Title: World War II (1941-1945)
1World War II (1941-1945)
3Axis Expansion Japan, Germany, Italy areas of
occupation in red (map)
4Axis Powers 1942 Areas of occupation in red.
5 Chronology
- 1933 Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany
- 1939 Germany invades Poland Italy invades
Albania - 1939 Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand
declare war on Germany - 1940 Italy joins Germany
- 1941 US Britain declare war on JapanGermany
declares war on US - 1942 Air Attack on Germany
- 1943-44 Allied push into North Africa Sicily
- Sept 1943 Italy surrenders
- June 1944 D-Day at Normandy
- May 1945 VE German surrenders
- Aug 1945 A-Bombs dropped on Japan
- Sept 1945 VJ Japan surrenders
6Japanese Holdings in Pacific from Korea south
to Dutch East Indies, approaching Australia
7Allied Pacific Plan was to begin at the
southernmost extension of Japanese holdings and
push north. Southernmost point was the Solomon
Islands where its airstrip made Guadalcanal most
8Guadalcanal photos
9Burials in Pacific were many in 1942
10Axis Powers 1942 note the expansion of German
to the south and east.
11Stalingrad, a Russian city on river Volga
Important for trade and communication, for
shipping resources to the north. Also, it was
named after Stalin, and its capture would have
beem a blow to Russian morale.
12Eastern Front in September notice the movement
of German attacks to the east at all points
Latvia, Belorussia, and Ukraine, down to the
Black Sea and Crimean.
13Attack on Stalingrad arrows mark the line of
Germanys attack on the city.
14German fighting into (left map) and surrounded
out of (right map) Stalingrad.
Arrows above mark the attacks of the Russian
counter-offensive movements in the south and
around Stalingrad.
15WWII Toll (Europe)
- Total Deaths Prewar Pop
- US 500,000 .4
- France 810,000 1.9
- Germany 6,805,000 9.5
- Russia 20,000,000 10.4
Overall dead 52,199,262