Piaget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Anne Hungerford Last modified by: Anne Hungerford Created Date: 9/15/2003 11:23:47 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Piaget

  • Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development
  • Key Constructs
  • Schemes Knowledge structures
  • Simplest schemes are organized patterns of
    behavior, including reflexes
  • Ex sucking scheme looking scheme grasping
  • Become more complex with age and become
  •  Children play an active role in the development
    of schemes through their interactions with the
    environment (constructivist)

  • Organization Inherited predisposition to
    combine physical or psychological schemes into
    more complex systems
  • Ex infants combine looking and grasping into a
    reaching scheme

  • Adaptation Inherited predisposition involving
    two processes, assimilation and accommodation
  • Assimilation Interpret new experiences in terms
    of existing schemes
  • Ex Newborns and young infants try to suck many
    things, regardless of their suckability
  • Ex Child sees a camel at the zoo and yells

  • Accommodation Modify schemes to fit new
  • Ex Infants learn to modify their sucking
    depending on the object
  • Ex Child sees a camel at the zoo and yells
    Lumpy horse!

(No Transcript)
  • Object Permanence Understanding that objects
    continue to exist when they cannot be perceived
  • Infants have some understanding of object
    permanence at around 8 months (according to
  • Will search for a fully occluded (covered) object
    if they observe it being hidden

  • But still have difficulty solving visible
    displacement problems
  • A-not-B error Tendency to reach where objects
    have been found before, rather than where they
    were last hidden
  • Infants make this error until about 12 months of
  • According to Piaget, the A-not-B error occurs
    because infants do not have a full understanding
    of the permanent existence of the object
    independent of its spatial location and their
    actions on the object

  • Between 18-24 months, final stage of object
    permanence emerges (according to Piaget)
  • Can solve invisible displacement problems
  • One object serves as a symbol for a second
    object that is hidden from view

  • General Criticisms of Piagets Theory
  • Underestimates the role of specific experiences
    in affecting cognitive development
  • Ex Certain experiences (like formal schooling)
    may promote conservation and other abilities

  • Doesnt explain HOW cognitive development occurs
  • Concepts (i.e., schemes, organization,
    adaptation) are vague
  • Better description than explanation of childrens
    cognitive development

  • Portrays childrens thinking as being more
    consistent than it really is
  • Cognitive development occurs more gradually and
    shows more variation within children than
    Piagets theory allows
  • Ex Children can typically solve some
    conservation problems sooner than others

  • Underestimates the cognitive competence of
    infants and young children
  • Ex Object permanence??

  • Core Knowledge Theories
  • Hold that there are specialized learning
    mechanisms that allow infants and young children
    to acquire certain types of knowledge quickly
  • Ex Knowledge about object properties such as
    solidity and continuity
  • two objects cannot occupy the same space
    objects follow continuous paths through space

  • Infants/young children develop naïve theories
    in certain domains (areas) based on these
    specialized learning mechanisms
  • Ex theory of physics (knowledge of physical
    properties of objects)
  • Domains of core knowledge have evolutionary
  • Exs knowledge of people , knowledge of living
    things, knowledge of objects

  • Violation of Expectation Method
  • Based on assumption of infants preference for
    novel stimuli
  • Habituate infants to a possible physical event
  • Habituation Decrease in response due to
    repeated presentation of a stimulus
  • Present a possible and impossible event
  • Measure infants looking time to each event
  • Pits novelty of a stimulus against impossibility
    of an event

  • Baillargeon, Spelke, Wasserman (1985)
  • Infants were habituated to a screen rotating up
    and then down 180 degrees
  • Test trials Object was placed behind the screen
    to block its path
  • Screen rotated 112 degrees (possible event) or
    180 degrees (impossible event)
  • Infants looked longer at impossible event, even
    though possible event was (arguably) more novel

  • Based on findings using the violation-of-expectati
    on method with very young infants, core knowledge
    theorists claim that some types of object
    knowledge are innate or emerge very early without
    direct experience with objects

  • Issues
  • If infants are not fully habituated initially,
    may show a preference for the familiar stimulus
    during test trialsthe more familiar stimulus is
    also the impossible event
  • Some evidence indicates the presence of
    familiarity effects

  • Other factors may also be confounded with the
    possible and impossible events
  • Ex Degree of movement

  • Should infants looking behavior be attributed to
    higher-order cognitive processes or does it
    reflect more basic perceptual processes (e.g.,
    preference for novelty or familiarity)?
  • Perception and knowing are not the same thing. .
    . A person can regard an event as odd without
    knowing why (Haith, 1998)

  • Why does young infants behavior differ from
    older childrens behavior?
  • Ex If young infants have object permanence,
    then why dont older infants search for hidden
    objects, make the A-not-B error, etc.?

