The Knowledge Technology of I-MASS (EC IST Research) Communication, Computing and Interactive Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Knowledge Technology of I-MASS (EC IST Research) Communication, Computing and Interactive Networks


The Knowledge Technology of I-MASS (EC IST Research) Communication, Computing and Interactive Networks Peter J. Braspenning – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Knowledge Technology of I-MASS (EC IST Research) Communication, Computing and Interactive Networks

The Knowledge Technology of I-MASS (EC IST
Research) Communication, Computing and
Interactive Networks
  • Peter J. Braspenning
  • Local I-MASS group
  • Peter-Paul Kruijsen, Gabriel Hopmans Peter J.
  • Communications Research Semiotics
  • University of Maastricht

Signs Meanings
  • Introduction
  • What is (Computational) Semiotics?
  • Semiotic Framework
  • Logo of CRS
  • Communication Process among People
  • Perceive-Act Pathways
  • Multi-Modal User Interface
  • Semiotic Engineering
  • Cognitive Engineering
  • Agent-Oriented Modeling
  • Systems Modeling via Multi-Agent Societies
  • Computational Semiotics for Agent Technology
  • Knowledge Landscape VRR
  • Conclusions

What is Semiotics?
  • Semiotics discipline of combining the theory of
    signs (representa-tions), symbols (categories),
    and meaning extraction. It is an in-clusive
    discipline which incorporates all aspects of
    dealing with symbols and symbolic systems,
    starting with encoding and ending with the
    extraction of meaning.
  • Mathematical tools of semiotics include those
    used in control scien-ces, pattern recognition,
    neural networks, artificial intelligence, and
    cybernetics. Unified use within a computational
    semiotic framework leads to better treatments of
    the complexities (com-munication and computation)
    inherent in advanced intelligent systems.
    Semiotics is a strongly emerging
    multi-disciplinary field of study around a new
    paradigm for surpassing the classical mind-body
    dichotomy by focussing on all processes in which
    the triad object-sign-interpreter plays an
    essential role.
  • The pervasive use of icons in the interaction
    with communicative virtual environments (CVEs),
    is also part of Semiotics. A lot of different
    kinds of signs are exchanged while communication
    takes place.

What is Semiotics? (continued)
  • Semiotics is devoted to studying COM-MUNICATION
    representations, their interpretation and usage
  • It investigates SIGNS and the processes by which
    we take them to mean something to us and expect
    them to mean something to others
  • It investigates the resolution of meanings in
    conversations, collective discourse and culture
    in general
  • Semiotics also covers non-human commu-nication
    processes such as that of animals and
    machines/artificial systems

Semiotic framework
  • Peirce sign something standing for something
    else for somebody in one or more respects
  • interpretant
  • sign object
  • Components of Symbol System
  • Schuyt
  • interpretation system
  • groups acts events

Logo of CRS
Communication Process among People
Unlimited semiosis
I like guys with dark hair
message (signs)
Perceive-Act Pathways
Semiotic Engineering perspective of HCI
  • design intention
  • interaction principles

Cognitive Engineering
usage model
system image
Cognitive Engineering xSemiotic Engineering
Cognitive Engineering
Semiotic Engineering
Semiotic Engineering and Interface Evaluation
  • Communicability Concept
  • Communicability is the property of software that
    efficiently and effectively conveys to users its
    underlying design intent and interactive
  • The communicability evaluation method allows
    designers to appreciate how well users are
    getting the intended messages across the
    interface and to identify communication
    breakdowns that may take place during interaction

Assessing Communicability
Agent-Oriented Modeling (issues)
  • Intelligent Agent an assistant that takes care
    of many gory details of many mundane tasks
  • Additional properties are autonomy, sociability,
    and a human-like communication
  • Often able to adapt to user's interests, habits
    and preferences
  • Enabled to communicate with other agents it is
    potentially entering role-taking behavior and
    social commitments with other agents that allow
    it to function in a society of agents
  • Multi-Agent System bring such agents together in
    a kind of abstract society, wherein coordination,
    cooperation and/or collaboration are of paramount
    importance in order to solve problems that no
    single agent could handle on its own
  • FIPA specifications represent a collection of
    standards, which are intended to promote the
    interoperation of heterogeneous agents and the
    services that they can represent.

