THE MISSION To encourage and demonstrate unity in the Body of Christ across racial and denominational lines so that communities throughout Mississippi can better understand the Gospel message - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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THE MISSION To encourage and demonstrate unity in the Body of Christ across racial and denominational lines so that communities throughout Mississippi can better understand the Gospel message


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: cobrien Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Overhead Other titles: Times New Roman Arial ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: THE MISSION To encourage and demonstrate unity in the Body of Christ across racial and denominational lines so that communities throughout Mississippi can better understand the Gospel message

(No Transcript)
THE MISSIONTo encourage and demonstrate unity in
the Body of Christ across racial and
denominational lines so that communities
throughout Mississippi can better understand the
Gospel message
THE VISIONTo be the leading resource and
catalyst for Christian reconciliation and racial
healing for Mississippi and the world.To work
with over two million Mississippians who are
members of a Catholic or Protestant church.
THE ACTIONMission Mississippi sponsors and
coordinates meeting opportunities for people of
different races and denominations to get to know
each other and serve the Lord together.
  • Tuesday and Thursday Prayer Breakfasts
  • Monthly Businessmens Breakfast
  • Pastors Prayer Fellowship Meetings
  • Monthly Ladies Prayer Luncheon
  • Mayors Leadership Prayer Breakfast
  • Grace is Greater Than Race Tour
  • Governors Prayer Luncheon
  • Statewide Unity Conference on Racial
  • Church Partnership Picnic
  • Clergy Spouse Appreciation Banquet
  • Pastors Retreats
  • Chapter Affiliate Development
  • Working with 25 different communities

Statewide StrategyTo develop a chapter or work
with an affiliate of Mission Mississippi in every
county or municipality in the state.
ChapterA group that has the Mission Mississippi
name and holds to our mission and vision. It is
a direct extension of Mission Mississippi.
AffiliateAn organization that is already
established and is doing similar work as Mission
Mississippi. Mission Mississippi networks and
partners with these groups. We serve as a
support for one another.
Principles For A Reconciliation Ministry
  • Dr. Dolphus Weary
  • Mr. Jon Elder

Create a Safe Atmosphere
  • Styles, personal preferences and denominational
    nonessential differences should be blended for
    sake of unity.
  • Avoid heavy issues discussion - especially early
  • Adjust length of meetings/activities.
  • Accept people like they are now.
  • Team building is essential to be Gods army and
    to build Gods Kingdom.
  • Practice flexibility and be willing to give up
    our rights.
  • A lot of patience and forgiveness is necessary.
  • Leave your personal agendas at the door.

Marathon Vs Sprint
  • Relationship building is a process.
  • Relationships take time.
  • God must change hearts, habits and minds and it
    takes time.
  • We must stay at the table through tough times and
    good times.
  • People look for a reason to leave the table.

Trusting Relationships Are Essential
  • Relationships are the glue that helps us deal
    with adversity.
  • Relationships with people different than us help
    us change, grow in character, and expand our
    understanding of Gods Kingdom.
  • A forgiving attitude is necessary.
  • Must get past surface for real relationship to
  • Smaller groups provide best opportunity for
    deeper relationships.
  • We must be willing to be transparent and give of
    ourselves if we want deeper relationships.

Relationship Driven Vs Activity/Event-Driven
  • Its not about numbers.
  • If the activities/events dont draw you to deepen
    trust relationships, they dont serve the purpose
    of Kingdom building.
  • Success is based on relationships that bring
    about unity and unity builds Gods Kingdom.
  • Have less activities/events early on focus on
    fellowship, prayer, casual atmosphere and smaller

  • Must choose to come together or wont happen in
    most of our everyday activities
  • Prayer and relationship building should be the
    focus early on.
  • Relationships are worth the effort.
  • Must be regular and consistent
  • Once or twice per year is not regular.
  • At least once per month or more to be regular
  • Unity of the Body is at stake so we must be
    intentional in our actions.

