HISTORY OF THE INTERNET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: MULTIMEDIA Author: FBMK Last modified by: FBMK Created Date: 9/18/2001 9:35:51 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Some sources
  • Summary of information obtained from Websites
    such as
  • Hobbes Internet Timeline
  • What is the Internet?
  • History of Internet
  • http//www.isoc.org/internet/history/

Beginnings of communication revolution
  • 1836 Telegraph invented, Morse Code developed
  • 1858-1866 Transatlantic cables laid, allowing
    direct and instantaneous communication across the
  • 1876 Telephone invented by Alexander Graham

  • How is each of these inventions / developments
    relevant to the development of the Internet?
  • Telegraph
  • Transatlantic cables
  • Telephone

Answer (1)
  • Morse Code uses a system of dots and dashes.
    Particular sequences of dots and dashes represent
    letters of the alphabet, much as digital
    communication uses series of digits (0 and 1)
    based on the binary system.

Answer (2)
  • Transatlantic cables today connect all continents
    and are still a main hub of telecommunications.

Answer (3)
  • Telephone wires and exchanges provide the
    backbone of Internet connections today. Modems
    provide Digital to Audio conversions to allow
    computers to connect over the telephone network.

Beginnings of Global Communication
  • The USSR launches Sputnik - first artificial
    earth satellite, heralding the start of global
    telecommunications. Satellites play an important
    role in transmitting data today.
  • In response, the United States forms the Advanced
    Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the
    Department of Defense (DoD) to establish an
    American lead in science and technology
    applicable to the military.

Development of Networks
  • 1962 - 1968
  • The Internet first conceived
  • ARPA grows into small network (ARPANET) intended
    to promote the sharing of super-computers amongst
    researchers in the United States.
  • Technology first developed for military purposes
  • First generation of networking hardware and
    software designed

Birth of the Internet
  • 1969
  • First node activated at UCLA (University of
    California at Los Angeles), closely followed by
    nodes at Stanford Research Institute, UCSB
    (University of California at Santa Barbara) and
    University of Utah.

Development of Internet (1)
  • 1970 1973
  • ALOHANET developed at the University of Hawaii
  • ARPANET becomes high-speed digital post office
    for collaboration on research projects and
  • Number of hosts grows to 23, connecting
    universities and government research centres
    around the U.S.A.

Development of Internet (2)
  • 1970 1973
  • The InterNetworking Working Group (INWG) becomes
    the first of several standards-setting entities
    to govern the growing network.
  • Vinton Cerf is elected the first chairman of the
    INWG, and later becomes known as the Father of
    the Internet.
  • ARPANET goes international with connections to
    London and Norway.

Commercialisation of the Internet
  • 1974 Bolt, Beranek and Newman open Telenet
    (Telnet) - first commercial version and public
    data service of the ARPANET.
  • 1974 1981 ARPANET moves away from
    military/research roots, general public gets
    first hint of how networked computers can be used
    in daily life.
  • 1976 Queen Elizabeth goes online with the first
    royal email message.

Public groups
  • 1979 Newsgroups and listservs are born - Users
    from all over the world join these discussion
    groups to talk about the Net, politics, religion
    and thousands of other subjects.
  • The first MUD (Multiuser Dungeon) interactive
    multi-user sites are introduced, making it
    possible for the development of interactive
    adventure games, board games, and rich and
    detailed databases.

Internet language
  • 1982 The term Internet is used for the first
  • 1982 1983 TCP/IP becomes the universal
    language of the Internet - for the first time
    the loose collection of networks that make up the
    ARPANET is seen as an Internet a connected
    set of networks (specifically those using
    TCP/IP), and the Internet as we know it today is

Development of Personal Computer industry
  • Mid-1980s
  • A boom in the personal computer (PC)
  • Combination of inexpensive desktop machines and
    powerful, network-ready servers allows many
    companies to join the Internet for the first
  • Corporations begin to use the Internet to
    communicate with each other and with their

Development of Names
  • 1983 - 1984
  • Number of Internet hosts breaks 1,000 gt
    difficult to remember exact paths
  • Domain Name Server (DNS) introduced. Instead of a
    domain number like 123.456.789.10, it is easier
    to remember something like
  • www.myuniversity.mydept.mynetwork.mycountry
  • (e.g., www.cs.cf.ac.uk).

Development of Terms
  • 1984 William Gibson coins the term cyberspace in
    his novel Neuromancer.
  • 1988 - 1989
  • Internet Chat Relay (IRC) developed.
  • Privacy and security in digital world threatened
  • New words, such as hacker, cracker and electronic
    break-in, are coined
  • Nov. 1, 1988 malicious programme called
    "Internet Worm" unleashed, temporarily disabling
    approximately 6,000 of the 60,000 Internet hosts

Birth of the World Wide Web
  • 1991 The World Wide Web is born
  • Computer code of the WWW
  • has ability to combine words, pictures, sound
  • is first posted by Tim Berners-Lee.
  • 1992 The term surfing the Internet is coined by
    Jean Armour Polly.

Development of Graphical browsers (1)
  • 1991 A team at University of Minnesota, led by
    computer programmer Mark MaCahill, releases
    Gopher, the first point-and-click way of
    navigating the files of the Internet. Gopher
    provides user-friendly interface to the Internet.
    MaCahill calls it "the first Internet application
    my mom can use.
  • 1993 Mosaic, the first graphics-based Web
    browser with a friendly interface, becomes

Development of Graphical browsers (2)
  • 1994 Marc Andreesen and Jim Clark form Netscape
    Communications Corp. and develop Netscape.
  • By 1994 The U.S. Senate and White House, Japan's
    Prime Minister, the United Kingdoms Treasury,
    shopping malls and banks, and Pizza Hut go
    online. On the cultural front, the Rolling Stones
    broadcast the Voodoo Lounge tour over the

Development of Graphical browsers (3)
  • 1996
  • Users in almost 150 countries around the world
    are now connected to the Internet.
  • WWW browser war begins, fought primarily between
    Netscape and Microsoft, rushing in a new age in
    software development.

