Chapter 17, Section 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 17, Section 2


Chapter 17, Section 2 The Rise Of Dictatorial Regimes The Rise of Dictators By 1939 France and Great Britain still Democratic Soviet Union, Germany, and many others ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 17, Section 2

Chapter 17, Section 2
  • The Rise Of Dictatorial Regimes

The Rise of Dictators
  • By 1939
  • France and Great Britain still Democratic
  • Soviet Union, Germany, and many others have
    become dictatorships.
  • A Totalitarian State
  • A government that aims to control the political,
    economic, social, intellectual, and cultural
    lives of its people.
  • Used mass propaganda and new technology
  • Led by a single leader and a single party
  • Traded individual freedom for the collective will
    of the masses.

Fascism in Italy
  • Benito Mussolini
  • Created the League of Combat
  • Fascio di combattimento
  • Fascism
  • Emphasizes a strong central government, lead by a
    dictatorial ruler. People are controlled by the
    government and anyone who disagrees is dealt with
    in force.

  • Fascism on the rise
  • Mussolini grows out of the hardships caused by
  • Creates a group called the Squadristi
  • Italians feared that there would be a Socialist
    revolution or a Communist takeover
  • The Squadristi use violence to fight against
    socialist ideas
  • They demand more land for Italy and this gains
    the support through patriotism and nationalism

Takeover of Government and the Fascist State
  • either we are allowed to govern or we will seize
  • King Victor Emmanuel III gives over power
  • Outlaw all other political parties and establish
    secret police OVRA
  • Il Duce
  • Brainwashing the population
  • Media - Mussolini is always right

  • Youth Groups
  • Portrayed families as the center of society
  • Women were born to be homemakers
  • Failures of Mussolini
  • Never gained total control
  • Compromise with the Catholic church
  • Lanteran Accords
  • Established the Vatican City as an independent
    area for the church
  • The Church recognized and promoted the catholic

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A New Era for the Soviet Union
  • Communist under Lenin
  • After WWI peasants begin to sabotage the
    Communist system
  • Lenins NEP (New Economic Policy)
  • Peasants and merchants could sell products
    openly, but industry, banking, and mining were
    still controlled by the government
  • 1922, Russia becomes the U.S.S.R.
  • This combination of policies from Lenin saved the
    Soviet Union from economic crisis.

Shift from Lenin to Stalin
  • Lenin dies in 1922
  • Politburo had been the policy making body of
    the Communist party, becomes divided.
  • The two strongest groups were lead by Leon
    Trotsky and Joseph Stalin
  • Stalin had a position which allowed him to
    appoint officials
  • Appoints thousands of supporters
  • Trotsky is expelled from the party in 1927
  • http//

Stalins 5-Year Plans
  • 1928 Ends the NEP and implements his first 5
    Year Plan
  • Maximum production of capital goods and weapons
  • Huge increases in production were made
  • Came at the cost of low wages and extremely poor
    living conditions for workers. Laws even limited
    where workers could move.
  • Collectivization Government owned all of the
    land and peasants worked on it.

Costs of Stalins Program
  • 10 million peasants die in 1932 and 1933
  • Great Purge of the 1930s
  • In his desire for power, Stalin arrested 8
    million Russians and sent many to labor camps in
  • Extreme restrictions on the lifestyles of the

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Authoritarian States in the West
  • Authoritarianism
  • Adopt some features of totalitarianism (police
    force), but focus on preserving society rather
    than reinventing it
  • Most countries established democracies after WWI
  • These systems are largely replaced

Reasons Democracy Failed
  • No tradition of Democracy
  • Rural and Agrarian Societies
  • Uneducated peasants
  • Ethnic and Religious conflicts
  • Fear of revolution made authoritarian systems
    logical because they would maintain the old system

