- Grant writing December, 2004
- Manuscript Submission January, 2005
- Establishing a Clinical Research
Career February, 2005 - Balancing career and family March, 2005
- Research Collaborations, academic
advancement April, 2005
Nicholas O. Davidson, MD Professor of
Medicine, Director, Divison of Gastroenterology, W
ashington University School of Medicine
DECEMBER 17, 2004
3General Principles of Grant Writing
- Funding trends
- Preparatory phase
- The application (NIH format), Budget
- Review process
- Tips for a successful grant
- My top ten lists
4Find out which agencies are soliciting grant
applicationsand note due dates!!
5NIH budget doubled since 1996
From http//grants2.nih.gov/grants/award/trends/bu
6Funding Trends NIH
7Success rate for new RO-1/R-29 applications by
New Investigators without prior grant support
8Preparatory Phase of Grant Writing
- Timing is critical in relation to your intended
publications. - Develop a hypothesis driven question.
- Insure resources (Mentor and collaborators are
key). - Determine which NIH institutes are requesting
applications. - Review proposals that have been funded.
- Review the application process in detail.
9 Anticipate what reviewers will ask
- General questions
- What is the central hypothesis? validity,
clarity. - Is the question important and novel? potential
impact - Are the specific aims logical and feasible?
10 More questions reviewers will ask
Specific questions
- Are the proposed experiments feasible?
- Is there compelling preliminary data?
- Is there a predictable flow to the proposal?
- Are the investigators qualified ?
- Are the facilities, environment and resources
11The Hypothesis
- Driving force for a strong application.
- Emphasize in both abstract and specific aims.
- Provide a strong rationale based on current
information. - Should further the field (biology,
pathophysiology, treatment). - Should be a recurring theme throughout the
12The Application
- Components NIH Format
- Title
- Abstract
- Research Plan
- - Specific Aims
- - Background and Significance
- - Preliminary Studies
- - Research Design and Methods
- - Human Subjects
- - Vertebrate Animals
- - Literature Cited
- - Consortium/Contracts
- - Consultants
13The Application
- Title
- Specific and detailed if possible
- Go for succinct rather than catchy
- 56 characters
- Dont change on a revision
14The Application
ABSTRACT DO THIS LAST..after completing your
research plan. Succinct, accurate description of
the proposal (200 words). State hypothesis,
objectives and importance of goals. State plans
and general methods to achieve these goals.
15The Application
- Research Plan Specific Aims
- Self contained description of your
objectives,in 1 page. - Must provide an organizational framework.
- Begin with a concise statement of the general
purpose and hypothesis to be tested. - Summarize your key preliminary or recently
published data. - Organize specific aims in sequential, numerical
format. - Restate these aims exactly in your experimental
16The Application
- Research Plan Background and Significance
- General Objectives
- Show how your research will increase knowledge .
- Demonstrate understanding of the field.
- Demonstrate that the questions are important
and novel. - Identify next logical steps for research.
- Specific Objectives
- Relate your preliminary findings to testable
hypotheses - Make direct connections between your findings
and your aims
17The Application
- Preliminary Studies/Progress report
- Key component of the proposal
- Objective is to convince reviewer that
- (i) Hypotheses are reasonable
- (ii) Proposed methods are feasible (establish
competence) - (iii) Preliminary data are novel and related
directly to proposal - (iv) All the aims have at least some preliminary
support -
18The Application
- Preliminary Studies/Progress report
- Must support the hypothesis and feasibility of
the project. - Must interpret results critically.
- Must be your own work (published or not), not
work of others. - Must describe new methods in detail.
- Must have clear figures and diagrams supporting
19The Application
- Research Plan Experimental Design and Methods
- Organize EXACTLY as worded in Specific Aims
page. - For each Specific Aim,you should detail
- Rationale
- Experimental approach
- Anticipated results, potential caveats
- Advantages of proposed new methods (include
consultants). - Possible pitfalls with alternative approaches.
- Possible future directions.
- Time line (year 01, 02, etc by aim)
20The Application
Research Plan Experimental Design/Methods
Blend into description of the experimental
approach. Methods you have published, can be
referenced and described briefly. Describe
new methods in detail. Justify. Include
consultants or collaborators for new methods.
Dont make the methods section the focus of your
21The Application
- Other components Research Plan (continued)
- - Human Subjects
- - Vertebrate Animals
- - Literature Cited
- - Consortium/Contracts
- - Consultants
22The Application
Formatting Page Length Adhere to
recommendations. Specific Aims 1
Page Background significance 2 - 3
pages Preliminary studies 6 - 8
pages Research design methods 10 - 13 pages
23The Application
Formatting Do not overcrowd pages.
Observe type size limitations (6 lines/inch, 15
characters/inch). Observe margins (1/2
inch). Attractive layout. Do not squeeze
into the allotted space (avoid dense text).
Proposal should easily convey your ideas to a
hurried reviewer.
