Systems Analysis I System Implementation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Systems Analysis I System Implementation


Title: Software Project Management Author: glenn Last modified by: Glenn Booker Created Date: 6/23/1998 12:39:46 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Systems Analysis I System Implementation

Systems Analysis ISystem Implementation
  • ISYS 200
  • Glenn Booker

System Implementation
  • Now we get to actual creation of the system weve
  • Notice the text covers this fairly quickly,
    since many other courses are needed to cover the
    skills and concepts needed for implementation
  • Key aspects of implementation include how the
    information is distributed, providing user
    training, and choosing a good conversion strategy

Implementing Distributed Systems
  • Variations of client/server (C/S) networks have
    been widespread since the 1980s, and continue
    to evolve
  • In basic form, C/S refers to some system
    processing being done by a PC-based client
    application, while other parts are done on the
  • Now we tend to have many types of specialized
    servers instead of just one

Implementing Distributed Systems
  • Servers can include many varieties
  • File servers, to hold shared files
  • Print servers, to manage print jobs
  • Database servers, to run a shared database
  • Now we might add web servers to control access to
    our system, and various kinds of application

Types of Networks
  • The basic types of networks include
  • LAN Local Area Network, a typical home or
    office-sized network
  • WAN Wide Area Network, a corporate network
    which spans continents
  • WLAN Wireless LAN, a LAN which uses wireless
    (Wi-Fi) connections

Network Connections
  • Common network connections include
  • Ethernet cable, an 8-wire cable (RJ-45 plugs)
    similar to 4-wire phone lines (RJ-11)
  • Fiber optic cable, for Gigabit and faster
  • Thick and thin Ethernet cables are pretty

Organizing Networks
  • There are four major topologies (structures) for
    a physical computer network
  • Bus
  • Ring
  • Star
  • Hierarchical
  • They may be combined in some cases, such as a
    hierarchical top level structure, and stars used

Network Topology - Bus
  • A key function to achieve connectivity among
    computers is definition of the network topology
  • The bus is the simplest topology - it connects
    computers along a single line
  • A peer-to-peer (server-less) network uses the bus
    topology, with AppleTalk or Ethernet

Ring Topology
  • The ring topology connects computers in a loop,
    and passes packets of data from one computer to
    the next
  • IBMs Token Ring is the most famous example
  • Bad if a computer falls off the network hard to
    tell who dropped the packet

Star Network
  • Many clients may be connected to each server
    across a star network
  • The middle of each star is a server
  • Servers are connected to each other
  • Very common think of using a server for each
    department, and be able to control which
    departments can see each other

Hierarchical Network
  • This is a set of nested star networks, looks kind
    of like an organization chart
  • Generally the servers get smaller the further
    down the hierarchy
  • Sometimes used in very large corporations, where
    the biggest servers store company-wide or
    division-wide data

Network Modeling
  • A network for a system or an organization is
    developed to meet a need-to-know basis
  • Ensure people who need to see data can get to it
  • And those who dont need to, cant
  • Networks are generally broken into portions or
    segments which correspond to organizational units
  • One segment is the Accounting dept., another is
    the Human Resources dept., and so on

Network Modeling
  • Segments of the network are separated from each
    other by network hardware
  • Routers, switches, hubs, bridges, and other toys
    are the hardware involved
  • The type of hardware is chosen based on
  • The protocols involved
  • The distances between segments
  • The amount of logic or processing needed for

Cisco has some nice tutorials to help explain
the hardware in more detail
Network Modeling
  • Based on the type of network topology chosen, a
    network decomposition diagram (p. 628) can be
    developed to show the parts of a network, and who
    they can talk to easily
  • Different symbols can be used to show hubs at the
    center of each segment, key types of users,
    groups of related workstations, and external

Network Modeling
  • In contrast, a hub connectivity diagram shows the
    hubs of your network, and how far they are from
    each other
  • A more detailed version is the workstation
    connectivity diagram, which examines one segment
    (hub) and looks at the distances involved in its