Accountability Structure of Diverse and Equal
  • Have folks from different denominations and races
    in leadership roles.
  • Everyone must be accepted as equals.
  • Must reflect many elements of Gods Body
  • Must have structure of checks and balances for
    decision making
  • Members must develop relationship of deep trust
    to make tough decision and deal with issues.
  • Guidelines must be worked out and written down.
  • Leaders must meet together regularly.

Prayer and Fellowship
are Essential
  • Activity without prayer will not last and be
  • Our ideas of how to pray are very different.
  • Must blend prayer styles to get folks to return
  • Fellowship time must be included.
  • It is worth the time to come together just for
    prayer and fellowship.
  • God can direct you to other activities when you
    pray and fellowship together.
  • A structure that enhances unity of the Body and
    Body life is the best long term.
  • Consideration of others is very necessary, i.e.,
    time, length of prayer, style of prayer.

Listen to Understand Not
Sell, Change or Convince
  • Main objective in a relationship, especially
    early on, is to understand the other person,
    i.e., feelings, position, hurts, etc. - not to
    correct, change or convince.
  • Listening must be learned it is not natural. It
    is essential for relational development.
  • We must learn how to talk to each other.
  • The more we understand, the better we can
  • Leave your soapbox and agendas at the door, i.e.,
    projects, hot buttons, issues that drive you. It
    is all about relationships.
  • In time God will lead to actions together.
  • To understand does not mean agreement.

Kingdom Building Requires Kingdom Thinking
  • Its all about building His Kingdom.
  • Must think about Gods Kingdom not ours.
  • Unity builds the Kingdom.
  • Belief system must change for habits to change.
  • Must see things from Gods perspective.
  • Focus on areas of agreement.

Churches in Long-Term Relationships
  • Partner churches give opportunity for breaking
    down walls and relationship building.
  • Must come together as equals no mission field
  • Identify areas that are already active and find
    ways to bring them together.
  • Must be regular and consistent
  • Regular is more than once per year.
  • The churches need to have some commonality.
  • The pastors must build close relationships of

Celebrate Small Victories!
  • Look for things to celebrate, i.e., new person
    attends, relationship grows, new church involved,
  • Dont focus on those who wont get involved or
    who leave the table.
  • Dont focus on negatives.
  • Dont focus on big events/activities for success.
  • Celebrate victories with others so they are

Open Churches
  • Free for all believers to attend for fellowship
    and worship
  • Free for own members to visit other fellowships
    without guilt and condemnation
  • Free to celebrate together with Gods Body, the
    extended family occasionally for the good of
    Gods Kingdom
  • Free to give up personal style preferences, i.e.,
    worship, etc. occasionally for the good of the
  • Willing to join others in mutual service -
    doesnt have to be our thing
  • Willing to celebrate other churches victories to
    build Kingdom

Christ In Us -The Unifying Factor
  • Christ, as our Lord and Master, is the one single
    common denominator for all believers regardless
    of denomination, race, worship style, culture,
    political party, etc. He makes us family.
  • Grace is Greater Than Race.
  • Christ trumps all else even politics.
  • It is His Kingdom we are to build Not Ours.
  • One Faith, One Baptism, One Church, One Body, One
    Christ in and through all WE ARE ONE FAMILY.

(No Transcript)
Round Table Discussion Questions    1.            
    Discuss the area of racism in the church. As
you see the church, is racism in the Body of
Christ a reality, just a perceived reality or not
a problem at all? How does the church in general
perceive the problem and how is it moving to find
a solution.      2.   What is being done to
address the issue of racial reconciliation in the
Body of Christ in your church community.    3.   F
rom what you just heard, discuss some of the
principles and methods Mission Mississippi is
using to deal with the issue of racial
reconciliation in the church. What would you add
to it or change for your community?   4.   Jesus
taught a lot about the Kingdom of God and taught
that we are to seek first His kingdom and His
righteousness. How does racial reconciliation
and unity of the Body of Christ relate to
building the Kingdom of God?
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