Single Gene Disorders Mendelian Inheritance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Single Gene Disorders Mendelian Inheritance


Single Gene Disorders Mendelian Inheritance History Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) studied traits of garden pea plants All of the published information indicated that each ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Single Gene Disorders Mendelian Inheritance

Single Gene DisordersMendelian Inheritance
  • History
  • Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) studied traits of
    garden pea plants
  • All of the published information indicated that
    each trait that Mendel studied was determined by
    a single factor
  • The concepts of DNA, genes and chromosomes as we
    currently understand them were not known.

  • alternative variants of genetic information (at a
    given locus)(of a gene)
  • locus a physical position on a chromosome
  • gene a sequence of nucleotides which, when
    transcribed produce a biologically active nucleic
    acid (almost always single stranded RNA)
  • The prevailing version of an allele is the
    wild-type (normal) allele

Alleles 2
  • Mutation may be used to describe a new genetic
    change or may be used to indicate a
    disease-causing allele
  • Once a wild-type allele is defined, all other
    alleles are mutant
  • exception polymorphic alleles
  • Polymorphism many forms
  • Arbitrarily defined if there is an alternative
    allele of a frequency greater than 0.02
  • More precisely defined under terms of genetic
    selection in a later lecture.

More Definitions
  • Genotype the set of alleles which make up an
    individuals genetic constitution. May be used to
    describe the sum of all alleles (all genes) or be
    used to describe the set of alleles for a given
    gene or locus
  • Phenotype the observable expression of a
  • may be a biochemical, morphological,
    physiological, clinical or molecular trait

Single Gene Disorder
  • A phenotype produced by alleles of a single locus
    which is abnormal.
  • A phenotype may be the result of one or two
    mutant alleles
  • If the two alleles at a locus are identical to
    each other, the individual is homozygous.
  • This term applies regardless of the alleles being
    normal, mutant or polymorphic forms.
  • If the two alleles are different, the individual
    is heterozygous.
  • If one of the two alleles in a heterozygote is
    the wild-type allele, the term carrier can be

  • If the two alleles are both mutant, but different
    from each other, the individual is said to be a
    compound heterozygote.
  • If there is no second allele at a locus in a
    normal individual, that person is hemizygous
  • The obvious situations are the human X and Y
    chromosomes in a chromosomally normal male. The
    DNA sequences are represented by one copy.

Dominant and Recessive
  • Defined at the level of the phenotype
  • Classically, any phenotype expressed in both the
    homozygote and heterozygote states was said to be
  • A phenotype only expressed in a homozygote state
    is recessive
  • Practically, any phenotype expressed in
    heterozygotes is dominant
  • even if heterozygotic and homozygotic individuals
    do not have the same phenotype

  • When the phenotype of the heterozygote is
    intermediate between the phenotypes of the two
    homozygotic genotypes, the disorder is considered
    to demonstrate incomplete dominance
  • If the expression of both alleles can be detected
    in the presence of each other, the alleles are

  • An child with a coding sequence change of L444P
    in the both copies of the galactocerebrosidase
    gene has severe Gaucher disease.
  • One parent of that child has one copy of the
    L444P change. This individual has no disease
    manifestations on the basis of physical, mental
    or radiographic examination
  • Therefore the normal phenotype is dominant to the
    disease phenotype
  • We often say that the normal allele is dominant

Dominant and Recessive
  • The distinction is not absolute
  • based on clinical phenotypes
  • therefore, it is arbitrary
  • not of significance at the level of gene action
  • many recessive traits have manifestations at the
    cellular, biochemical or molecular levels
  • sickle cell disease
  • mutation in the b-globin gene so that glutamic
    acid is changed to valine at amino acid 6
  • heterozygotes have a mild anemia and both
    products are found by electrophoresis.
  • under appropriate conditions sickling can occur
    in the RBCs of heterozygotes
  • Therefore at the level of protein codominance, at
    the level of physiologic function, incomplete
    dominance and clinically recessive

Dominant or Recessive
  • Many recessive disorders are enzyme defects
  • enough activity exists in heterozygotes to allow
    normal cellular/organ function
  • In dominant disorders, disease occurs despite the
    presence of the normal allele
  • When one copy of a gene is not enough to prevent
    disease, it is a condition of haploinsufficiency.
  • If the abnormal product interferes with the
    normal product. a dominant negative effect
  • example osteogenesis imperfecta

Other situations where one copy is not enough
  • haploinsufficiency
  • dominant negative mutation
  • The mutant gene product may be enhanced in one or
    more of its normal properties
  • achondroplasia
  • Loss of a single copy is the first event in a
    several step cascade
  • predisposition to cancers
  • second mutation occurs at a somatic cellular level

