Alephadm - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alephadm . , . 2002 ALEPHADM The alephadm client allows the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Alephadm

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  • The alephadm client allows the librarian to make
    changes and modifications in the ALEPH
    configuration setup in a graphic, windows
  • The changes can be in language, print
    configuration, or table modification.
  • Changes made can effect the global and/or the
    local environment.

ALEPHADM allows you to
  • Handle client tables
  • Handle libraries
  • Handle print configurations
  • Handle application configurations
  • Handle font definitions
  • Handle server table changes
  • Handle languages
  • Handle error messages

Handling Libraries
  • The Libraries Manager lets you handle the list
    of libraries that can be used in the client.
  • It lets you determine and view to which
    libraries each ALEPH client module can have

Handling Libraries
  • The Libraries Manager has 4 tabs ?Permitted
    libraries ? Libraries
  • ? Bases for locate ? Search bases

Permitted Libraries
  • Permitted libraries define which libraries can be
    accessed from each module. (per_lib.ini)

You can add or remove a library by double-
clicking on the appropriate cell.
Libraries (library.ini)
  • Libraries defines the location and PC server
    port for all the libraries that are accessible
    through the client.
  • You can change an entry for one library and
    apply it to selected/all lines.
  • Remember that in addition to this definition,
    the library code must be defined in
    alephe/tab/tab_base.lng on the server

You can add or delete a library or move it up and
down by using the toolbar. The list of libraries
displayed in a client module
will be listed in the order defined here.
Bases for Locate
  • The locate function is available in the
    Cataloging, ILL and Search modules and is used in
    order to find matching records in the same or
    other databases, local or remote.
  • Each base listed must also be defined in
    alephe/tab/tab_base.lng on the server
  • The information displayed here is stored in

Bases for Locate
Bases for Search
  • The list of bases for the GUI search determines
    which bases are offered in the Search module via
    the Connect to option
  • The setup of this list can also be updated
    through Options/Database in the Search module
  • Each base listed must also be defined in
    alephe/tab/tab_base.lng on the server

Bases for Search
The information displayed in Bases for Search is
stored in Sear/tab/base.dat
Handling INI files
  • The Application Configuration shows you the
    standard values and the actual setup of INI files
    for each module.

Handling INI files
  • The following INI files can be viewed and edited
    in the Application Configuration
  • alephcom.ini
  • alephadm.ini
  • acq.ini
  • admin.ini
  • catalog.ini
  • circ.ini
  • jobmgr.ini
  • ill.ini
  • items.ini
  • sear.ini
  • serial.ini

Handling INI files
  • To edit a field, place the cursor on it and
  • Lines with a field whose value was changed are
    highlighted in gray. The original is always
    retained in the right-hand column.

Handling INI Files
  • Clicking on the Default value button brings back
    the original value of the highlighted line

Print Configuration
  • The Print Configuration allows you to determine
    the print settings for each module separately.

Print Configuration
  • To edit a field, place the cursor on it and
  • Lines with a field whose value was changed are
    highlighted in gray.

  • After the client installation is updated from
    source, the Report shows the differences between
    the current and previous Application.INI and/or

  • The files that are actually compared are AL500
    1x.x\module\tab\module.ini andAL500

If there were no changes the Report remains empty.
Profile Manager
  • In a network installation, the Profile Manager
    lets you define users and their profile paths.
    You can add, delete and modify each entry.

Handling languages
Interface languages
  • The Conversation Languages command lets you set
    the Interface Languages that will be available in
  • You can add, modify or delete a language or set
    any language as the default.

Interface Languages
  • When updating from an older to a newer version of
    ALEPH you may keep those parts of the texts which
    were customized.
  • Old lines in tables are retained, and new

lines are added (in English)
Language Manager
  • The Language Manager lets you choose the module
    and the language files that you want to work on.
  • You can change all text entries in each of the
    modules according to the language you choose.

Language Manager
  • The Language Manager shows you which module,
    which language and which part of the text you are
    working on.
  • You always see the original and the new text.

Language Manager
  • When working with the Language Manager you can
    modify text
  • Changes are retained by clicking on save.
  • The restore button allows you to undo saved
  • Global changes of terminology can can be made
    using the Common Dictionary

Common Dictionary
  • The Common Dictionary displays all text strings
    of all modules in alphabetical order.
  • There is one Common Dictionary per language.
  • You can look for any letter string.
  • You can change all entries and save your changes.
  • The dictionary shows you the filenames with
    their paths where the text string is to be found.

Common Dictionary

Common Dictionary
  • Save to Files allows you to save changes
  • Restore allows you to go back to the former
    version of the text.
  • Save As saves the New Text column to a .TXT
    file. The default path and filename is xxx/
  • Print sends the list to the printer.
  • Find allows you to search for a letter string in
    the New Text column.

Language Report
  • After the client installationis updated from
    source, the Language Report shows the differences
    between the current and previous versions of text
    that is displayed in the GUI

Language Report
The text is stored in the following files
  • accel.daterror.dathint.dat

They can be found in /module/Tab/xxx/.dat
and/module.sav/Tab/xxx/.dat You can view and
print text for each module separately, or for all
the modules together. If there were no changes
the Report remains empty.
Error Tables Dictionary
  • The Error Tables Dictionary is part of the
    ALEPHADM language handling. Contrary to other
    language handling functions which influence the
    client only, this option affects server tables.
  • The Dictionary shows you all error messages from
    all modules together and lets you edit them. It
    also shows the matching filename for each error

Error Tables Dictionary
Error Tables Dictionary
  • The error files are located in the servers
    alephe_error_ltlnggt directory. They can be
    accessed on a one to one basis by using the
    Tables Navigator.

