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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Water

Water environment health of Beijing   
water resources and water 
resource planning in China 
  • Liu Jingling
  • School of Environ.
  • Beijing Normal Uni.
  • 9.19-2008

Main content
  • Water resources management in China
  • Overview of Beijing
  • Water environment problem diagnosis of Beijing
  • Health assessment of ecosystem
  • Scheduling solution of  water quantity and water
  • quality

  • Top seven river basins in China
  • The Yangtze river, the Yellow River, the haihe
    river, huai river, the pearl river, the songhua
    river and liaohe

Haihe reiver basin Beijing
  • ?

Beijing City 10 districts Yanqing Huairou Miyun
Pinggu Sunyi Changping Tongzhou Daxing Fangshan Me
  • Beijing area3956'degrees north ,11620'degrees
    east , area 16807.8km2
  • Population4,201 thousand in 1949, increase to
    14,927 thousand in 2007?

Research regions-- water system within Beijing
inner city
  • Research regions-- water system within Beijing
    inner city
  • The research regions are divided into five rivers
    and one lake.
  • Five rivers Kunyu section of Jingmi approach
    channel of
  • Yongding river north moat
  • River river of inner city Liang Ma river
  • One lake six sea, lakes.

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The history change of river and lake system in
inner city
The physical-geographical conditions of research
  • The average annual precipitation in research
    regions is 562mm,
  • mainly in June-September.
  • The amount of evaporation is 1833mm.

Population exchange of research regions
  • The population of research regions increase by
    22 from 1992 to 2001.

Research significance
Important symbol of ancient capital, Beijing and
human landscape, it contains the water culture
of Six Dynasties and ancient capital.
Material, energy cycle and information
transmission center of city water system
The key points of improving the water
environment quality of Beijing
The perquisite and guarantee of ecology Beijing
and Green Olympics
Theoretical basis
Management methods of ecosystem
Basic principles
  • The integrity of watershed
  • Starts from the integrity of watershed, it is
    suitable for the total
  • resource amount of watershed
  • Integrity of ecology
  • We should pay attention to the completeness of
  • structure and function, guarantee the minimal
  • Environment water demand and ecology base flow
  • High-efficiency of allocation
  • Choosing the best water amount allocation, using
  • reasonable control of water source, realizing the
    optimization of
  • economy, society and environment effect.

Base year and target year
  • Choosing the successive monitoring data over 3
    years of water resource department from 1999 to
    2002, properly refer to the historical system
    data and use year of 2002 as the current state
  • According to the water resource plan in the 21st
    century of Beijing, respectively establishing the
    target of recent year, mid-term and future is
    2010, 2020 and 2030.
  • The key target year is 2010, because of the host
    of Olympics in 2008, secondly is the delay effect
    of ecological environment recovery, it is the
    perquisite and condition of realizing the
    sustainable management of water resource.

Technical route
decision supportting system
Ecology environment problem diagnosis of research
  • Find out the key element causes ecology
    degradation, and provides breakthrough to improve
    current state of environment.

The quantity of water
Water level
The velocity of flow
Problems of urban water environment
Physical and chemical index
Water quality
Physical structure
Biological structure
Aquatic eco-system
Environment function
Social function
Six sea ,lakes
The water amount is 5440,000 m3 in 2002 The
overall water change period of 6 sea P95,T1208
days Because it is low water year, the water
amount can only maintain the evaporation and
leakage of lake surface, it can not change water,
year of level water, it can change water for
three times.
The water quality in research regions
Spatial variation of water quality in research
  • Water quality change of the approach channel of

Eutrophication state in research regions
  • mild nutrient Tuancheng Lake, Maizhong
  • rich nutrient Gaojing, south sea, middle sea,
    Tongzi river
  • excessive nutrient entrance of middle sea,west
    sea, qian sea, hou sea,north sea,Songlingzha,
    luodaozhang,Liangma river

