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1. dia


Title: 1. dia Author: internet Last modified by: Szalai S ndor Created Date: 1/30/2006 1:48:45 PM Document presentation format: Diavet t s a k perny re – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1. dia

Need for Liberalization in legal Legislation
The Focus on Money Market Funds (MMFs)
UAIB Conference June 18 - 21, 2009, Yalta Sándor
Szalai Deputy CEO regional operation OTP Fund
Management Ltd.
Without differences im opinions there would not
be even horse race
Mark Twain Pudding Headed Wilson
Nature of the current crises Is it severe?
Breakdown of crises by their nature from 1970 to
Credit crises
Real estate bubble based
Equity bubble based
Others 46
The current crises is the 5th from the last 132
where all the 3 dimensions as reasons are present
Notes 122 recession on OECD since 1970Source
IMF working paper What happens during
recessions, crunches and busts, December 2008
Was the impact on equity markets serious also in
historical comparison?
2008 was the second worst year in the last 183
Source Bloomberg, OTP Fund Management Ltd.
And how much the financial industry was hit?
Start-up statements and thoughts
  • One of the most serious crises in capital
    markets history with severe real economy
  • Heavy impact on all the higher risk capital
    market segments and asset classes like equities
  • Banking industry is especially under fire lack
    of liquidity, expensive funding, worsening
    profitability and many bad performing, capital
    market related productv

  • Shaking confidence of clients in financial
    institutions and products
  • Sharply increasing risk aversion, turning towards
    cash as safe heaven
  • Pressure on supervision authorities and on
    codifiers for restriction and more transparency

Liberalization of capital market related products
is reasonable at these times at all?
It depends Have a look at a certain practical
problem in our region
What happened on CEE equity markets in 2008?
deep fall
  • The crisis pushed CEE local equity markets into
    heavy sell-off in 2008
  • Size of fall exceeded decrease of developed
    markets (SP500-DAX-NIKKEI -38-42 Hang
    Seng-India -49-52), mainly driven by
    significant jump in risk premiums
  • New EU members Croatia clearly underperfomed to
    CETOP20 markets lower liquidity, higher

and serious decreases in fund market sizes
Data source EFAMA, Bamosz
  • Former EU accessors with larger market size
    suffered less, except for the Poland as the
  • Group of new EU members and Croatia lost 2/3 if
    their total market, except for Romania as the
    best performer

Critical points strong preference of local
equity investments
Data source EFAMA, Bamosz
  • Croatia-Bulgaria-Poland correlation between high
    proportion of equity funds and the deep fall of
    fund market sizes
  • Romania as exception high ratio of
    institutionals, seed money, money market funds
    saving collection
  • Czech Republic and Hungary law risky fund
    exposure moderate decline in fund market sizes

And how it was going on in Ukraine?
  • Mutual funds money market related investment
    limits till January, 2009
  • Up to 30 of the prevailing NAV in cash and cash
    equivalents, and gold

  • Consequences
  • Due to unsufficient availability of bonds and
    restrictions on any foreign assets, derivatives
    and alternative assets local equities became
    obligatory elements of local funds investments
  • As a result of it there was no safe heaven
    alternative fund vehicles available when the
    crises came
  • Crises caused dramatic losses at almost all the
    running mutual funds

  • Market of local mutual securities funds was hit
    at its infant stage of development
  • Investors initial confidence broken

Which solution was missing? - money market funds
for sure
  • Key characteristics of EU/CEE MMF tools
  • Mutual fund, usually as UCITS (stricter
    diversifications limits 5/10/40 as general
    20 for deposits)
  • Investments mainly in deposits, different bonds
    with shorter maturity, repo transactions
  • As a result of it low volatility with moderate
    expected return (close to term deposits
  • Low cost vehicles moderate or zero distribution
    fees, low additional fees
  • Short settlement period (usually T1/2 days or
    even T0), low face value of investment
  • Reasons why MMFs segment is not develop in many
    of the CEE countries ?
  • Early (infant) stage of development on mutual
    fund markets Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine
  • Low risk moderate performance attribution no
    serios attractivity compared to equities
  • Legal environment led the market towards higher
    risk investments Poland, Ukraine
  • Temporarily overperforming local equity markets
    attracted savings Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland,
  • High central depositary fees ruined the
    preformance of MMFs Bulgaria
  • Concrete legal restrictions in investment limits