Mimics of single gene disorder genetics
  • Pedigree pattern simulates a single gene disorder
  • teratogenic effects
  • inherited chromosomal disorders
  • balanced translocations
  • contiguous gene syndromes
  • microdeletion disorders
  • common environmental exposures

Factors affecting a pedigree pattern
  • Age of onset
  • not all genetic disorders are congenital in their
  • prenatal
  • Thanatophoric dwarfism
  • congenital
  • inborn errors of metabolism
  • later in life
  • Huntington chorea
  • Size of families
  • in small families the information to determine
    inheritance pattern may not be present

Genetic Heterogeneity
  • A number of similar or identical phenotypes are
    caused by different genotypes
  • albinism
  • mutations at different loci
  • locus heterogeneity
  • Text example Retinitis pigmentosa
  • look for different patterns of inheritance in
    different families
  • may be the result of different mutations at the
    same locus
  • allelic heterogeneity
  • some cases of allelic heterogeneity cause
    different phenotypes
  • RET Dominant Hirschprung Dx, MEN types Iia or

Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
  • Disease occurs in individuals with two mutant
    alleles (either the same mutation of different
  • In general an individual inheritance a mutant
    allele from each parent
  • new mutations are generally rare
  • Since each parent has two alleles
  • the chance of inheriting a mutant allele from one
    parent is ½ and for the other parent is also ½
  • the net chance of inheritance two mutant alleles
    is ½ X ½ or 1/4

Punnett Square
Way to illustrate various crosses in a simple
Tt heterozygote carrier
TT homozygote (wild type)
tt homozygote mutant
Tt heterozygote carrier
Punnett Squares 2
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
  • Consanguinity
  • Parents have a common ancestor
  • The chances of inheriting an allele identical by
    descent from both parents increases the chance of
    inheriting a recessive disorder
  • Consanguinity is not the most common cause of
    individuals having autosomal recessive traits
  • Genetic Isolation
  • Small populations of individuals with a common
    genetic background may have increased risk of
    recessive disease
  • Ashkenazi Tay-Sachs, Gaucher Disease
  • Finnish Congenital Chloride-Losing Diarrhea

Characteristics of AR Inheritance
  • Phenotype more likely in siblings of proband than
    in other relatives
  • Males and females are equally affected
  • Parents of an affected individuals are
  • Recurrence risk for each sib is ¼
  • Potential for consanguinity

Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
  • Over half of the known Mendelian phenotypes are
    AD traits
  • Incidence of some is very high
  • 1/500 Familial hypercholesterolemia
  • 1/2500-1/3000 Neurofibromatosis
  • 1/2500-1/3000 AD polycystic kidney disease
  • New mutations are common
  • In a dominant lethal (pre-reproductive) disorder
    all cases are due to new mutations

Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
  • In a typical pedigree, every affected person has
    one affected parent
  • Male to male transmission is possible
  • Equal numbers of affected females and males are
  • One-half of the children of an affected
    individual are expected to have inherited the
    dominant allele
  • Not all will express the mutant phenotype
  • Phenotypically normal individuals generally do
    not transmit the mutant phenotype

Variation in the Phenotype
  • Penetrance
  • the probability that a gene will have ANY
    phenotypic expression
  • it is an all or none concept
  • if some people with an appropriate genotype fail
    to express the phenotype, there is reduced
  • Expressivity
  • Severity of the manifestations of the phenotype
  • when phenotypic severity varies among those with
    identical genotypes, variable expressivity is
  • Pleiotropy
  • Multiple phenotypic effects of a single gene or
    gene pair
  • when the effects are not obviously related

Neurofibromatosis, type 1
  • AD, 1/3000, 17q GTPase activating protein/signal
  • Almost complete penetrance by age 5 years
  • Clinical features
  • Cafe-au-lait spots 94-100
  • Dermal neurofibromata
  • Axillary freckling
  • Lisch nodules (hamartomas) on iris 90-95
  • Macrocephaly 45
  • Short Stature 30-35
  • Plexiform neurofibroma 30
  • Mental retardation 5
  • CNS tumors 3-10
  • Scoliosis 10

  • Less than half of infants show any sign of the
  • Lisch nodules develop over time (over 6 months of
  • Cutaneous changes occur over time
  • Mutation rate is very high
  • estimated to be 1/10,000
  • Severity is unpredictable for new mutations or
    for inherited disease

