Title: Close-by young isolated neutron stars (and black holes)
1Close-by young isolated neutron stars (and black
- Sergey Popov
- (Sternberg Astronomical Institute)
2Plan of the talk
- NS introduction
- Close-by NSs
- Population synthesis
- Test of cooling curves
- Close-by BHs
- Final conclusions
3Neutron stars introduction
- Progenitors massive stars
- Born in SN explosions
- R10 km
- ?1014 g/cm3 (nuclear density)
- Appear in many flavours
- Radio pulsars
- X-ray binaries
- AXPs
- SGRs
- CCOs
4Evolution of NS spin magnetic field
Ejector ? Propeller ? Accretor ? Georotator
1 spin-down 2 passage through a molecular
cloud 3 magnetic field decay
(Lipunov 1992)
5Evolution of NSstemperature
Yakovlev et al. (1999) Physics Uspekhi
6Close-by radioquiet NSs
- Discovery Walter et al. (1996)
- Proper motion and distance Kaplan et al.
- No pulsations
- Thermal spectrum
- Later on six brothers
RX J1856.5-3754
7Magnificent Seven
Name Period, s
RX 1856 -
RX 0720 8.39
RBS 1223 10.31
RBS 1556 -
RX 0806 11.37
RX 0420 3.45
RBS 1774 9.44
Radioquiet Close-by Thermal emission Long periods
8Population of close-by young NSs
- Magnificent seven
- Geminga and 3EG J18535918
- Four radio pulsars with thermal emission
(B0833-45 B065614 B1055-52 B192910) - Seven older radio pulsars, without detected
thermal emission.
We need population synthesis
studies of this population
9Population synthesis ingredients
- Birth rate
- Initial spatial distribution
- Spatial velocity (kick)
- Mass spectrum
- Thermal evolution
- Interstellar absorption
- Detector properties
A brief review on population synthesis in
astrophysics can be found in astro-ph/04011792
10Solar vicinity
- Solar neighborhood is not a typical region of our
Galaxy - Gould Belt
- R300-500 pc
- Age 30-50 Myrs
- 20-30 SN per Myr (Grenier 2000)
- The Local Bubble
- Up to six SN in a few Myrs
11The Gould Belt
- Poppel (1997)
- R300 500 pc
- Age 30-50 Myrs
- Center at 150 pc from the Sun
- Inclined respect to the galactic plane at 20
degrees - 2/3 massive stars in 600 pc belong to the Belt
12Mass spectrum of NSs
- Mass spectrum of local young NSs can be different
from the general one (in the Galaxy) - Hipparcos data on near-by massive stars
- Progenitor vs NS mass Timmes et al. (1996)
Woosley et al. (2002) -
13Cooling of NSs
- Direct URCA
- Modified URCA
- Neutrino bremstrahlung
- Superfluidity
- Exotic matter (pions, quarks, hyperons, etc.)
Kaminker et al. (2001)
14Log N Log S
- Task to understand the Gould Belt contribution
- Calculate separately disc (without the belt) and
both together - Cooling curves from Kaminker et al. (2001)
- Flat mass spectrum
- Single maxwellian kick
- Rbelt500 pc
15Log N Log S as an additional test
- Standard test Age Temperature
- Sensitive to ages lt105 years
- Uncertain age and temperature
- Non-uniform sample
- Log N Log S
- Sensitive to ages gt105 years
- Definite N (number) and S (flux)
- Uniform sample
- Two test are perfect together!!!
16List of models (Blaschke et al. 2004)
- Blaschke et al. used 16 sets of cooling curves.
- They were different in three main respects
- Absence or presence of pion condensate
- Different gaps for superfluid protons and
neutrons - Different Ts-Tin
- Model I. Pions.
- Model II. No pions.
- Model III. Pions.
- Model IV. No pions.
- Model V. Pions.
- Model VI. No pions.
- Model VII. Pions.
