrogance and constant self defense
  • People dont believe what you say
  • No open discussion or involvement
  • People will not tell you truth or provide you
    with vital information that might help you make
    better decisions
  • People will avoid implementing your ideas and
    subvert you authority

Sub Module 3
  • Labor Leadership

Sound Labor Leadership
  • What is sound labor leadership?
  • What kind of leaders is NANNM looking for?
  • Is it those that collect union dues and pocket it
  • Is it those that collect check off dues and
    refuse to send what belongs to the National
    Secretariat/National Labor Centre?
  • Is it a cabal that are not Gender sensitive?

Sound Labor Leadership 2
  • Did you study the contract or negotiation clause
    very well ask yourself, ask what does this
    phrase really mean? Only lawyers benefit from
    vague wording
  • Avoid lies and half-truths among your members
    remember, credibility once lost, can be
    impossible to repair

Sound Labor Leadership 3
  • At meetings, emphasize the things you agreed
    these are the points of common ground remember
    you need these agreements to solve disagreements
  • Control emotion when provoked anger kills
  • Avoid apologizing and adding a but qualifier
  • Accept apologies by others resist the urge to
    score points

Enemies of Union Leadership
  • Listening without hearing
  • Holding back not willing to commit yourself
  • Being locked in a box
  • Use of killer phrases weve already tried
  • Showing off what do you know in this matter
  • Lack of appreciation know that appreciation is
    a wonderful thing it makes what is excellent in
    others to belong to us as well it enables us to
    know how long the rainbow will last

  • Rearrange the following in order of priority
    during labor election
  • Education level of the contestant
  • Physique of the contestant
  • Relationship of the contestant with
  • Tribe
  • Experience in Leading people
  • Age of the contestant
  • Recommendation from management
  • Sex male or female

Duties of Labor Leaders at Work
  • As leaders representing a large number of people
    you have a duty of care for your members. These
  • To accept responsibility for members compliance
    with laid down rules and regulations
  • To advance, promote and defend the interest of
  • To regulate terms and conditions of employment
    with employers
  • To cooperate with management to create industrial
    harmony at work
  • Handling of demands to educate command group

Duties of Labor Leaders at Work 2
  • To keep its members in check from going on
    illegal strikes
  • Continued duty to bargain
  • Educate members to obey every lawful order and
    ethics of the nursing profession
  • Ensure that members use due care and skill
    commensurate with the standard they claim to
    possess and not to engage in anything that
    conflict with employers business

Loyalty to Your Union
  • In your own words, what does loyalty really mean?
  • Are you loyal/seen as loyal by your career and
    association bosses?
  • Do you discuss with the national office problems
    as they arise?
  • Are you managing the branch resources profitably?

One common example telephone
Phrases that Make/Mar Leadership
  • The six most important words I admit I made a
  • The five most important words You did a good
  • The four most important words What is your
  • The three most important words If you please
  • The two most important words Thank you
  • The one most important word We
  • The least important word I

  • For participatory democracy to take root at
    national and branch levels, elected persons must
    display elements of Good Governance through open
    and honest Leadership
  • Labor leadership character, competence and
  • The origin of the right to participate is labor
  • Democracy without participation Dictatorship

Final Word
  • The future depends on what we do in the
  • -- Mahatma Ghandi

Any Questions?
About Presenter
  • Since 1991, E.O. ICHIMA has been in the
    training and career development sector providing
    structured hands-on programs, packaging,
    developing and involved in the delivery of
    learning documentations.
  • He works as the Chief Executive Officer of
    Skillpath Consulting Service
    Inc an independent
    management consulting company based in
    Abuja Nigeria
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