24Reviewer Realities
Average time to review grant Range 6-10 hours
(read, critique, prepare written review)
Average number of grants per reviewer, per study
section 8-10
Range of total time commitment 50-100 hours
25(No Transcript)
Aim 2 TRA-1, TRA-2 interaction
Aim 3 Nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking NXF-1 and
Aim 1 Characterize nuclear protein complex
27Application cover letter
- OK to request or suggest
- Specific Institute (even OK to suggest more than
one) - Specific Study Section
- Indicate specific areas of expertise needed for
your application - Indicate any individual or group with a major
conflict of interest
NEVER OK To name desired reviewers
28The Budget
Modular Grants Modular grant application
initiated 6/99. Direct costs not to exceed
250,000/yr. Requested in 25,000
increments. Detailed budget not
required. Other support pages not required.
but be careful and do the math!! PI salary 2
FTE RAs Supplies First RO-1 awards generally
keep lt200K
29Summary Statement
- What is a summary statement?
- Summary of study section review
- Content
- -SRG action priority score percentile
- -recommended direct costs
- -two critiques
- -resume summary of discussion
30Summary Statement
- What is a critique?
- Written evaluation by primary secondary
reviewer with additional comments by reader - Three members of study section evaluate
application in-depth - Basis of critique
- -significance
- -approach
- -innovation
- -investigator
- -environment
- -overall evaluation
31Summary Statement
- Resume Summary of Discussion
- Additional comments by other study section
members on grant application - -may or may not be important
- Final summary of collective evaluation of grant
- -reflects study sections general views
- -may or may not need to respond to in
re-application - - occasional minority report
32Summary Review Criteria
Preliminary data Productivity CV, etc
Space/resources Collaborators
Will experiments work? And when they dont?
Impact on field?
Technique/Reagent Topic/Perspective
33Summary Statement Revision
- Approach to Revision of Application
- do not respond in anger to misunderstood
component(s) of grant - must respond on a point-by-point basis to
substantive concerns - respond to each component of critique (e.g.,
critique 1 2) separately - very likely same reviewers will re-review grant
or at least read response to critique
34Summary Statement Revision
- Approach to Revision of Application (contd)
- score/percentile of revised application is
dependent on response to previous review - if additional experiments/preliminary data
requested delay re-application until complete
35Summary Statement Revision
- Common Concerns on Critique
- not enough preliminary data to justify
hypothesis/specific aims - investigator doesnt have expertise to complete
approach to specific aims - techniques proposed wont answer
hypothesis/specific aims
36Summary Statement Revision
- Response to Critique
- if necessary, delay re-application until
convincing preliminary data generated - need to convince reviewers that environment
sufficient to accomplish specific aims - - may need letter of collaboration/biosketch
with new technique - -show new preliminary data
- ask help of local expert to access accuracy of
technique - -may need to revise approach
37Summary Statement Revision
- Response to Critique (contd)
- modify re-application so reviewer can assess
changes (underline, bold type) - provide update on status of submitted manuscripts
to show progress - make sure that response to critique is easily
identified in re-application
38Summary Statement Revision
- Response to Critique (contd)
- If portion of grant is misinterpreted, consider
revising to clarify in re-application - Communication is critical to convincing reviewer
of merit of grant - Take enough time to revise so application is
clear to reviewers
39Successful Grant
- 1. Hypothesis driven, solid foundation
- 2. Mechanistic, insightful, feasible
- Clearly illustrated
- Logical flow
- Thoughtful contingency plans
- Centered on strong preliminary findings
40Top Ten List
- 10 things to do to increase your chances of
getting funded
- Plan ahead. Outline aims and sketch out what the
ideal preliminary data set - for supporting studies would show. Do this 9
months in advance. Tough to do.
9. Focus on completing key experiments that will
complement preliminary data sets.
8. At least 6 months prior to deadline, share
your outline with mentor or senior colleague/
collaborator. Rework as necessary. Very tough
to do.
7. Finish and submit manuscripts 3 months prior
to deadline. Get letters, animal care
approvals, radiation safety forms and agreements
into a file.
6. Refine specific aims in line with preliminary
and published data.
41Top Ten List
- 10 things to do to increase your chances of
getting funded
5. Invest time in assembling figures and
diagrams. Use color. This pays dividends.
4. Focus on connecting preliminary findings to
current objectives. The goal is to fashion the
proposal into an extension of your current work.
3. Generate a series of paragraphs for background
and significance. Goal is to outline comprehensiv
e overview of field, placing your objectives in
context. The key is balance.
2. Challenge yourself to prioritize. What are
the five MOST important things you want to know
about your area of work? Eliminate 4 and 5.
Justify the top 3.
1. Stay on task. Details count. Leave time to
correct typos, paginate application.
42Top Ten List
- 10- things to avoid to increase your chances of
getting funded
- Starting writing less than two months prior to
deadline. Poor - planning shows. It takes time to write a grant.
9. Citing mostly your own work. Background needs
- Rambling background review. Its a grant, not a
review article. - Dont try and educate the reviewer. Stay focused
on your proposal.
7. Dangling anecdotes and oblique references to
interesting findings.
6. Too much text, not enough figures and
diagrams. But the figures have to be clear, well
illustrated and ideally stand alone.
43Top Ten List
- 10- things to avoid to increase your chances of
getting funded
5. Experimental plan with different wording than
4. Proposing aims for which there is no
preliminary data. Asking for trouble. Doesnt
need to be extensive, but something for all aims.
3. Trying to undertake too much in too many
areas. Particularly for new investigators.
Scope and focus are important disciplines.
2. Proposing experiments for which key reagents
have to be developed or are not yet in hand.
1. Aims built around microarray, proteomic or
other profiling methodology for which no a
priori hypothesis can be built. This leads
reviewers to use the F word.