The formation of water bloom
Space structure of water
Stream segment River bank and section Riverbed and features of side slope buffer strip of river bank
Jingmi approach channel Kunyu section Barnacle bank,double fracture surface Upstream riverbed depth is 0.6m,width is 2m,deep riverbed depth is 1.85mparameter of side slope is0 buffer strip of river bankwest bank is 3.5m
Approach channel of Yongding River Barnacle bank,ladder-shaped fracture surface Parameter of side slope is 2.5 Both sides are close to cement road
Nanchang River Barnacle bank,double fracture surface Parameter of side slope is2.0 Zizhu Park and riverbank reaches 30-40m,buffer strip downstream of Zizhu Park is 2-3m,the penetration bank surface
North Hucheng River Barnacle bank Parameter of side slope is0 buffer strip of green belt is 3-5m,some riverbed has no green belt in Liangma Section
River system of inner city Barnacle bank Parameter of side slope is0 Without buffer strip
  • Hardening of river bank / lining

Landscape effect
River section Greening plants Width of green belt Effect of landscape
Jingmi approach channel Chinese white poplar, lawn 3.5-8.6m The variety of plant is bald
Approach channel of Yong Ding River Willow, Chinese white poplar, sward 2.5m Distribution of tree is thin
Nan Chang River Poplar, pine tree, plant tabernaemontani bulrush   Effect of landscape is good
Noth Hu Cheng River Little greening   Rubbish is piled casually and landscape effect is bad

Landscape effect and purification function
Water environment  pollution
  • Carrying capacity of point source pollution

Carrying capacity of area source pollution
Carrying capacity of internal pollution sources
  • P content of most points is at 1g/kg level, N
    content in bottom mud is at 0.5g/kg level.

Proportion of pollutant source
Problem analysis of research regions
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Sluice gate -manual scheduling
Analysis on the problems of research regions
  • Broken of water system physical structure
  • Rebuilding of some river and lake project cut off
    the river and lake system, reduces the water
    square of cit and lowers the strain capacity of
    water draining.
  • Rebuilding of some water conservancy projects
    have certain effect on the original water
    cycling, results in the bad flow ability of inner
    Jinshui Rive, even becomes dead water
  • River and lake are basically use the concrete to
    do lining, which reduces the landscape effect of
    river and lake, further lowers the ecological
    effect of city river.

Analysis on management issues of water environment
  • Interest conflicts between departments
  • Economic interests and ecological value of
  • Water quality and conflict between water quantity
    management departments
  • Management ability of urban water environment
  • Sewage management
  • Technical means public participation

