Title: Dia 1
1National Agency Leonardo NL
ROC Aventus Promotor expertise
Zuidema co-ordinator expertise
JPC De Sprengen expertise
CSCS expertise
ISQ expertise
Wim van de Steeg Simone van der Donk (project
Co Middelweerdt (APL Centre)
Cees Bak Jon Dogger
Giovanni Crisona
Maria Margarida Segard
Pilot APL in Prison (to be transferred)
Day to day project management
Jolanda Botke Joris Rietman (project management)
Marieke Oudshoorn
2APL for youngsters in (juvenile) prison
ROC Aventus Using outcomes of APL for different
target groups
ROC Aventus Promotor of the Leonardo project
Has the portfolio lead to more continues
What is the added value of APL?
What is the added value outside prison of these
products (portfolio and APL)?
Design Research Promotor Simone van der Donk,
University of Twente Research question What are
the characteristics of an APL procedure for
youngsters in juvenile prison, focused on the
consistency and practicality.
- Literature Review
- - Definition APL
- Quality APL
- National procedure in Juvenile Prison
Need and Content Analyse - Expert opinion - Visit
JPC de Sprengen
- Portfolio design
- Focusgroup
- Interviews
- Design APL procedure
- Micro-evaluation
- Logboek
- Global design APL
- Focusgroup
- Interviews
- Summative Evaluation
- Online- questionaire
Formative Evaluation