Title: Improving Construction Outcomes Through New Procurement Systems
1- Improving Construction Outcomes Through New
Procurement Systems - Salford City Council/ Urban Vision Partnership
Forum - 24th September 2007
- Paul Mallinder
- Director of Urban Vision
2Traditional Contracting Problems (1)
- Tender every scheme irrespective of value, slow,
costly and bureaucratic and wasted valuable
resources - Select on lowest price - risk created by the use
of fixed tendered rates - A slow process for getting projects on site and
hence completed, impact on spend targets - Little incentive to perform well as the next
project will still be tendered - The Council is at the mercy of the market
3Traditional Contracting Problems (2)
- Insufficient resource planning
- Unable to involve the constructor at the planning
and design stage - Different designer/ constructor teams on each
project - Does not encourage flexibility or innovation
- Little incentive to develop new ways of working
which reduce costs/improve systems/processes etc - No collaborative working on supply chains/local
employment / environmental issues
4The Impact of Fixed Price Tendering
- Highly competitive
- Rates and prelims are often cut to the bone or
subject to a mistake - The value of risk is often reduced/excluded to
win reducing quality - Other means are used to recover from a low bid
- Exploit variations/delays/disruption
- Minimise on site labour/supervision costs
- Cut subcontractor costs
- Cut supplier costs
- Delay payment
- Adverse impact of a souring of relationships
5Improvements required by Salfords clients in 2003
- Buildings fit for purpose
- Customer satisfaction
- Completion on time and budget
- Reduced conflict
- Zero defects/ good quality of Build
- Sympathy with social regeneration issues
- Added Value quality environment
- Whole life costs
6Results of Salfords schemes in 2003
Results 2002-03
Completion within programme 60
Completion within estimated cost 33
Average customer score on quality (out of 10) 7.7
Number of defects at handover Significant,
Number of reportable accidents Nil
Period from sending out tenders to start on site 16 weeks
Constructors mobilisation period after appointment 6 weeks
Percentage of projects with early constructor input 0
7The National Drivers of Change
- Constructing the Team, Latham (1994)
- Rethinking Construction, Egan , ODPM,(1998)
- Modernising Construction, National Audit Office
(2001) - National Procurement Strategy for Local
Government, ODPM(2003) - Comprehensive Performance Assessment, Audit
Commission (2004) - Skills for Sustainable Communities, Egan/ODPM(
2004) - Sustainable Construction, Constructing
Excellence, (2004 - Improving Services through Better Procurement,
National Audit Office (2005) - UK Government Sustainable Procurement Action Plan
8New Practices in Procurement
- Removal of project by project tendering and
select lists to create more certainty providing
performance standards and value for money remain
high - Getting projects on site much faster, with
greater flexibility due to the creation of long
term partnerships as a result of a robust
selection process - Greater use of payment linked to performance
- More emphasis on quality
- Increased use of target cost/open-book payment
9New Practices in supply chain management
- Greater use of a standardised component design
policy to achieve volume and supply benefits - Greater consideration of off site fabrication
techniques - Consideration given to where the construction
expenditure is going to enhance the social and
economic regeneration of a locality - New forms of collaborative working involving the
entire supply chain
10Where the savings come from (1)
- Egan envisaged INDUSTRY wide, not just the
construction phase. - No tendering preparation/evaluation time/costs
- More time for option appraisals/ cost
modelling/whole life cost analysis - Avoidance/reduced delay claims and settlement
costs - Advanced ordering of materials, eg. steelwork
- Value reviews during the design and construction
process to reduce the target cost
11Where the savings come from (2)
- Supply chain management
- Volume purchase agreements with suppliers
- Increase in standard component use
- More streamlined approval/ legal processes
- Proximity of projects may lead to site
establishment savings - Final account settlement time/costs
- Reducing journey time and transport/ fuel costs
through local supply
12Conclusions from the July 2007 workshop with
Blackpool Council
- Clients at Blackpool would not go back to
tendering, however expectations have been raised. - The flexibility, qualitative and added value
benefits of partnering have been demonstrated.