  • The improvement of public participation
  • The result of questionnaire shows

49 Thinking that the water quality of Beijing needs further improvement
95.9 Thinking that tourism place choice should consider water environment
61.2 Choosing water landscape house of higher price
32.7 Thinking that the biggest problems of water system is severe artificialization
53.1 Paying attention to water pollution
87.8 Are planning or reusing water
The water quality of public water environment
and landscape requirement is more and more high
it is not clear abut the environmental protection
and channel of participation.
Ecosystem health evaluation of research regions
Target level Index level Element level Index level Index level
Target level Index level Element level Detailed index Calculation method and description
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Hydrology characteristic Water amount storage/river and lake square(m)
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Hydrology characteristic Water supply coefficient Supply amount/loss amount
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Hydrology characteristic Flow speed Flow amount /water square
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Water quality Water quality Environment and Quality Standard of Underground Water(GB3838-2002)
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Water quality Water nutrient condition TSIM nutrient state index
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Water quality Pollution condition of bottom Pollution index of bottom material P evaluate a)
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Structure and function of water ecosystem Coverage rate of hydrophyte hydrophyte square/ river and lake square
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Structure and function of water ecosystem Specie diversity benthic animal Shannon diversity index
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Structure and function of water ecosystem The primary productivity of phytoplankton 0.28chla(µg/l)0.96
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Space structure of water Fringe condition of land and water F1f(slope angle?artificial swamp square )
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Index of Natural Envelopment Space structure of water Width of plant buffer strip width(m)
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Social Environment index Landscape effect Value for visit and recreation F2f(natural landscape, human landscape and number of tourists)
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Social Environment index Landscape effect Environment satisfaction ratio of public Satisfied people number/total people of survey
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Social Environment index Intimidation factor The minimum water demand guarantee ratio Storage amount of current state/minimum ecology water demand amount
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Social Environment index Intimidation factor Sludge disposal ratio Sludge disposal amount/ discharge amount
Ecosystem Health Degree of City river and lake Social Environment index Intimidation factor Pollution intensity of surface source Average rain and run-off amountpollutant density/storage amount of river and lake (mg/l)
Six sea ecosystem health evaluation index and
Detailed index Unit Health critical state Unhealthy
Water depth m 1.6 1.21.6 1.2
Supply index of river and lake 1 0.51 0.5
Flow speed m/s 0.04 0.020.04 0.02
Water quality ?typ ?type ?type or inferior to ?type
Water nutrient condition TSIM index37 3853 54
Coverage percentage of water plant 60 3060 30
Diversity of benthic animal 2 12 01
The primary productivity of phytoplankton gO2/m2.d 2.5 2.57.5 7.514
Fringe condition of land and water Slope angle30º, artificial swamp70 Slope angle30º45º,artificial swamp 5070 Slope angle 45º90º,artificial swamp50
Width of plant buffer strip m 10 510 5
Value for visit and recreation Point 90 7090 70
Environment satisfaction ratio of public 70 5070 50
The minimum water demand guarantee ratio 90 7090 70
Sludge disposal ratio 70 6070 60
The health evaluating method of the ecological
  • Evaluating model of health
  • Of which, A is the ecological system health
    degree of
  • city river and lake. W is the weight matrix of
  • environment index and social environment index
  • each heath standard.

1.1.2 The health evaluating method of the river
ecological system in Beijing Beihuan
Target level Index level Element level Element level
Target level Index level Detailed index Calculation method and description
Ecosystem Health of city river system Hydrology characteristic Water amount storage/river and lake square(m)
Ecosystem Health of city river system Hydrology characteristic Water supply coefficient Supply amount/loss amount
Ecosystem Health of city river system Hydrology characteristic Flow speed River Gate caused the variation of river flow speed
Ecosystem Health of city river system Water environment quality groundwater quality Environment and Quality Standard of Underground Water(GB3838-2002)
Ecosystem Health of city river system Water environment quality Water nutrient condition TSIM nutrient state index
Ecosystem Health of city river system Water environment quality Pollution condition of bottom Pollution index of bottom material P
Ecosystem Health of city river system Structure and function of water ecosystem Coverage rate of hydrophyte hydrophyte square/ river and lake square
Ecosystem Health of city river system Structure and function of water ecosystem Specie diversity benthic animal Shannon diversity index
Ecosystem Health of city river system Structure and function of water ecosystem The primary productivity of phytoplankton 0.28chla(µg/l)0.96
Ecosystem Health of city river system Space structure of water Fringe condition of land and water ecological embankment propotion
Ecosystem Health of city river system Space structure of water Width of plant buffer strip width(m)
Ecosystem Health of city river system Landscape effect Value for visit and recreation F1f(natural landscape, human landscape and number of tourists)
Ecosystem Health of city river system Landscape effect Environment satisfaction ratio of public Satisfied people number/total people of survey
Ecosystem Health of city river system Intimidation factor The minimum water demand guarantee ratio Storage amount of current state/minimum ecology water demand amount
Ecosystem Health of city river system Intimidation factor Sludge disposal ratio Sludge disposal amount/ discharge amount
Ecosystem Health of city river system Intimidation factor Pollution intensity of surface source pollutant burden of urban rainfall-runoff /waste load allocation
(1)Evaluation index and standard(table 1-3)
Detailed index Unit Health critical state Unhealthy
Water amount river 0.71 0.50.7 00.5
Lake 1.6 1.21.6 1.2
Supply index of river and lake 1 0.51 0.5
RiverGate caused the variation of river flow speed 20 2050 50
Lakeflow spedd m/s 0.04 0.020.04 0.02
groundwater quality ? type ? type ?type or inferior to ?type
Water nutrient condition TSIM index37 3853 54
Coverage percentage of water plant River 30 1030 10 orgt30
Lake 60 30 60 30 orgt60
Diversity of benthic animal 2 12 01
The primary productivity of phytoplankton gO2/m2.d 2.5 2.57.5 7.514
Fringe condition of land and water 70 5070 50
Width of plant buffer strip m 10 510 5
Value for visit and recreation ? 90 100 7090 70
Environment satisfaction ratio of public 70 5070 50
minimum water demand guarantee ratio 90 7090 70
Sludge disposal ratio 70 6070 60
Pollution intensity of surface source 30 3050 50
(2)The result of health evaluation
  • Table 1-4 The health evaluating result of river
    and lake ecological system in beihuan