Wide applications of the Internet
  • By 1994 The U.S. Senate and White House, Japan's
    Prime Minister, the United Kingdoms Treasury,
    shopping malls and banks, and Pizza Hut go
    online. On the cultural front, the Rolling Stones
    broadcast the Voodoo Lounge tour over the

Continued growth of the Internet
  • 1997 2002 Statistics for July 2002 (at
    http//www.netsizer.com/) show that there are
    about 194.1 million hosts to date with two new
    hosts and 5 users being recorded every second!
    (Running counter recording additions in real

World Internet Usage (1) http//www.internetworld
World Regions Population( 2004 Est.) Internet Usage,( Year 2000 ) Internet Usage,Latest Data User Growth( 2000- 2004 ) Pene-tration( Pop) ofWorld
Africa 893,197,200 4,514,400 12,937,100 186.6 1.4 1.6
Asia 3,607,499,800 114,303,000 257,898,314 125.6 7.1 31.7
Europe  730,894,078 103,096,093 230,886,424 124.0 31.6 28.4
Middle East 258,993,600 5,284,800 17,325,900 227.8 6.7 2.1
WORLD  TOTAL 6,390,147,487 360,983,512 812,931,592 125.2 12.7 100.0
(stats obtained 2003/2004)
1 December 2004
World Internet Usage (2) http//www.internetworld
World Regions Population( 2004 Est.) Internet Usage,( Year 2000 ) Internet Usage,Latest Data User Growth( 2000- 2004 ) Pene-tration( Pop) ofWorld
North America 325,246,100 108,096,800 222,165,659 105.5 68.3 27.3
Latin America/Caribbean 541,775,800 18,068,919 55,930,974 209.5 10.3 6.9
Oceania 32,540,909 7,619,500 15,787,221 107.2 48.5 1.9
WORLD  TOTAL 6,390,147,487 360,983,512 812,931,592 125.2 12.7 100.0
(stats obtained 2003/2004)
1 December 2004
Internet Usage in Malaysia  http//www.internetwo
Population( 2004 Est.) Internet Usage,( Year 2000 ) Internet Usage,Latest Data User Growth( 2000- 2004 ) Pene-tration( Pop) ofUsers in Asia
25,581,000 3,700,000 8,692,100 134.9 34.0 3.4
(stats obtained 2003/2004)
1 December 2004
ASIA Population( 2009 Est.) Internet Users,(Year 2000) Internet Users,Latest Data (Dec 2009) Penetration( Population) User Growth( 2000-2009 ) Users ()in Asia
Brunei Darussalem 388,190 30,000 217,000 55.9 623.3 0.0

China 1,338,612,968 22,500,000 384,000,000 28.7 1,606.7 50.2
Hong Kong 7,055,071 2,283,000 4,878,713 69.2 113.7 0.6
Japan 127,078,679 47,080,000 95,979,000 75.5 103.9 12.6
Korea, South 48,508,972 19,040,000 37,475,800 77.3 96.8 4.9
Macao 559,846 60,000 259,000 46.3 331.7 0.0
Malaysia 25,715,819 3,700,000 16,902,600 65.7 356.8 2.2
Singapore 4,657,542 1,200,000 3,370,000 72.4 180.8 0.4
Taiwan 22,974,347 6,260,000 15,143,000 65.9 141.9 2.0
Thailand 65,998,436 2,300,000 16,100,000 24.4 600.0 2.1
Vietnam 88,576,758 200,000 22,779,887 25.7 11,289.9 3.0
TOTAL ASIA 3,808,070,503 114,304,000 764,435,900 20.1 568.8 100.0
Country or Region World Users
1 United States 25.3
2 China 10.9
3 Japan 8.3
4 Germany 5.9
5 United Kingdom 4.4
6 Korea (South) 3.8
11 India 2.3
18 Malaysia 1.1
19 Indonesia 1.0
(stats obtained 2003/2004)
1 December 2004
Additional slides
  • How does the evolution of the Internet impact on
    language and communication?

Early Internet Gopher-based
  • Computer-Assisted Language Learning
  • (CALL)
  • Drill and Practice on discrete items
  • (Objective format)
  • Text-based (electronic page turner?)
  • Spell and Style Checkers

1st Generation WWW
  • Multimedia
  • Various font styles
  • Colours
  • Layouts
  • Sounds
  • Animation
  • Hypertexts

How does this influence language use?
2nd Generation Web
  • Ability to incorporate Flash
  • PDF (Portable Document Format) files
  • Streaming audio
  • Streaming video
  • Posting of Power Point files
  • Improved interactivity
  • Synchronous and asynchronous communication

Web pages become highly fleeting, dynamic,
multilayered, multi-fragmented, and hybridized
(Squire, 2005)
3rd Generation Web
  • Three-dimensional (depth, height and breadth)
  • Televisual and cinematic effect
  • Fast download through broadband infrastructure

Consider applications and communication tools
made possible by the Internet and the WWW.
Compare the language used in the different
Examples1. E-mails2. ICQ / IRC3. Electronic
Bulletin Board4. Weblog5. Wiki
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