Homozygotes for AD disorders
  • Generally the result of matings of two
    heterozygous individuals
  • Achrondroplasia
  • more severe phenotype
  • may not survive early infancy
  • Familial hypercholesterolemia
  • Heterozygotes are 1/500 in population
  • Homozygotes 1/ million
  • While heterozygotes and homozygotes have elevated
    cholesterol from birth, homozygotes have
    xanthomas early, die from MI by 30,
    hemodynamically like calcified Ao Stenosis

X-linked Inheritance
  • Phenotypes have a sex distribution which is
  • Many of the genes have a disease phenotype
  • Males are hemizygous
  • will express the disease phenotype if one
    mutation is present
  • Females may be homozygous ore heterozygous
  • Heterozygotes may manifest the disease

Expression of X-linked Genes 1
  • Lyon Hypothesis
  • In somatic cells of females only one X chromosome
    is active
  • Inactivation occurs in early embryonic life
  • Ina any somatic cell either X chromosome may be
  • Inactivation is random but permanent for the
    descendent cells
  • inactivated X chromosomes can be recognized
    cytologically in interphase cells as Barr bodies

  • An explanation for dosage compensation
  • Promoter region of many genes on the inactive X
    are modified by methylation of cytosine in CpG
    dinucleotides altering packing of the chromatin
  • Some genes are not inactivated (10-15)
  • pseudoautosomal region (very distal short and
    long arms of the X) for which matching sequence
    is present on the Y
  • genes for which related sequence is present on
    the Y
  • genes which are present only on the X and for
    which expression levels are higher
  • steroid sulfatase (X-linked ichthyosis)
  • Variable Expression of X-linked genes
  • manifesting heterozygotes
  • unbalanced inactivation
  • mutation on the preferentially inactivated X
  • especially structurally abnormal X chromosomes
  • Functional mosaicism

Are there X-linked Dominants?
  • Are there X-linked recessives
  • expressed in all males but only in homozygous
  • Hemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency)
  • X-linked color blindness
  • as it is a relatively common disorder homozygotes
    are known
  • X-linked Dominants
  • Expressed in heterozygotes
  • if fully penetrant, all of the daughters and none
    of the sons of an affected male are themselves
  • Vitamin D-resistant rickets
  • X-linked lethal in hemizygotes
  • Retts syndrome
  • Incontientia pigmenti very non-random

How Frequent are Genetic Diseases
  • Estimated total incidence of genetic diseases
  • AD 3 9.5/1000 (1/200 people) with the most
    common disorders being 1/1-2000
  • AR 2-2.5/1000
  • X-linked 0.5 2/1000
  • Chromosomal disorders 6-9/1000
  • Multifactorial disorders 20 50/1000
  • Most cancers, diabetes, heart disease, etc.

Inheritance modified by imprinting
  • Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes
  • In PWS about 70 have a cytologic deletion
    15q11-15q13 on the paternally inherited
  • In Angelman syndrome, the same cytological
    deletion is found in in 70 of the cases but it
    is always the maternally inherited chromosome
  • The other 30 of the cases of PWS have
    uniparental disomy in which there are two copies
    of the maternally derived sequence

Uniparental Disomy
  • Disomic cell line containing two chromosomes (or
    portions of chromosomes) inherited from only one
  • isodisomy both sequences are identical
  • heterodisomy both homologs of a parent are
  • Implicated in Beckwith-Wiedermann syndrome
  • loss of maternal genes or excess of paternal
    genes on 11p15

  • The presence of two or more genotypically
    distinct cell lines in an individual
  • Somatic
  • Special case X-inactivation
  • phenotypic mosaic
  • Germline
  • gives rise to situations where the parent is
    unaffected but the descendents have a mutation
  • phenotypic expression in new mutations of AD
  • seen in Factor VIII disease, Duchene muscular

Germline Mosaicism
  • Suspected with the presence of two or more
    affected offspring with AD or X-linked disease in
    the absence of a family history
  • Results from a parental clone with a somatic
    mutation in a germline cell/precursor
  • Known to occur in some disorders frequently
  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 14 - 15
  • Hemophilia A 20
  • Neurofibromatosis, type 1
  • Achondroplasia?
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta, type 2 5 - 6

Maternal Inheritance of mtDNA
  • Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is inherited through
    the ovum not the sperm
  • Mother could pass it to all children
  • Father will pass it to none of this children
  • More than one copy of mtDNA are passed
  • mutations are common
  • more than one type of mtDNA genome is passed
  • effects of heteroplasy
  • variable expression, pleiotropy, reduced
  • functional somatic mosaic

Loss of mutation
Human Mitochondrial DNA Map
7 S
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