Change our life ! Change our society! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Change our life ! Change our society!


Disability was considered as private issue. ... 900 USD per month, ... Awareness raising on PWDs needs at public spaces and events. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Change our life ! Change our society!

Change our life !Change our society!
  • Chun Chieh Lin
  • New vitality Independent Living Center, Republic
    of China (Taiwan)

Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • Area 36,000km²
  • Total population23,000,000
  • Population of PWDs 1,100,000 4.7
  • House92.96
  • Residential institutions7

  • In 1970s, bureaucratic government controlled the
    media. There was not freedom of speech.
    Disability was considered as private issue.
    Hence, PWDs were treated as if the burden of
    family and society. There were institutions for
    blind persons which were established in the era
    of Japanese occupation and also those for
    children with disabilities run by churches.
    Traditionally, disabilities were assumed as a
    result of sin in the previous life. However,
    since Christian considered PWDs were children of
    God, the number of Christian institutions was
    increased. Church-family-expert established many
    organizations for PWDs.
  • In 1971, Republic of China (Taiwan) withdrew from
    the United Nations. Its participation into
    international activities became difficult. This
    limited the available information on PWDs.
  • In 1980, disability welfare law was enacted.
    There were movements for improvement of
    accessibilities or protesting rejection of PWDs
    enrollment to universities and employment as
    civil servant. These movements, however, were
    mainly for persons with mild disabilities
    organized by family and experts.
  • In 1992, the government permitted immigration of
    foreign workers (from South East Asia, especially
    form Philippines and Indonesia). PWDs employed
    these workers by self payment, about 600 900
    USD per month, as 24 hour and live-in care
    attendants. The government neglected its
    responsibility on personal assistance.
  • In 1997, Handicapped Welfare Act was amended as
    People with Disabilities Protection Act.
    Discriminative term Handicapped was no longer
  • In 2007, People with Disabilities Rights
    Protection Act was newly established. PWDs could
    use public transportation in half-price, and
    domestic flight in free. (New Vitality
    Independent Living Center, Taipei, was
  • In 2008, the national pension system started.
    Persons with severe disabilities who cannot work
    have about 120 USD per month. (Average salary of
    university graduate is about 800 USD per month.)
  • In 2011, the government introduced ICF
    (International Classification of Functioning,
    Disability and Health). It also introduced
    articles on independent living and support
  • In 2012, the system of independent living was

Medical treatment in Japan
Self-IntroductionI was born in 1980
  • I lived in community with family. However, I was
    segregated from society in several occasions.
  • Even segregated, I tried to be like a person
    without disability.

I joined Duskin Leadership Training .
2006 The First IL Seminar in Republic of China
  • This is the first independent living seminar
    organized with initiative of PWDs.
  • 100 people participated.
  • We invited Japanese persons with severe
    disabilities with PAs for lectures on IL
    movements and services.
  • There were many media coverage of the seminar.
  • Preparation group of IL Center was launched.

Provision of service Home visit / IL program /
Peer supportSocial movement Lectures on IL
philosophy at schools and organizations /
Accessibility / Negotiation with government on PA
service / Advocacy / Workshop
The center was established in 2007. We received
the fund support from Japan. In 2008, we started
PA service and IL program with fund from the
community chest. In 2009, the fund for PA service
stopped. In 2011, the fund for IL program
stopped. In 2012, the system of the government
Provision of PA Service and IL Program
  • PWDs who were segregated in a house for long
  • PWDs who were segregated from the society and
    contained in institutions for long years.
  • PWDs who were segregated from the society even
    though they lived in community.
  • 20, 30, 40 years.

Lets play together!
Lets go to movie theater!
Lets get on board!
We change the society!
Seminar / Workshop / Training
  • 2006 Republic of China (Taiwan) -Japan
    Independent Living Seminar
  • 2006 Independent Living Workshop
  • 2007 Workshop for Human Rights and Abuse
  • 2008 International IL Seminar
  • Republic of China (Taiwan)-Japan
  • on Independent Living of PWDs
  • 2010 Peer-counseling Workshop
  • Republic of China (Taiwan)-Japan IL Seminar
  • 2011 Republic of China (Taiwan)-Japan Disability
    Leadership Training
  • Republic of China (Taiwan)-Japan Personal
    Assistant Training

  • Publication 4 books and 2 videos

Media Coverage
Asia Try
  • 2007 Asia try in Korea
  • 2009 Asia try in Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • 2011 Asia try in Mongol

Overseas Training Programs
  • 1. Training for PWDs
  • 2. Training for PAs
  • 3. Training for CIL staffs

Power of PWDs
Participation into Policy-making
Nothing about us,without us!!
  • 1. Negotiation for the right of PWD to board an
    airplane without attendant.
  • 2. Demand for accessible transportation
  • 3. Awareness raising on PWDs needs at public
    spaces and events.
  • 4. Demand for the rights of PWDs to participate
    into government meetings.
  • 5. Demand for PA service for independent living
    of persons with severe disabilities in community.
  • 6. Demand for personal assistance at working

Present Situation
  • 1. The article 50 of People with Disabilities
    Rights Protection Act says services for
    independent living must be provided.
  • 2. Under this article, Chinese government
    budgeted 7,000,000USD for nation wide independent
    living pilot project which started on July 11.
  • 3. This project has programs of PA service and
  • 4. Persons with the most severe disabilities,
    however, can only receive 60 hours of PA service
    per month. (Home help service provides 90 hours)
  • 5. Project programs are not enough PWD centered

  • 1. Many people still believe the issues of PWDs
    are responsibility of family.
  • 2. Difficulty of PWDs in transition from
    segregated life to participation into the
  • 3. Participation of persons without disabilities
    into the movements is still small.
  • 4. Power of experts and families is strong.
  • 5. Awareness of Chinese society to the human
    rights is weak.

New IL Center was established in Kaohsiung this
There are several preparation groups Tainan,
Taichung, Chiayi
  • 2007-2010
  • Dissemination of the philosophy of independent
  • Empowerment of PWDs by introducing IL services
  • 2011-2015
  • PWDs social participation and influence to
  • Establish national association of IL centers!

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