Systems Modelingvia Multi-Agent Societies
  • One has to decide how to provide efficient
    inter-agent communication support, what language
    should the agents talk, should the agents be
    stationary or mobile, and what technology should
    be used to build the architecture
  • At present, there are not much experience reports
  • Architecture of a multi-agent system can
    naturally be viewed as a computational
  • Additional organizational concepts
  • organizational rules,
  • organizational structures, and
  • organizational patterns

Systems Modelingvia Multi-Agent Societies
  • I-MASS uses MASs perspective not just as a
    framework for inter-action, but more as forming
    abstract societies consisting of agencies
    (comparable to societal institutions), complex
    agents (in the sense of consisting of simpler
    agents), and agents (roughly comparable to
    individuals in a societal context).
  • We try to deal with content inter-operability
    issues at different abstraction layers of
    syntactics, semantics, pragmatics and social
    world. These layers fit into a coherent semiotics

Computational Semiotics for Agent Technology
  • Coordination is cen-tral to building MASs
  • Coordinating behav-iors in MASs are often
    realized by forming groups in which both control
    and data are distri-buted.
  • Therefore, agents have to have some auto-nomy in
    performing their actions.
  • However, this autono-my may lead to
    un-coordinated activities due to uncertainty
    about the actions of each of the agents.

The relationship between uncertainty and the
situation that the agents have to handle
  • The uncertainty lowers as the familiarity of the
    situation that needs to be handled increases!
  • Therefore, it makes sense to develop a framework
    in which agents know how to handle routine,
    familiar, and unfamiliar situations

Co-ordination among agents guiding principles
  • Coordination among agents is easier to esta-blish
    in routine than in unfamiliar situations
  • In general, communi-cation between agents will be
    more needed in unfamiliar situations than in
    routine situations.

Needed an agent-architecturein which three
kinds of interaction are adressed
  • Conceptual models J. Rasmussen, Information
    Processing and Human-Machine Interaction An
    Approach to Cognitive Engineering, 1986
  • skills
  • rules
  • knowledge
  • The knowledge representation should be adapted to
    these kinds of interactions.

Computational scenario
  • First, perceived information from the environment
    leads the agent to execute an action if the
    correspond-ing situation is perceived in terms of
  • If this is not the case, the agent tries to
    recognize the situation. It can recognize the
    considered situation in terms of an action or in
    terms of a goal. In the first case, it tries to
    execute the corresponding action, and in the
    second case it invokes the planning module.
  • Finally, if the agent faces an ambiguity and
    cannot come to a decision, or faces many
    alternatives, then it invokes the decisionmaking
    module (based on a Cognitive Map) to make a
    decision in order to commit to achieve a goal or
    an action. A goal leads an agent to plan, that is
    to produce a sequence of actions that achieve the
    chosen goal.

Three levels of control of human behavior
perception recognition decision planning
execution perception recognition decision
execution perception recognition planning a
  • Knowledge

perception recognition planning b
execution perception recognition execution
perception execution
B. Chaib-draa P. Levesque, Hierarchical Model
and Communication by Signs, Signals and Symbols
in Multiagent Environments, 1998
a the planning process adapts old cases to the
new situation, and the adaptation is significant
b the planning process adapts old cases to the
new situation, and the adaptation is generally
Signals, Signs, and Symbols
  • Signals can be viewed as data representing
    timespace variables from a dynamic, spatial
    configuration in the environment and they can be
    processed directly by the agents as continuous
    varia-bles. In communication by signals, the
    signal delivered by an agent i has the end of
    simply being a releaser for the receiving agent j
    -- of simply eliciting a reaction by j. That is,
    the signal generally invokes a stimulus or a
    reaction, without passing through the memory (a
    data base in this model).
  • Signs indicate a state in the environ-ment with
    reference to certain norms for acts. In the case
    of communication by signs, the sender makes a
    sign which refers to some state of environment
    and which has the end of signifying, of letting
    the receiver knows the same reference. Of course,
    the sender and the receiver should share a set of
    signs with their references in order to
    communi-cate efficiently. For instance in urban
    traffic, communication between a driver and a
    policeman at a crossroad is generally done by
    signs. The policeman makes a specific sign which
    refers to a certain action and which is addressed
    to certain driver(s). The addressee(s)
    recognize(s) the reference of this sign and
    activate(s) stored patterns of behaviors.