  • Francisco Franco Lead a military attack on the
    Democratic government.
  • Caused a bloody Civil War
  • Italy and Germany aid Franco
  • The Soviet Union aids the government
  • Franco wins the war by capturing Madrid in 1939
  • He then established a dictatorship
  • Favored traditional groups like landowners,
    businesspeople, and the Catholic church.
  • Makes him authoritarian rather than totalitarian

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17.3 Hitler and Nazi Germany
  • Hitlers Background and Views
  • Born in Austria
  • Performed poorly in school and moved to Vienna to
    pursue art
  • Hero during WWI-wounded as a messenger
  • 3 Beliefs
  • Racism (especially anti-Semitism)
  • Extreme nationalism (political parties could
    effectively use propaganda and fear)
  • Need for struggle

Joins the German Workers Party
  • Quickly takes control and renamed it the National
    Socialist German Workers Party
  • The Beer Hall Putsch
  • Hitler tried to overtake the government but was
  • Sentenced to jail time and wrote Mein Kampf while
    in jail

Mein Kampf
  • Sooner will a camel pass through a needles eye
    than a great man be discovered by an election.
  • The broad masses of a population are more
    amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any
    other force.
  • Never forget that the most sacred right on this
    earth is mans right to have the earth to till
    with his own hands, the most sacred sacrifice the
    blood that a man sheds for this earth.
  • Those who want to live, let them fight, and those
    who do not want to fight in this world of eternal
    struggle do not deserve to live.
  • Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention
    to wage war is senseless and useless.
  • The Jews life as a parasite in the body of other
    nations and states explains a characteristic
    which once caused Schopenhauer, as has already
    been mentioned, to call him the 'great master in

Nazis on the Rise
  • Hitler released from prison, increased the
    popularity of the Nazi party
  • It became the largest party in the Reichstag
    (German parliament)
  • Promised a New Germany
  • Appealed to the masses, had large numbers of

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Nazism is Successful
  • President Hindenburg gives control over to Hitler
    in order to prevent a Communist takeover
  • Hitler completely controls Germany
  • March 23, 1933 Enabling Act
  • Gave the government the power to ignore the
    Constitution for 4 years
  • Opposition placed in concentration camps and all
    other political parties dissolved
  • Hindenburg dies and Hitler becomes the Führer

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Nazi Control
  • Fought for complete control by the Aryan race
  • Third Reich
  • First Holy Roman Empire
  • Second German Empire 1871-1918
  • Pursued this through totalitarianism
  • Total control/power

State of Terror
  • Schutzstaffeln
  • (SS)
  • Originally Hitlers bodyguards
  • Then used to maintain order
  • Led by Heinrich Himmler, lead all police forces
    in Germany and ensured Nazi Rule
  • 2 Main Goals
  • Terror through repression and murder (secret
    police, criminal police, concentration camps,
    later execution squads and death camps)
  • Ideology- further the Aryan race

  • Public works projects, grants, and re-armament
    pull Germany from the Great Depression
  • Unemployment in 1932 6 million
  • In 1934 2.6 million
  • In 1937 less than 500,000

  • Nuremberg Party Rallies every September
  • Evoked mass enthusiasm and excitement
  • Nazis controlled education and churches
  • Professional organizations and leagues formed for
    civil servants, teachers, women, farmers,
    doctors, lawyers
  • Also youth organizations to teach Nazi
    ideals-Hitlers Youth

  • Seen as the bearers of the children who would
    bring triumph to the Aryan race
  • Pushed to stay out of work
  • Those who did work went into nursing or social

  • Nuremberg laws no citizenship, no intermarriage,
    and forced Jews to wear the Star of David
  • Kristallnacht night of shattered glass
  • Nazis burned synagogues and businesses
  • Sent 30,000 Jews to concentration camps
  • Barred from public services

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Led to More Drastic Steps
  • Jews barred from all public transportation and
    all public buildings including hospitals and
  • Prohibited from owning, managing, or working in
    any retail store
  • Forced to clean up all debris and damage due to
  • Encouraged to emigrate from Germany under
    direction of the SS
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