  • Conclusions (Cohen Cashon, 2006)
  • Evidence is mixed and has been used both to
    justify core knowledge theories and more
    traditional Piagetian explanations of object
  • Researchers should focus on understanding the
    process of acquiring object permanence, rather
    than treating it as an all-or-none phenomenon

  • Microgenetic Designs
  • Designed to answer questions about how learning

  • Three essential characteristics
  • Observations are made across a period of rapidly
    changing competence in a particular area
  • Within this period, the density of observations
    is high relative to the rate of change
  • Observations are analyzed intensively to infer
    underlying processes

  • Microgenetic studies typically involve
  • Relatively small numbers of participants (or
    single subject designs)
  • Trial-by-trial assessments of childrens
    strategies for solving particular types of
  • Behavioral observations of strategy use (often
    supplemented with self-reports in children 5
    years and older)

  • Overlapping Waves Theory (R. S. Siegler)
  • Microgenetic studies across different areas
    consistently indicate that childrens thinking is
    highly variable
  • For example
  • Different children use different strategies
  • Individual children use different strategies on
    different problems within a single test session
  • Individual children use different strategies to
    solve the same problem on two occasions close in

  • According to Overlapping Waves Theory
  • Development is a process of variability, choice,
    and change
  • Children typically know and use varied strategies
    for solving a given problem at any one time
  • With age and experience
  • Relative frequency of existing strategies changes
  • New strategies are discovered
  • Some older strategies are abandoned

  • Children usually choose adaptively among
  • Choose strategies that fit the demands of the
    problem given the strategies and available
    knowledge that children possess
  • Choices of strategies become even more adaptive
    with experience in a particular content area

  • According to OWT, cognitive change can be
    analyzed along five dimensions
  • Source of change (causes that set the change in
  • Path of change (sequence of knowledge states or
    predominant behaviors that children use while
    gaining competence)
  • Rate of change (how much time or experience
    separates initial use of a new strategy from
    consistent use of it)
  • Breadth of change (how widely the new strategy is
    generalized to other problems and contexts)
  • Variability of change (differences among children
    in the other dimensions of change changing set
    of strategies used by individual children)

  • Siegler (1995)
  • Examined effects of training on strategy use for
    number conservation problems (N45 54-73 mos.,
    mean 5.17 years)
  • Could add more buttons and make one line a
    different length could take away buttons and
    make one line a different length or could change
    the length of the line and not add or take away
    any buttons
  • Random assignment to one of three training
  • Feedback only (answer correct/incorrect)
  • Feedback plus explain-own-reasoning (How did you
    know that? followed by feedback)
  • Feedback plus explain-experimenters reasoning
    (Feedback followed by How do you think I knew

  • Findings
  • Different Types of Strategies (Explanations)
  • Relative Length Compare lengths of two rows
  • Type of Transformation Objects added/subtracted
    or just moved around
  • Counting
  • Dont know

  • Over the course of the experiment
  • Frequency of length strategies decreased
  • Frequency of transformation strategies increased
  • Frequency of counting remained consistently low
  • I dont know first increased and then decreased

  • Source of change
  • Combination of feedback and explain-experimenters
    -reasoning led to greater learning than feedback
  • Path of change
  • Children relied initially on relative length,
    then abandoned this strategy but did not adopt a
    consistent alternative, then usually adopted the
    type of transformation strategy

  • Rate of Change
  • Most children required multiple sessions to
    progress from initial use to consistent use of
    the transformation strategy
  • Breadth of Change
  • Relatively narrow (low generalizability)
  • Even some of the best learners continued in the
    final session to offer relative length
    explanations (rather than transformational
    explanations) when the longer row also had more

  • Variability of change
  • Substantial variability within and between
  • Within children Only 2 of children relied on a
    single strategy throughout the study 70 used
    three or more strategies
  • Between children Individual differences in
    learning could be predicted by two pretest
    measures (total number of strategies used,
    whether two strategies were ever used on the same
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