River system and stream segment Healthy  Critical state Unhealthy State
Approach channel of Yongding river 0.327 0.253 0.420 unhealthy
Kunyu section of Jingmi approach channel 0.357 0.312 0.331 Healthy
Nanchang river 0.377 0.293 0.330 Healthy
North moat 0.098 0.082 0.820 unhealthy
Tongzi river 0.135 0.362 0.503 unhealthy
Liangma river 0.042 0.112 0.846 unhealthy
Six sea Six sea Six sea Six sea Six sea
West sea 0.097 0.125 0.778 unhealthy
Hou sea 0.154 0.104 0.742 unhealthy
Qian sea 0.103 0.155 0.742 unhealthy
North sea 0.127 0.090 0.783 unhealthy
Middle sea 0.188 0.402 0.410  critical state
South sea 0.277 0.315 0.408 Healthy
  • hydrological characteristics
  • water resources quality
  • function and construction of aquatic ecosystem
  • spatial structure of waterside
  • landscape effect
  • Intimidation factor

  • hydrological characteristics
  • water resources quality

function and construction of aquatic ecosystem
  • spatial structure of waterside
  • landscape effect
  • Intimidation factor

(4)Diagnosis and reasons analyzes of the
ecological environment problem
Figure 1-1 The schemes of urban river and water
functional partition in Beijing
  • Figure 2-12 Technology route of gate

2.3.2 Type and classification of sluice gate in
research regions
  • Sluice gate state in research regions (40 sluice
    gates for each type)
  • The shortage of the methods is as follows
  • Using water retaining and flood draining as the
    main target, considering little on ecological
  • Breaks off the river and lake system of city to
    some extent.
  • Mainly adopts the single regulate and control
    model of average water supply, consider little on
    the time and space change , requirement of water
    and lake ecological water demand.

4 Conclusion
  • The diagnosis of ecology environment problems of
    each water section and function area division
  • Yongyin approach channel and Tongzi
    riverPollution control zone
  • Kunyu section of Jingmi approach channel,
    Nanchang river and south-central sea Ecological
    restoration zone
  • North moat ,Liangma river and six sea(except
    south-central sea )Synthesis improvement zone

4 Conclusion
5 Suggestion
  • Introduces the function area division of city
    water and lake.
  • Strictly control source pollution of point,
    source and surface.
  • Recover and rebuild ecological system structure.
  • Combine landscape construction with environmental

5 Suggestion
5 Suggestion
  • Definite the principle of ecology superiority and
    multi- target of water resource management.
  • Well coordinate water quality and water amount,
    water-saving keep peace with pollution control.
  • Forbidden using washing powder containing P,
    reducing the nutrient load of water.
  • Enables public to particulate in the whole
    process in water resource management.
  • Reasonable planning and managing landscape of
    city water system.

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  • Thank your attention!

Beijing Welcome you
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