Title: The Northern Renaissance
1The Northern Renaissance
Fig. 2.1, Jan van Eyck, Man in a Red Turban
(Self-Portrait), 1433, Oil on Panel, National
Gallery, London
2What makes this image a Sacred one?
Fig. 2.2, Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Marriage,
1434, Oil on Panel, National Gallery, London
3Rogier Van Der Weyden, 1445, A Young Woman,
Berlin, Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Oil on Panel
4What shapes do the figures create formally?
Virgin St. John, Philadelphia Museum
Christ on the Cross, Philadelphia Museum
5The Protestants are coming!-1517
6Post RenaissanceMannerism
Agnolo Bronzino, Allegory (Venus, Cupid, Folly,
Time), 1545, Oil on wood, National Gallery,
El Greco, The Annunciation, 1575, Oil on Canvas
8Corregio, Jupiter Io, Oil on Canvas, 1532,
Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna
9El Greco, Holy Trinity, Madrid, Prado Museum,
1577-1579, Oil on Canvas
10El Greco, Christ Carrying the Cross, 1590-95,
Oil on Canvas, Cintas Foundation, NY
11Parmigianino, Madonna of the Long Neck, 1535, Oil
on Panel, Ufizzi Gallery, Florence