  • Since computers were invented, the amount of
    distribution of data and processing functions has
    tended to go up without end
  • The ultimate incarnation is web-based computing,
    where both data storage and processing are
    distributed across possibly hundreds of computers
  • While this allows more flexibility and often
    better use of resources, it adds reliability and
    security issues

Training Users
  • As a system is being implemented, several key
    aspects of training need to be managed
  • While end user training is often considered,
    there may be other kinds of training needed
  • Training for other user roles, including managers
  • Training for support staff of the operational
    system (help desk, and system maintainers)
  • Training for those who will train users
    (train-the-trainer), if there are many end users

Training Users
  • Training may also be needed on commercial
    components of the system, so vendors may need to
    provide training on how their OS or bridge works
  • Training may be conducted by systems analysts,
    consultant trainers, or training staff within
    your organization

Conducting Training
  • Training needs to be planned carefully
  • Need to determine its objectives and methods
  • Need to determine where to conduct training
  • Need to develop training materials, and keep them
    consistent with the actual system
  • User training needs to be done before the system
    is implemented, but not so long that they forget
    what they learned!

System Conversion Strategies
  • To implement a new information system, you are
    presumably replacing whatever existing system (if
    any) and processes (whether manual and/or
    automated) that are currently performing the
    systems functions
  • Need to choose a conversion strategy
  • How to convert from doing things the old way to
    using the new system

System Conversion Strategies
  • There are about five types of conversion
    strategies to choose from (p. 636)
  • Direct changeover means the old system is used
    until a stated date and time, after that, the new
    system is used
  • Parallel conversion means that the old and new
    systems are used together for some period of
    time, until youre okay to shut off the old system

System Conversion Strategies
  • Gradual conversion tries to slowly phase in the
    percent of transactions handled by the new
    system, until it does everything
  • Modular prototype conversion means that the new
    system is developed in chunks of functionality
    when a set of functions are ready to be released,
    it becomes operational and that part of the old
    system is shut down
  • The distributed conversion strategy works
    geographically convert sites one group at a
    time until they are all done

Security Concerns
  • Both traditional and web-based systems have
    security and privacy issues
  • Security concerns can be divided into physical,
    logical, and behavioral
  • Physical security is making sure the computer
    facilities arent broken into, the computers
    dont get stolen, backup tapes dont grow legs,

Security Concerns
  • Logical security is within the system software
  • To ensure that users are validated,
  • Passwords expire and dont get reused,
  • Passwords are sufficiently complex
  • User access to system functions really is
    controlled by their security profiles
  • Firewalls on public Internet access points also
    fit into this category

Security Concerns
  • Behavioral security is avoiding compromise of
    your system from inside by its users
  • Screening potential employees
  • Making security policies clear
  • Monitor behavior which may compromise the system
  • Limit number of incorrect sign-on attempts
  • Monitor your own software activity and look for
    suspicious activities
  • Control distribution and/or encrypt system
  • Shred discarded system outputs

Internet Security
  • Basic aspects of Internet security include
  • Use and maintain virus protection software
  • Filter email from spam
  • Restrict Internet access by employees
  • Monitor network connections to the public
  • Encrypt anything passing through the Internet
  • The Rainbow Series of reports by the NIST is a
    widely used set of computer security standards

Privacy Concerns
  • Privacy has become a key public issue
  • Establish clear privacy policies, and follow them
  • Only get required information
  • Make personal information optional, if you must
    ask for it
  • Use anonymous sources about clients where
  • Be ethical

System Evaluation
  • Once the new system is fully operational, it is
    important to evaluate its success
  • Go back to the system objectives developed from
    the problems and opportunities analysis
  • Measure the quantities described in the
  • Customer satisfaction, system throughput, number
    of transactions, number of bad transactions,
  • Compare the measurements to the predicted values,
    and analyze differences between them
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