Title: ?S of Pure Substances, Isentropic Processes, and Property Diagrams
1?S of Pure Substances,Isentropic Processes,and
Property Diagrams
2?S of Pure Substances
- Can be calculated from defining equations
- However, very complicated.
- Generally use tables or EES
- Be careful mixing methods.
- can have different reference states.
3(No Transcript)
4T-s diagram for water
5Constant Volume Process
6Constant Pressure Process
7Isentropic Process
An adiabatic reversible process will be constant
However, an isentropic process is not necessarily
an adiabatic reversible process.
8Ideal pumps, turbines, nozzles, and diffusers
are isentropic and enable us to assign idealized
Because the turbine is isentropic, s2 s1 can
help us find the final state.
9Use of T-s diagrams
Entropy definition can be rearranged to dQint
rev TdS
Similar to dw Pdv is area under P-v curve.
10One Trivial Example
Isothermal processes are also easy to integrate.
11h-s diagram
?h part indicates the work out of a steady- flow
adiabatic turbine
?s part indicates the irreversibilities of
the process
12T-s diagram of a carnot heat engine
Wnet QH - QL