Title: Local Assistance Federal-Aid Funds
1Local Assistance Federal-Aid Funds
- John Flores
- Division of Local Assistance
- Office of Resource Management and STIP
- Subvention Management Branch
- (916) 654-4032
- John_T_Flores_at_dot.ca.gov
- Borrowing Apportionments from other MPOs
- Rescissions
- Obligation Authority (OA) vs. Apportionments
- Tools Available for Managing OA Apportionments
- Obligation Authority Management Policy
3Borrowing Apportionments from other MPOs
- Regions can loan/transfer unobligated
apportionments to other Regions via Memorandums
of Understanding (MOUs). - Can provide a Region with needed apportionments
to deliver a project in a current year that
otherwise would have to wait. - Can reduce a Regions unobligated balances until a
future year payback when the funds are expected
to be needed. - AB 1012
- Rescission
4Borrowing Apportionments from other MPOs
- Key components of MOUs
- Names of Regions involved
- Specific amount of Loan/Transfer and effective
date - Fund type(s)/program(s)
- If known, amount of current federal fiscal year
(FFY) funds - Repayment information what FFY(s) how much
what fund type. - Paragraph stating the Regions responsibility to
initiate repayment by contacting the Caltrans
Division of Local Assistance (DLA) - Signed by participating Regional Directors
5Borrowing Apportionments from other MPOs
- Issues
- If Loan/Transfer includes any current FFY funds,
then the MOU should address the Programming
capacity and the transfer of Programming
capacity. - If the FTIP is affected, the FTIP needs to be
adjusted to maintain financial constraint.
6Rescission of Federal-Aid Funds(for this
discussion these are NOT the off-the-top
- FHWA can issue a rescission notice(s) during the
FFY. - Typically we have one or two rescissions of
unobligated apportionments per FFY. - The amount of the rescission can vary
significantly depending on the authority for the
specific rescission. - Rescissions to the unobligated apportionments are
not to the OA and typically those apportionments
are in excess of the current OA limitation. - FHWA typically requires California to respond to
the rescission request within 10 to 30 days of
the date of the FHWA rescission notice. -
7Rescission of Federal-Aid Funds(Continued)
- Rescission Methodologies
- FHWA can take the rescission off the top with
little to no discretion by California and/or DLA.
However, for this discussion we are addressing
the rescission of unobligated apportionments
where FHWA gives the States some discretion in
applying the rescissions. - FHWA can exempt programs as provided in law.
- Which means the remaining eligible programs
would make up the rescission.
8Rescission of Federal-Aid Funds(Continued)
- Rescission Methodologies (Continued)
- Caltrans DLA works with the Division of Budgets
to determine the DLA share of the rescission. - DLA Establishes methodology to implement
rescission based on DLA share and the FHWA notice
instructions. - DLA We have a rescission workgroup tasked with
addressing rescission issues/implementation. - DLA favors a methodology that is consistent with
a priority of 100 DLA delivery of the
federal-aid funds each year.
9Rescission of Federal-Aid Funds(Continued)
- For the DLA Federal-Aid unobligated apportionment
rescissions since FFY 2003 the majority has come
from the Bridge and CMAQ programs. - The RSTP Urban, Safety, and Safe Routes to School
Program have been excluded from the rescissions.
10Obligation Authority (OA) vs. Apportionment
Both are necessary to obligate a federal-aid
- Apportionment - The statutorily prescribed
division or assignment of funds - Current Year apportionments are added to any
unused, unobligated balances from prior year - Subject to timely use of funds (AB 1012) and
federal lapse requirements - Does not reflect actual, expendable funds.
11Obligation Authority (OA) vs. Apportionment
- Obligation Authority - A federal limitation
placed on the amount of funds that a state can
obligate within a given fiscal year. - Applies to total funds that can be obligated
regardless of FFY they were received. - Does not carry forward to subsequent years
(however, see DLA OA management policy).
12Tools Available for Managing OA Apportionments
- Chapter 2 Local Assistance Program Guidelines
(Financing the Federal-Aid Highway Program) - http//www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/lam/lapg.ht
m - Internet AB 1012 Monthly Balance Reports
- http//www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/AB1012/ab10
12.htm - Internet RSTP and CMAQ Monthly Activity Reports
- http//www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/CMAQ_RSTP_R
_TEA/MARS.html - Internet OA Monthly Delivery Balance Reports
- http//www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/DROAF.htm
- District Local Assistance Engineers, HQ Area
Engineers, Subvention Management staff
13Obligation Authority Management Policy
- The Policy and Procedures for Managing Local
Assistance Obligation Authority (OA) was
implemented on April 12, 2005, effective for the
2004-05 FFY. - The latest revision to the OA management policy
was January 26, 2009 to change the annual release
of OA to the local OA Pool from June 1 to May 1. - link to document http//www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalP
rograms/AB1012/PDFS/memo.pdf - Provides that Regions/Programs can carry-over
OA to next FFY. But only if DLA delivers 100 in
current FFY. At the federal level OA is ONLY
available for the current FFY.