Title: Piaget Siegler
1Piaget (Siegler Alibali, Baillargeon)Next
time Continue Piaget Information Processing
(Siegler Alibali)
2Flavell, J. H. (1963). The developmental
psychology of Jean Piaget. Princeton, NJ Van
Nostrand.Ginsburg, H., Opper, S. (1988).
Piagets theory of intellectual development (3rd
ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice
Hall.Chapman, M. (1988). Constructive
evolution Origins and development of Piagets
thought. Cambridge, Eng. Cambridge University
- Historical Overview
- Sources for Work
- Basic Concepts
- Stages
- Cognitive Change
- Follow-Ups and Evaluation
4Biological Concepts
5Biological Concepts
6Biological Concepts
7Biological Concepts
- Organization
- Structures
- Stages
8Biological Concepts
- Organization
- Structures
- Stages
- Adaptation
9Biological Concepts
- Organization
- Structures
- Stages
- Adaptation
- Assimilation
10Biological Concepts
- Organization
- Structures
- Stages
- Adaptation
- Assimilation
- Accommodation
11Sensorimotor Period (c 0-2)
- Schemes
- Action
- Representation
- Object Permanence
12Sensorimotor Period (c 0-2)
- Schemes
- Action
- Representation
- Object Permanence
- Decentering
13Sensorimotor Period (c 0-2)
- Schemes
- Action
- Representation
- Object Permanence
- Decentering
- Invariants
14Preoperational Period (c 2 - 6 or 7)
- Symbolic Ability
- Egocentrism
- Centering
16Concrete-Operational Period (c 6 or 7- 11 or 12)
- Conservation
- Classes
- Relations
17TransitivityA B, B C, A ? CA gt B, B gt C,
A ? C
18Concrete-Operational Period (c 6 or 7- 11 or 12)
- Conservation
- Classes
- Relations
- Operations
19TransitivityA B, B C, A ? CA gt B, B gt C,
A ? C
20Formal-Operational Period (c 11 or 12 --)
- Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning
- Reversal in the Relation between Reality and
Possibility - Decreased Dependence on Immediate Reality