There has been Insufficient recording of those
benefits. - The main benefits are the ability to get projects
on site quickly, the vastly improved quality and
loss of fear of costly claims - Blackpools experiment with market testing and
tendering within the framework have provided
mixed results - Partnering has been wrongly blamed for project
problems which we caused by management
/administrative issues that would have had a far
worse result with a tendered project - More work needs to be done to get construction
costs down ( negotiations, robust challenge on
value matters) - Partnering can work for all types and values of
schemes - Understanding about partnering, training and
up-skilling are crucial
13Creating a Robust Approach
- Hands on Leadership and clear communication
- Know your strengths/areas for improvement
- Adopt a strategic approach (Strategic Brief)
- Consider packaging and number of frameworks very
carefully - Assess how buoyant the local market is
- Open day with contractors on select list
- Extensive staff training (Partnering Open book,
negotiating ) - Extensive training workshops (4 days each team
member!) - Risk assessments
- Design robust selection evaluation system
- Wholesale review of roles and responsibilities of
the team
14Salfords Supply Chain Model
15Salfords Construction Framework
- Work categories ( 52 yrs or 4 year terms)
- Major New Build and Refurbishments
500k - 5m (2) - Other New Build and Refurbishments
125k - 500k (2) - Landscape Work All values (2)
- Highways Civil Engineering Up to 2m (3)
- Highway Responsive/ routine maintenance
All values (1)( Urban Vision) - Electrical All values (1)
- Responsive and Routine Building Maintenance All
values (2) - Minor Building Works 20k - 125k (2)
- Mechanical All values (1)
- Major new build and refurbishments
5m-30m (3) - Demolition
All values (1)
16Improved Performance
Results 2003-04 2006/7
Completion within programme 60 100
Completion within estimated cost 33 85
Average customer score on quality (out of 100) 77 84
Number of defects at handover Significant, but not measured 100 defect free
Percentage of projects free of reportable accidents - 86
Period from sending out tenders to start on site. NB. This means get projects are on site much sooner. 16 weeks Planning start on site commeces very early
Constructors mobilisation period. 6 weeks 4 months or greater
Percentage of projects with early constructor input 0 100
17Design Stage Savings
- Ordsall Primary Schools- 45,000 was saved (2 of
construction costs) by working with the
contractor early on the project to arrive at the
pre cast plank and insitu beam and wall solution - Salford Sports Village- Steel was ordered very
early to minimise the incurring increases in
costs and encountering supply difficulties
leading to delay and extra cost. This would not
have been possible on a tendered scheme.
18Tendering/contract Stage Savings and Efficiencies
- Urban Vision is no longer spending time on the
tendering process for each project. This has
saved 250 days (2000 hours) in staff time per
annum allowing more projects to be undertaken
without using agency staff . - Legal agreements are now completed via a letter
referring to a pre agreed standard contract.
This has saved c.200 hours per annum ( 10,000) - As a result of not tendering the 32 schemes
approx 50,000 A4 pages and 4000 drawings have not
had to be copied. This has saved approx 15,000 - Companies have not incurred 1.3m of abortive
costs as a result of unsuccessful tenders. This
amounts to 4300 days (34,400 hours) of capacity
19Construction Stage Savings
- Salford traditionally paid out 350,000 per annum
in claims plus 100 days ( 800 hours) per annum
settlement time/fees. There have been no claims
on any partnered project. - The Cadishead Way Phase 2 partnered scheme
completed 9 months early and 1m below target
cost - The 7 architectural projects completed to date
have achieved an average saving of 14. - On competitively tendered engineering projects it
was normal for there to be a long schedule of
defects at practical completion and for the
contractor to take the full defects liability
period (normally 6 or 12 months) to rectify them.
This is now not the case under partnering. - Under tendering only 26 of projects had final
accounts settled within 18 months of practical
completion. Final accounts are now settled as
part of the valuation work . This has saved time
as now agreed close to the end of completion.
20Project Examples
- Salford Sports Village
- Commenced on site much sooner than a tendered
project would have. - Achievement of spend targets helped to secure
additional funding - Completed on time and 1 over budget despite
encountering unforseen ground conditions and
delays by statutory bodies. This could have led
to a delay and disruption claim of tens of
thousands of pounds.
