Title: Global AIDS Program China-US Cooperation ??????? - ????
1Global AIDS Program China-US Cooperation
??????? - ????
2GAP Cooperation PrincipleGAP????
- Integrate with National Programs ????????
- Cooperation at all levels from National to
County ???????-?????? - Maintain flexibility ?????
- Multiple resource support service oriented
????????-?????? - Human resource ????
- Technical assistance linkage to US CDC
????-???CDC?? - Management and planning support
??????? -
3 GAP???????? China-U.S. Cooperation Provinces
4Estimated HIV Cases Known Unknown???????????
5 Recommend Key Strategy for China?????????
Prevention of 2nd Generation Transmission of
6 Surveillance the key to Prevent 2nd
Generation Transmission ?? -???????????
7Prevent 2nd Generation Transmission of HIV??????
Early Detection Early Management???
8Surveillance ??
RCT ????
???? Case Finding Mechanism
???? Surveillance
9???? Case Management Mechanism
RCT/VCT ?? ??
Care Treatment ?????
Risk Reduction ??HIV??
10Surveillance ??
RCTVCT ?? ??
Care Treatment ?????
Risk Reduction ??HIV??
11Experience of Year 1??????
Surveillance ????
- Rapid expansion of sentinel surveillance system
feasible - ???????????????
- RCT as part of the surveillance testing procedure
feasible - ??????????????????
- Expanded sentinel surveillance system
- ?????????
- A cost-effective case-finding mechanism
- ???????????
- Can provide provincial level of estimation of
HIV/AIDS - ??????HIV/AIDS ?????
12Surveillance ??
RCT ????
???? Surveillance
High Risk Groups ???? Expand the
existing Sentinel Surveillance System ???????????
IDU ??????? CSW ????
14 RCT ????
Surveillance ??
???? Surveillance
Low Risk Groups ???? Capture the routine Testing
results of Health services ???? ??????????? Blood
Bank ?? Hospital Admissions ???? MCH ???? STD
16???? - ??
- Surveillance sites the more the better
- ???- ????
- Targeting highest risk group
- ??????
- Testing as many people as possible at each site
- ???? ???? ??
- Develop a case-management system to assure
reduction of further transmission - ?HIV?????????,??????
17Surveillance Focus for 2005 ?? - 2005???
Toward Surveillance
Program Direction ????
RCT Adequate Management ???? ???? (???)
Informing ?? (??)
Routine Testing ????
Increase Sites ????
18 RCT as Intervention for High-Risk Groups
???? ?????????
19Surveillance ??
RCTVCT ?? ??
Care Treatment ?????
Risk Reduction ??HIV??
20Risk Reduction Intervention - IDU ??HIV????? - IDU
Needle Exchange ????
RCT ????
MMT ???
21 Target High-Risk Groups?????? RCT - Reach
In ??
22 Target IDU Groups?????? Add On - MMT
23 Target High-Risk Groups?????? RCT - Out
Reach ????-??
24Surveillance ??
RCTVCT ?? ??
Care Treatment ?????
Risk Reduction ??HIV??
25Care Treatment Focus for 2005 ?????-2005???
- Development of county-level treatment sites with
linkage to Case-Finding mechanism - ???????,???????????
- Support ARV treatment for IDU focus on MMT
sites - ????????????????? ??????????
- Implementation of OI prophylaxis
- ????????????
26Diseases that Might be Prevented by Cotrimoxazole
(SMZ) Prophylaxis?????? (SMZ) ???????
- PCP???????
- Toxoplasmic encephalitis?????
- Disease caused by S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae
????????????? - Disease caused by non-typhoidal Salmonella
- ????????????
- Staphylococcal disease????
- Isosporiasis??????
- Malaria??