Signals, Signs, and Symbols
  • Finally, agents can also communi-cate by symbols.
    Symbols repre-sent variables, relations and
    properties and can be formally processed. They
    are abstract con-structs related to and defined
    by a formal structure of relations and processes,
    which according to convention can be related to
    features of the external world.
  • In urban traffic for instance, a dialogue between
    a policeman and a driver in natural language
    reflects a symbolbased communication. Another
    example of symbolic communication is honk the
    car horn'', etc.
  • Information at knowledge and rule levels can act
    as symbols depending on the situation and the
    language used for com-munication. In familiar
    situa-tions corresponding to the rule level,
    agents can use a specific language (derived or
    not from a natural language). This lang-uage is
    generally constructed from repeated activities.
    When unfamiliar situations occur, agents do not
    dispose of any operative knowledge nor of any
    specialized language. They must then make use of
    a non specialized language (for example natural
    language), which is less concise but more
    flexible than their oper-ative language used in
    familiar situation.

Coordination in summary
  • With signals and signs, agents do not force their
    cognitive control to a higher level (i.e. the
    knowledge level) than the demands of the
    situation requires.
  • In contrast, agents have a propensity for
    behaviors based on skills and rules. These
    behaviors are gene-rally fast, effortless and
    propitious to a better co-ordination between

  • Communication and Semiosis are two sides of the
    same coin
  • Knowledge Representation has tradition-ally only
    be treated in the context of solip-sistic
    systems. However, communication is constitutive
    for Knowledge (Represent-ation) Reasoning
  • Agent Technology as a modeling metho-dology
    allows us to treat rather complex systems.
    Moreover, the semiotics perspec-tive sheds new
    light on issues concerning User Interfaces,
    Exploration Narratives, and all emerging kinds of
    New Media

Knowledge Landscape VRR
  • A systemic approach via Agent-Oriented Modeling
    the development of agent-based tools, and
  • An operational elaboration of the new concept of
    the Virtual Reference Room, by means of which
    contextualized access to heterogeneous objects
    can be realized, and more knowledge-based
    navigation by means of these contexts becomes

Virtual Reference Room
  • Explanations about how to explore the
    collections, pro-ducts and services of the
  • Delivery of information about actual services of
    the Reference Room that are in force
  • Pointers to where bibliographical services may be
  • Pointers to relevant exhibitions and other
    relevant events in connection with their search
    questions and associated references
  • Orientation maps to more autonomously explore the
    facilities of the Reference Room and around the
    particular institutional collections maintained

Virtual Reference Room (cont.)
Virtual Reference Room (cont.)
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The big picture
Conclusions w.r.t. I-MASS
  • Short term research will address the precise
    kinds of enabling technologies (e.g., from
    information retrieval, ontological engineering
    and knowledge engineering) that the I-MASS system
    should incorporate to synthesize (configuring and
    presenting) pieces of information that seem to
    fulfill an apparently existing need for
    information at the side of the users
  • Also research about semantical (and pragmatical)
    inter-operability will require much effort,
    especially as it contributes quite a lot to the
    systems ability to provide good answers
  • Longer-term research must address how the
    cultural domain may be modeled by means of
    process models that capture the relevant insights
    of cultural processes (e.g., the rise and fall of
    the Roman Empire, or the Renais-sance).

  • Leibniz (1646-1716) ambition was to awake the
    sleeping child in us all
  • I-MASS forces us to use Knowledge Tech-nology to
    the utmost and to use societal metaphors as much
    as possible!
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