21Comparison of final project costs (per property)
22Comparison of final project costs (per m2)
23Conclusions on project costs
- The cost of construction work is about the same,
perhaps slightly lower - Tender ,estimators have a tendency to inflate
rates where risk is uncertain or overestimate the
time to undertake a task. - Tender, Contractors tend to price materials at a
high level and then seek lower cost suppliers
during the construction phase. - Open book eliminates this situation
- We cannot be certain whether preliminaries may be
slightly higher or lower than a tendered project
as they tend to be cut in a competitive local
market or increased during buoyant times. - Open book working may well have protected the
council from the costs of a buoyant market ( and
may do so in the future)
24Analysis of the local Market
- Since Salfords partnership began in 2004 tender
prices have risen on 'average' by 16.3 (Source
BCIS)- an average of 5.4 per year. - The Olympics and BSF programme will result in
skilled labour shortages, particularly in the
bricklaying, carpentry and plastering trades. - BCIS are currently forecasting a further increase
in 'average' tender prices over the next two
years of 12.1an average of 6 per year. - There will also be particular hotspot
areas.These areas will see a greater rise in
tenders than the national average above. It is
considered that the North West of England is such
a region due to major works going on in both
Liverpool and Manchester.
25How we intend to continue to improve value for
- Early projects have provided opportunities to
learn - Use of rates for target cost negotiation
- Contractors eager to please
- Target costs have been coming down
- Rigorous negotiation
- Capping share of savings
- Tightening up when savings are eligible to be
shared - Target cost for the next scheme are based on the
actual cost of the previous scheme - Considering ways to tighten up arrangements
further - a mini competition at an early stage of all
schemes - Preliminaries ( security and supervision costs)
- Fixed price preliminaries
- Why the company should be awarded the project
- Programme review
- Primary schools extensive use of off site
26Added Value
- Many local sub-contractors and suppliers are
involved in the supply chain - Constructors have become involved with community
events - Working with closely with companies and local
supply chains produces environmental benefits in
the form of more sustainable product choices,
increased recycling and reduced transport miles
and fuel used with associated cost benefits
27Added Value
- The City Academy access road scheme in Eccles has
been recently nominated to receive an award under
the Considerate Constructors scheme, the
assessor commenting an exceptionally high
standard especially with environmental and good
neighbour issues. - The partnership is also committed to supporting
the local community, assisting with an
antibullying initiative and by providing
assistance with the purchase of school playground
equipment. It is also hoping to contribute to a
future safer routes to school project. - Companies have demonstrated active support for
the training initiatives delivered by the Salford
Construction Partnership in May / June last year
and the STEP 1 IN Salford training programme
launched in January 2006.
28Recognition for the Council
- Procurement has contributed to the Councils CPA
rating - Procurement Commendation LGC National Awards
2005. - Salford Sports Village -
- Won the Builder and Engineer award for Public
Project of the Year 2006 - Won Gold award from the Considerate Constructors
organisation in 2006 - Highly commended in the I.C.E Merit awards 2006
- Highly commended in the Quality in Construction
awards 2006 - Won Silver award from the Considerate
Constructors organisation in 2005 and 2007
29Regenerative impact of 100m construction
- 7m profit/ohd recovery to main contractors/
developers - 4m Profit/ohd recovery to sub contractors
- 3m profit/ohd recovery to suppliers
- 15m of labour employed by main contractors (c
600 people) - 28m labour employed by sub contractors (c 1100
people) - 43m of materials manufactured/delivered by
suppliers - Aim to keep as much as this as possible within
- the local economy
30The Impact of Construction
- Creating a thriving local construction industry
can become a vital aspect of sustainable
regeneration - The construction industry employs c2.5m people in
various roles - Many people who start off in the trades progress
into managerial and professional roles and some
also establish their own small businesses. - 245,000 workers required over the next 4 years
- Construction work is forecast to expand by 3 a
31Social Sustainability
- Salford Sports Village
- 22 main contractor workforce of which 12 (54)
were Salford residents - 11 local sub contractors were used ( 100) saving
saving transportation costs/fuel. - 87 of the materials supplied came from local
suppliers ( 47 out of 54 suppliers), saving
transportation costs/fuel. - 3 new employment opportunities were created for
Salford residents. - 3 Salford local school children benefited from
work experience on the project. - Local people involved in the management of the
32Social Sustainability
- 583 Local unemployed residents supported into
employment. - This saves approx 7m per annum in benefits. For
every unemployed person placed into a job this
saves 12,000 in benefits and improves they and
their families social and economic circumstances - 242 Local unemployed residents into Construction
related apprenticeships - 93 Local unemployed residents supported into
bespoke construction training - 209 Local residents registered on SCP
database/skills register - 67 Major Primary Building Contractors signed
up to the SCP Employment Protocol/Agreement
33New Developments in Supply Chain Management
through SCP
34 Thank You Questions and Discussion Paul
Mallinder 07970 941783 www.urbanvision.org.uk