What do we love MMFs? ?
  • Why are MMFs benefitial solutions for our
    customers? Because they
  • provide easily understandable and usable
    investment solution for the households everyday
  • are optimal also for corporates liquidity
  • are low risk investments and thus, well adjusted
    to CEEs financial culture
  • can serve as proper start-up education tools for
    mutual fund investments
  • provide good safe heaven type investment
    opportunities when riskier asset classes are
  • Are MMFs benefitial also from the banking system
    point of view?
  • In case of consequent legal legislation and
    related riskliquidity management MMFs are safe
    solutions without serious reputation risk when
    offered, even in case of critical market
  • Benefitial supplementary element of the product
    offering good for client retention and
  • Funding tools for banks fund collection at
    reasonable price
  • Direct revenue through management fee income

International experiences MMFs in Europe
Fund categories on the UCITS fund market -
Market share of MMF from the total fund market
Figures contain only UCITS fund related numbers
Source EFAMA report
  • Equity Funds significant decrease of AUM during
    the crisis net cash outflow revaluation
  • MMFs clear safe heaven function - attracting
    flows from other funds, mainly from equity funds
  • MMFs as basic saving instrument its market share
    is ususally 30-50 on the total mutual fund
  • MMF as the only fund type which could generate
    net cash inflowsin 2008, supported by positive

Domestic experiences MMFs in Hungary
Development of mutual funds in Hungary 1997-2008
Share of cash vs. Securities type investments in
households savings in Hungary
Source Hungarian National Bank
Source Association of Hungarian Investment Fund
and Asset Management Companies
  • Clear process of securitisation within households
    savings, compared to 1995 weight of weight of
    securities type investments increased from 24 to
    50 stabil weight even in critical years (2003,
  • Increasing diversification on fund market in
    terms of fund types widening sortiment of higher
    risk solutions, however, MMFs became the leading
    instrument and remained stable even in critical
  • Structured guaranteed funds became popular,
    thanks to their limited risk higher potencial
    yield attribution

In-house experiences fund assets
diversification within OTP Bank Plc.
  • 31.12.2004.
  • Moderate width of product range
  • No previous regular training of sales staff for
    diversifiaction and fund portfolio concept
  • Very high concentration of assets in one single
    fund type (short) bond funds
  • Law awerness level both on sales and buy side
    regarding product knowledge
  • High risk of non-diversified product portfolio
    both on OTP and client side

Breakdown of fund classes by clientele types
  • 30.04.2009
  • Very intensive product development, extension in
    product offering
  • Launch of HUF mone market product (pure deposit
    fund) January 2005
  • MMF takes over the role of base product
  • Thanks to conscious product development and
    education clear move ahead of equity and capital
    protected funds

Source OTP Bank DataWarehouse
OTP MMF becoming key instrument without
Start of crisis
Capital gain tax introduction
EUR mn
  • Sept. 2005 to date steady growth of MMF while
    deposit volumen remains stable - no serious
  • August 2006 introduction of capital gain tax
    resulted in immediate inflow into products with
    fixed interest, with longer maturity OTP bonds
    and mortgage bonds
  • October 2008 significant demand for products
    with fixed interest rate and increased deposit
    guarantee term deposits, OTP bonds, mortgage
    bonds paralell withrawals from OTP MMF

Close to term deposit performance with daily
  • OTP MMF 3M p.a. past yield was close to but 1-2
    below the best prevailing retail deposit offer of
    OTP Bank Plc.
  • Difference between peformances of the 2 key
    instruments can be considered as price of
  • Investors are tend to pay this price as they are
    compensated through the daily liquidity

Development of OTP MMF penetration in retail
Source OTP Bank DataWarehouse
  • Around 330 000 active retail clients with
    securities account in OTP Bank Plc. ca. 10 of
    total clientele
  • 120 000 clients have MMF ca. every 25th retail
    client has MMF within OTP Bank Plc.
  • The numbers of clients having OTP Bonds and
    Mortgage Bonds is also constantly growing as a
    clear result in strengthening risk aversion due
    to the credit crises and related capital market

Conclusions We need
  • to do efforst and bring new innovations
  • to think of opportunities for modernization and
    adjustment of legal legislation
  • to educate ourselves, our sales staff and our
    clients permanently and
  • to intoduce new ideas and products through simple
    ans easy understandable basic solutions

in order to avoid
these kind of situations
Thank you for your attention!
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