Title: Unidata and Oceanography Through the Ages
1Unidata and Oceanography Through the Ages
Rich SignellUSGS Coastal and Marine Science
CenterWoods Hole, MA NOAA Integrated Ocean
Observing System (IOOS) Program OfficeSilver
Spring, MD Unidata 25th AnniversaryOct 16, 2009
2Typical Ocean Model Grid(curvilinear structured
Curvilinear orthogonal horizontal coordinates
Stretched surface and terrain following vertical
3In the beginning (25 years ago)there was
4US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)
- IOOS Plan defines
- Global Component
- Coastal Component
- 17 Federal Agencies
- 11 Regional Associations
5Problem Each institution had a custom web page
display of model forecasts. How to compare to
data and to each other?
University of Maine
University of Massachusetts - Boston
6Data Interoperability System Design
7THREDDS/NcWMS Web Mapping Service for Quick
8 IDV for more sophisticated visualization
9NetCDF-Java Toolbox for Matlab for scientific
Data SST 2008-Sep-08 0732
- What did we get through the use of Unidata
technology? - Standards-based delivery of aggregated model data
with minimal burden on the data provider - Single point of access for regional model results
- Model data interoperability via standard software
- Multiple modes of access for users
- More eyes on the model results
- More usage of model results
- Faster feedback to modelers
- Improved models!
- We now have an IOOS THREDDS Catalog that points
to 17 THREDDS servers running in all 11 IOOS
Regions - So are we done? Well.
11Ocean Model Native Grid Type 2(triangular
unstructured grid)
12Unidata and Oceanography in the Future
- Develop support for unstructured grids Need a
new Scientific Feature type in the CDM, new class
and methods in NetCDF-Java, delivery via WMS in
TDS, and visualization in IDV. - Develop protocols and back end software in the
TDS to allow server side functions such as
subsetting and averaging functions. - Strengthen ties between Unidata, the Integrated
Ocean Observing System (IOOS), and the
NSF-sponsored Ocean Observing Initiative
CyberInfrastructure (OOI-CI) project. I hope to
play a role here
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24Thank You Unidata!
25Extra Slides
26- Matthew Arrott speaking at the Ocean Observing
Initiative CyberInfrastructure kick-off meeting
one month ago. This is a 40 million dollar, 5
year project, and there were approximately 100
people in the room) - "Let me explain why Unidata is here. Everytime I
go out in the field and look at the tools that
scientists are using, they are using Unidata's
tools. It is our view that how you get to the CI
will be through Unidata's tools. This is why you
see us speak more about infrastructure than about
application. We are not developing applications
that in conflict with the existing practices of
scientists. We are there to accelerate their
practices, to expand their practices. The best
way to do that is to deploy into the existing
operational context and Unidata represents one of
the strongest institutions in the country in
terms of supplying applications to the end users."
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34Temperature at 1 m depth
35Vertical transects along path