Global Poverty Part 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Global Poverty Part 1


Global Poverty Part 1 Peter Singer and the duty to help Facts 1/3 of all human deaths each year (18 million) are due to poverty-related causes and easily preventable ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Global Poverty Part 1

  • Global Poverty Part 1
  • Peter Singer and the duty to help

  • Facts

  • 1/3 of all human deaths each year (18 million)
    are due to poverty-related causes and easily
    preventable diseases.
  • Poverty deaths since 1990 324 million

  • Death toll of wars, massacres and atrocities of
    the 20th c http//
  • Total about 180 million

  • 2) Extreme inequality
  • Poorest 44 of mankind take up a meager 1.2 of
    annual global product
  • High-income countries
  • 15 of global population, 80 of aggregate global
    income in 2001

  • Poverty as a moral problem
  • Physical pain and sufferings
  • Attendant social evils illiteracy, social
    exclusion, economic exploitation
  • Stunting of human development (ref. Aristotle)
  • Vulnerable to all sorts of unexpected happenings
    an untimely rain, a mild illness

  • One notorious example female homicides in Ciudad
    Juarez in N Mexico, across the US border of
  • 2007 North America City of the Future award of
    FDI Magazine
  • Conglomeration of assembly plants
  • Not only famous for its economic progress, but
    also something more sinister

  • From 1993 to 2003, 370 women have been murdered,
    with 130 subjected to sexual assault before
  • Many of the women were abducted, held captive
    for several days and subject to humiliation,
    torture and the most horrific sexual violence
    before dying Their bodies have been found
    several days or weeks later, hidden among rubble
    or abandoned in the deserted areas nearby.

  • What is our moral relationship with the distant
  • Only a matter of charity or beneficence?
  • Warren Buffett, the world's second richest man,
    has pledged 30.7bn of his 44bn fortune to the
    Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. According to
    the Chronicle of Philanthropy, it is the largest
    charitable donation ever made.
    ( June 26th 2006)

  • In the World Food Summit organized by UNFAO in
    1996, the 186 governments agreed that it is
    intolerable that more than 800 million people
    do not have enough to meet their basic needs.
  • Yet, the US government insisted that eradication
    of starvation is a goal or aspiration to be
    realized progressively that does not give rise to
    any international obligations.

  • Do we have a moral duty to help the poor?
  • Peter Singer YES!!
  • University Center for Human Values, Princeton
    University (1946 - )

  • Lets start with our common intuitions with
    regard to rescue cases
  • Peter walks past the lily pond on his way from
    CYM to the Philo Dept for the midterm test of
    PHIL1003. He notices that a boy is about to drown
    in the pond and there is no one nearby.
  • Does Peter have a duty to help? YES, even though
    doing so might cost him a good grade.

  • Underlying principle If we can prevent something
    morally bad from happening without sacrificing
    anything of comparable moral significance, we
    have a duty to do it.
  • If we choose not to give anything away, arent
    we, as affluent citizens, as morally bad as one
    who just let the poor boy drown?

  • Possible objections
  • 1) Presence of other potential helpers
  • Singers response Should I consider that I am
    less obliged to pull the drowning child out of
    the pond if on looking around I see other people,
    no further away than I am, who have also noticed
    the child but are doing nothing? One has only to
    asked this question to see the absurdity of the
    view that numbers less obligation.

  • Case of Kitty Genovese
  • For more than half an hour 38 respectable,
    law-abiding citizens in Queens watched a killer
    stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks
    in Kew Gardens. (New York Times Mar 27th 1964
  • Bystander effect the greater is the number of
    bystanders, the less inclined is one to attempt
    to help

  • 2) Priority be given fellow citizens
  • Singers response why should distance be morally
  • Moral arbitrariness of nationality

  • Bomb dropped by Singer
  • Every time we indulge ourselves in luxuries, we
    are in effect saying that
  • Its terrible that you are suffering, and I
    feel sorry for you. While it would be nice for me
    to save you, you cant blame me for not doing
    anything, just like you cant blame Peter for not
    jumping it and hence letting the poor kid drown.

  • Radical implications of Singers principle
  • Extremely self-vigilant in our use of time
  • Not only luxuries are impermissible, Singers
    principle requires us to keep giving away our
    money till the point of marginal utility
  • This is because Singers principle is

  • Richard Miller (Sage School of Philosophy,
    Cornell University) in Beneficience, Duty and
    Distance (Philosophy and Public Affairs 32 no. 4
  • We are entitled to the resources necessary for a
    meaningful pursuit of the goals that define who
    we are.
  • How can we strike a balance between living a
    meaningful life and fulfilling our moral duties
    in the face of massive sufferings?

  • Principle of sympathy
  • We ought to have a sufficiently strong
    underlying concern towards others neediness so
    that any additional giving which manifests a
    greater underlying concern would impose a risk of
    making our lives significantly worse off.

  • How does Millers principle avoids the
    incremental problem of Singers principle?
  • Disposition is not sensitive to small amount of
    donations at the margin.
  • If one is sufficiently concerned about others
    neediness, permissible not to give away what is
    sufficient to save yet another human.
  • Seems plausible student A studies 18 hours a
    day. B studies 18 hours and 5 min.
  • Is B more hard-working than A?

  • Hence, while morality requires us to give a
    sufficient portion of our wealth away, it does
    allow us to (occasionally) spend some money on
    birthday presents/movie tickets. goals the
    pursuit of which are essential for our living a
    worthwhile life.

  • Is our underlying concern towards others
    neediness indeed as coarse-grained as Miller
  • Seems to be so only when we view people suffering
    from poverty as a homogeneous mass.
  • Suppose A and B have the same income and have
    both given away 60 of their income.
  • A I have already away so much, and giving away
    an extra 50 has nothing to do with whether I am
    a more caring person. So its morally okay for me
    not to give away the extra money.
  • B I have already given away so much, and I
    dont want to any more. But since an extra 50
    can save a few more lives ok, I will do it
  • Why doesnt this show that B has a greater
    concern for the needy than A?

  • Do you agree with Peter Singer that the society
    can be better organised if we recognize that each
    of us are 'primarily responsible for running our
    own lives and only secondarily responsible for
    others'? Do you think that this is moral in a
    capitalist society? Can we still be moral if we
    take care of ourselves first and then consider
    the well being of others?
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