Title: In the Forest of S. T. Shrew
1In the Forest of S. T. Shrew
- From Project Learning Tree
- Lesson .pdf format
- Lesson .doc format
Created by Joy Buckingham 11-21-07
2You are going to meet some of the characters of
In the Forest of S. T. Shrew.
You are also going to see the setting of part of
the story.
3Shrew The shrew is one of the smallest, but
also one of the fiercest, mammals. It attacks and
kills prey several times its size. The young,
(four to five in a litter), are born in a hollow
stump, log, or burrow, and can fend for
themselves within a month. Its life span is a
short one and a half years at the most. The
short-tailed shrew, with its stubby tail, is one
of the most common mammals of the eastern woods
of Canada.
4 The millipede is a slow-moving, elongated
animal, usually with 30 or more pairs of legs.
Generally, millipedes are found under bark,
stones or old boards, or in damp rubbish. Their
food is decaying vegetable matter. The adult has
a segmented body and an exoskeleton.
5Nuthatch The nuthatch is a large-headed,
short-tailed, short-legged, tree-climbing bird
that eats insects from the bark of trunks and
limbs. It is acrobatic and is equally at home
climbing up, around, or down a trunk head first.
Nuthatches often flock with chickadees and
titmice. Their wings extend nearly to the tip of
their tails. Their flight is jerky.
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11Black Beetle
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17Orange Fungi
18Red lichens
19Tiny trees?
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