Title: Cell Membranes and Transport
1Cell Membranes and Transport
- B9 - Analyze the structure and function of the
cell membrane
2Cell Walls
- NB Cell walls are different from cell membranes
- Stiff, non-living
- Made of complex carbohydrates
- Cellulose for plants
- Chitin for fungi
- Chitin-like frame for bacteria
- Used for support and protection
- Very porous entry only controlled by size
3Cell Membranes gate keepers
- 1. Isolate form outside
- 2. Control entry and exit
- 3. Communicate with others
- 4. Bare identification (Im one of you!)
4Which of these statements are true comparing cell
walls with membranes?
Walls Membranes
A Non-living Living
B Plants and bacteria only Animals only
C Control entrance by size only Control entrance by many factors
D Made with cellulose Made with lipids
E Contain pores Contain pores
5Fluid Mosaic Model
- A phospholipid bilayer with proteins scattered
through it - fluid because the proteins seem to float
around the bilayer - Hydrophilic heads on the outside
- Hydrophobic tails on the inside
6(No Transcript)
7- Hydrophobic layer is a barrier to H2O soluble
molecules (but makes it less fluid)
8- Cholesterol in the bilayer is even less permeable
to H2O soluble molecules (but makes it less fluid)
9Protein Mosaic
- Membrane proteins will interact with the
hydrophobic and hydrophilic layers of the bilayer - Some proteins will protrude into the cytoplasm,
some into the extracellular space, others into
- Membrane proteins that have a carbohydrate chain
attached - Often seen in proteins that protrude outside the
- Membrane lipids that have a carbohydrate chain
attached - Both glycoproteins and glycolipids OFTEN function
in cell-to-cell communication and/or recognition
12What does the fluid in fluid mosaic model
refer to?
- A. The structure of the cell membrane
- B. The structure of the cell wall
- C. The fact that the membrane is made up mostly
of water - D. The fact that the membrane is always changing,
so it seems to be fluid - E. The fact that the membrane is made up of
lipids, and they tend to flow
13What does mosaic mean?
- A. a picture
- B. a lipid
- C. a bunch of different things clumped together
on a background - D. a type of protein that lets things into the
cell - E. No idea!
14Which of the following is true regarding this
- A. 1a and 1b are fatty acids
- B. 3 is a phosphate group
- C. 5 is the hydrophobic end of the molecule
- D. 6 is the hydrophobic end of the molecule
- E. this is a type of lipid
15Which one is a
- 1. Phospholipid
- 2. Glycoprotein
- 3. Cholesterol
163 major membrane Protein Categories
- 1. Transport proteins
- Regulated, fast method for specific molecules to
enter and exit - Channel proteins
- Carrier proteins
172. Receptor Proteins
- When activated, set off enzymatic sequences
inside the cell
183. Recognition Proteins
19Membrane Transport - RATE
- Depends on
- Gradient (concentration, electrical or pressure)
- Size of molecule
- Lipid solubility
- of transporters
- The random net movement of molecules from an area
of high concentration to an area of low
concentration. - (this is following the concentration gradient)
- The diffusion of WATER across a selectively
permeable membrane - (this is also following the concentration
gradient and does not require energy)
22Osmotic Effects
- Isotonic solution
- Same solute concentration
- Cell is happy (no net loss or gain of water)
23HYPERtonic solutions
- Solute is greater outside the cell than inside
the cell - Cell is not happy
- It will crenate (shrink)
24HYPOtonic solutions
- Solute concentation is less outside the cell than
inside - Cell is not happy
- Cell will lyse
25(No Transcript)
26Active transport
- Often against the concentration gradient
- (ATP --gt ADP P)
- Uses transporter proteins
27Endocytosis - 3 types
28PhagocytosisLarge particles
292. Pinocytosis
- Liquid and
- smaller particles only
30Receptor-mediated Endocytosis
- Uses receptors to bind first to the desired
molecules, then gathers them together before
enclosing them in a membrane