Error Tables Dictionary
  • If you have checked out a file (via the Tables
    Navigator) - and thereby locked it, you will see
    this icon next to the filename both from the
    Error Tables Dictionary and from the Tables

Error Tables Dictionary
  • If another user has checked out this same file
    and thereby locked it, you will see this
    icon next to the filename in the Error
    Tables Dictionary.

Handling of Server Tables
  • Parameter and configuration tables are located
    mainly in library sub-directories on the server.
  • Tables that function on a higher level - or
    that are shared by several libraries (databases)
    are located under alephe_root.

Tables Navigator
  • Use the Tables Navigator to load, edit and save
  • The Tables Navigator gives you access to one
    table per open window. Several tables can be
    displayed simultaneously.
  • You can choose between read-only and write mode
    as well as different display modes.

Tables Navigator
  • Once you have opened the menu Tables Tables
    Navigator you can choose the library and
    directory you want to work in.
  • The program then offers you a list of tables
    to choose from.

Tables Navigator
The list of tables is itself a table. In order
that a table display in the list, it must be
registered in the librarys /tab/tab_alephadm.lng
Tables Navigator
The table contains three work areas
Library selection
Tables Navigator
Table selection
Tables Navigator
Command buttons
Tables Navigator
  • Get copies the most recent version of a file from
    the server to your work station. It does not open
    the file.
  • Check Out gets the file and locks it from other
    users. It does not open the file
  • Edit opens a table in a separate window. It is
    active only if you have previously used get or
    check out.

Tables Navigator
  • If you double-click on a table in the Tables
    Selection window that has not been checked out,
    you will be asked if you want to check it out.
  • If you click Yes, the table will be checked
    out and will also open in a separate window.

Tables Navigator
  • Check Out gets the file and locks it on the
    server for other users accessing the table via
    ALEPHADM (it is not locked for those accessing it
    from the server).
  • The lock is in force for a fixed amount of time.
  • Lock info will show until what time the file is
    checked out and therefore locked.
  • Lock time is set (in seconds) in
    alephe_root/pc_server_defaults, parameter

Table Lock
  • On the client (alephadm.ini) the variable
    WarningTimeOut must also be defined.
  • this variable defines the period of time in which
    the user will get a warning that the table he is
    editing is going to be unlocked.
  • the period of WarningTimeOut must be at least two
    minutes less than the file lock defined in

Tables Navigator
File locking
Checked out
Not checked out
As long as the file is still checked out, it will
be marked with a check
Table Editing
  • When the file is in opened in Edit mode, a green
    light displays in the lower left corner of the
  • Three minutes before the lock time runs out, the
    green light turns yellow.

Table Editing
  • You can extend the lock time by clicking on the
    Refresh button as long as the light in the lower
    left corner of the Table window is green or
    yellow. The time counter will start a new

Table Editing
  • If you did not check in the file before the
    check out time runs out, the file status will
    revert to read-only mode. The light in the lower
    left corner will turn red.
  • Changes are not saved on the server, but are
    saved locally

Table Editing
  • Once you have finished your editing, you can send
    the file back to the server by clicking on Check
  • This will overwrite the old version of the file
    on the server.

Table View
There are two view modes to choose from, Table
mode and Form mode. You can toggle between these
modes by clicking on their respective icons.
This will give you the Form mode. This will give
you the Table mode.
Tables View
Table mode.
Tables View
Form mode.
Table Editing
  • The toolbar on the top of the window allows for
    various editing options.
  • In the view mode all toolbar buttons are

Adds new line at the end of the table
Inserts new line before the highlighted line
Table Editing
Deletes highlighted line
Moves highlighted line one up
Moves highlighted line one down
Help for table (part of the table header on the
Extends lock time when yellow light appears (icon
only appears at this point).
Table Editing
  • In either view (table or form), it is possible to
    view the table as plain text. Use the command
    File/View Source.
  • The file will be opened in Notepad.

Table Editing
  • Pointing the cursor on the heading of a column
    displays context sensitive help.

Table Editing
  • The Help button will give access to information
    about the table (as defined in the header of the
    table on the server)

Tables Navigator
  • The Find button lets you search for letter
    strings in all columns of the Tables Navigator.
  • The button then will change to Find Next which
    will allow you to search for more occurrences of
    the same string in all columns of the Tables

Tables Log
Show Log shows youthe User name, the IP address
and the time-stamp of every Check In action.
Tables Log
  • Report lets you choose where to send your report
    - Printer, File or Clipboard.
  • Clear lets you clear any number of items from
    this list. A window pops up and asks you to fill
    in the number of items you wish to remove.

Table History
The Show History command lets you access older
versions of tables. To be able to use this
function, Activate History menu has to be
You may use the From/To Date and/or the User
filters to view the table history
Tables History
You can see a list of all older versions of a
table showing user names and time-stamps.
Tables History
  • Report - where your report should be sent
    (printer, file or clipboard
  • Purge lets you purge older file versions on the
  • Get - loads the highlighted version of the file
    from the server to the client.
  • Restore - replaces the current version with the
    highlighted version. The replaced version then
    appears in the history window.
  • View - opens the highlighted table in a new

Tables History
Show dif -shows you the differences between the
current and the highlighted versions.
current version
highlighted version
System Librarian
  • The table tab_alephadm.ltlnggt defines the tables
    that can be accessed via the alephadm client
  • The table defines the name of the directory, the
    table name, whether it has a language extension,
    and the table description.
  • Tables not defined here, cannot be accessed from
    the alephadm client.
  • tab tab15
    Y L Item Statuses
  • tab tab25
    Y L Material Type
  • tab tab16
    N L Due dates, ...

Finally The End
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