RECIPROCAL VERBS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RECIPROCAL VERBS The reciprocal action occurs between more than one subject. English often uses the phrase 'each other' to represent this kind of action. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: reciprocal | verbs | kiss


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • The reciprocal action occurs between more than
    one subject. English often uses the phrase 'each
    other' to represent this kind of action. Here is
    a list of common reciprocal verbs
  • s'aimer  to love each other
  • se détester  to hate each other
  • se disputer  to argue
  • s'embrasser  to kiss
  • se parler to talk to each other
  • se quitter  to leave each other
  • se regarder  to look at each other
  • se retrouver  to meet each other
  • se téléphoner  to telephone each other

  • Vous vous parlez pendant le déjeuner.
  • You talk to each other during lunch.
  • Romeo et Juliette saiment.
  • Romeo and Juliette love each other.
  • Quand est-ce quon se revoit?
  • When will we see each other?
  • Nous nous téléphonons chaque soir.
  • We telephone (make a phone call to) each other
    every evening.
  • Elles se détestent.
  • They hate each other.
  • Il est interdit de sembrasser en école.
  • It is forbidden to kiss each other in school.

Reciprocal verbs in the passé composé
  • As with reflexive verbs, reciprocal verbs always
    use ETRE as the auxiliary verb.
  • Vous vous êtes parlé pendant le déjeuner.
  • You talked to each other during lunch.
  • Romeo et Juliette se sont aimés.
  • Romeo and Juliette loved each other.
  • Quand est-ce quon sest revus?
  • When did we see each other?
  • Nous nous sommes téléphoné chaque soir.
  • We telephoned (made a phone call to) each other
    every evening.
  • Elles se sont détestées.
  • They hated each other.

Reciprocal verbs in the passé composé
  • The past participle must agree with the
    reciprocal pronoun when the pronoun is the direct
    object of the verb.
  • Elles se sont quittées après le film.
  • They left (each other) after the film.
  • Nous nous sommes rencontrés hier.
  • We met each other yesterday.

Reciprocal verbs in the passé composé
  • Do not change the past participle if the
    reciprocal pronoun is the indirect object of the
    verb. Verbs that take an indirect object
  • Se dire
  • Se parler
  • Se téléphoner
  • Se demander
  • Se écrire
  • Soffrir
  • Se conseiller

Reciprocal verbs in the passé composé
  • Ils se sont parlé. They spoke to each other.
  • Nous nous sommes écrit. They wrote to each
  • Vous vous êtes conseillé détudier pour les
    examens au lieu de jouer à des jeux videos. You
    advised each other to study for exams instead of
    playing video games.
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