Title: Exponential
1Exponential Logarithmic Functions
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4- The exponential function f with base a is
denoted by f(x)ax, where a?1 , and x is any
real number. - The function value will be positive because a
positive base raised to any power is positive.
5- Ex if the base is 2 and x 4, the function
value f(4) will equal 16. The graph of f(x)2x
would be (4, 16).
6Exponential functions Definition Take a gt 0 and
not equal to 1 . Then, the function defined by
f R -gt R x -gt ax is called
an exponential function with base a.
7Graph and properties Let f(x) an exp. fun. with
a gt 1.Let g(x) an exp. Fun. with 0 lt a lt 1.
8- From the graphs we see that
- The domain is R
- The range is the set of strictly
- positive real numbers
- The function is continuous in its domain
- The function is increasing if a gt 1 and
decreasing if 0 lt a lt 1 - The x-axis is a horizontal asymptote
9Logarithmic functions Definition and basic
properties Take a gt 0 and not equal to 1 . Since
the exponential function f R -gt R x -gt ax are
either increasing or decreasing, the inverse
function is defined. This inverse function is
called the logarithmic function with base a. We
write loga (x)
10for x gt 0 we have aloga(x) x for all x we have
loga(ax) x
Graph Let f(x) a logarithmic function with
a gt 1.Let g(x) a logarithmic
function with 0 lt a lt 1.
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12log(x.y) log(x) log(y)
log(x/y) log(x) - log(y) log(xr ) r.log(x)
13Pf log(x.y) u then au x.y (1) Let
log(x) v then av x (2) Let log(y) w
then aw y (3) From (1) , (2) and (3) au
av . aw gt au av w gt u v w
14Change the base of a logarithmic fun.
Theoremfor each strictly positive real number a
and b, different from 1,
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18- Definition of Logarithmic Function
- For x gt0, agt0 , and a ? 1, we have
- f(x)loga(x) iff a f(x) x
- Since x gt 0, the graph of the above function
will be in quadrants I and IV. -
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20- Comments on Logarithmic Functions
- The exponential equation 4364, could be written
in terms of a logarithmic equation as
log4(64)3. - The exponential equation 5-21/25 can be
written as the logarithmic equation log5(1/25)-2.
21- Logarithmic functions are the inverse of
exponential functions. For example if (4, 16) is
a point on the graph of an exponential function,
then (16, 4) would be the corresponding point on
the graph of the inverse logarithmic function.
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23The derivatives of the logarithmic functions
d/dx logb(x) 1 / x ln (b)
d/dx ln (x) 1/x since ln e 1
Derivative of bx and ex (d/dx) bx bx ln(b)
24Ex d/dx 2x(4 x ) 2(4 x ) 2x(4 x ) ln4
25Ex d/dx ln (x2 2x -1) Ex d/dx ln (3x
2) Ex d/dx log 3 (x) 1 / x ln (3)