- Model VIII.Pions.
- Model IX. Pions.
17Model I
- Pions.
- Gaps from Takatsuka Tamagaki (2004)
- Ts-Tin from Blaschke, Grigorian, Voskresenky
Can reproduce observed Log N Log S
18Model II
- No Pions
- Gaps from Yakovlev et al. (2004), 3P2 neutron gap
suppressed by 0.1 - Ts-Tin from Tsuruta (1979)
Cannot reproduce observed Log N Log S
19Model III
- Pions
- Gaps from Yakovlev et al. (2004), 3P2 neutron gap
suppressed by 0.1 - Ts-Tin from Blaschke, Grigorian, Voskresenky
Cannot reproduce observed Log N Log S
20Model IV
- No Pions
- Gaps from Yakovlev et al. (2004), 3P2 neutron gap
suppressed by 0.1 - Ts-Tin from Blaschke, Grigorian, Voskresenky
Cannot reproduce observed Log N Log S
21Model V
- Pions
- Gaps from Yakovlev et al. (2004), 3P2 neutron gap
suppressed by 0.1 - Ts-Tin from Tsuruta (1979)
Cannot reproduce observed Log N Log S
22Model VI
- No Pions
- Gaps from Yakovlev et al. (2004), 3P2 neutron gap
suppressed by 0.1 - Ts-Tin from Yakovlev et al. (2004)
Cannot reproduce observed Log N Log S
23Model VII
- Pions
- Gaps from Yakovlev et al. (2004), 3P2 neutron gap
suppressed by 0.1. - 1P0 proton gap suppressed by 0.5
- Ts-Tin from Blaschke, Grigorian, Voskresenky
Cannot reproduce observed Log N Log S
24Model VIII
- Pions
- Gaps from Yakovlev et al. (2004), 3P2 neutron gap
suppressed by 0.1. 1P0 proton gap suppressed by
0.2 and 1P0 neutron gap suppressed by 0.5. - Ts-Tin from Blaschke, Grigorian, Voskresenky
Can reproduce observed Log N Log S
25Model IX
- No Pions
- Gaps from Takatsuka Tamagaki (2004)
- Ts-Tin from Blaschke, Grigorian, Voskresenky
Can reproduce observed Log N Log S
- Magnificent Seven and other close-by NSs are
genetically connected with the Gould Belt - Log N Log S for close-by NSs can serve as a
test for cooling curves - Two tests (LogNLogS and Age-Temperature) are
perfect together.
27Black holes
- Black holes are born from very massive
progenitors - It is very difficult to observe as isolated BH
- Microlensing
- Weak accretion
- .?
- It is important to try to estimate at least
approximate positions
28Close-by BHs and runaway stars
Star Mass Velocity km/s Age, Myr
? Per 33 65 1
HD 64760 25-35 31 6
? Pup 67 62 2
? Cep 40-65 74 4.5
- 56 runaway stars inside 750 pc (Hoogerwerf et
al. 2001) - Four of them have M gt 30 Msolar
Prokhorov, Popov (2002)
29Supernova explosion in a binary
30? Pup
- Distance 404-519 pc
- Velocity 33-58 km/s
- Error box 12o x 12o
31? Per
- Distance 537-611 pc
- Velocity 19-70 km/s
- Error box 7o x 7o
- Approximate positions of young close-by BHs can
be estimated basing on data on massive runaway
stars - For two cases we obtained relatively small error
boxes - For HD 64760 and for ? Cep we obtained very
large error boxes (40-50o) - Several EGRET sources inside
33Final conclusions
- We live in the region of the Galaxy enriched with
young NSs and BHs - NSs appear as radio pulsars, gamma and X-ray
sources - Local population teaches us that radio pulsars do
not represent all young NSs - Log N Log S can be a good additional test for
cooling curves of NSs - Position of close-by isolated BHs can be roughly
estimated for those originated from binary systems