Title: "Virtualisation and public/private
1 - "Virtualisation and public/private cloud
computing - supporting agility and services for
Statistical Institutions".
Tony Marion Infrastructure Architect, ABS for
Meeting on the Management of Statistical
Information Systems, Korea, April 2010
2 Presentation Outline
- Drivers for change
- Brief history of Virtualisation in the ABS
- What does the ABS Cloud look like
- Aspirations for the future
- Some tips when building an internal Cloud
3 Drivers for change
4Why change our ICT Infrastructure?
- Increasing expectations of data respondents,
information consumers and suppliers for
electronic interaction - Government expectation of further efficiencies
- Maintaining data quality with shrinking budgets
- Evolving the statistics for important areas of
government decision-making - Greater demand for system-to-system services
through the web - Using existing data for new statistics
- Creating hybrid subject-matter outputs (eg
socio-economic, enviro-economic)? - Replacing purpose-built data collection with more
administrative data - Systematising statistical business process
knowledge - Incorporating components developed by others (eg
geospatial software)? - Data linking
5 Growing Gap
What the ABS business needs vs. What ITcan
Business Needs
IT Capacity
6 Where we wanted to be Virtual Environment
Where we were Server Sprawl
Hard to manage, low utilisation, inflexible
Dynamic, computing resource for clients
7 Brief history of Virtualisation in the ABS
8(No Transcript)
9 What does the ABS Cloud look like
10SOSSWe just did it
13(No Transcript)
14 Aspirations for the future
15Future Projects
No Major Technology Updates
- Infrastructure_at_ABS
- Desktop_at_ABS
- Security_at_ABS
- Access_at_ABS
- Servers_at_ABS
- Web_at_ABS
- Vdesktop_at_ABS
- Vappliance_at_ABS
16Application Efficiencies
- Pre-installed, Pre-configured software stack
- Software-as-a-Service Hides complexity of
installation and configuration - Desktop, Infrastructure or SOA Application
- Gains Virtual Infrastructure Benefits
17 Some tips when building an internal Cloud
18- Plan for success but some risk will be required
- Get other technical staff and clients onside
- Start Small and grow with experience
- Ensure staff are well trained
- Establish a good relationship with hardware and
Software vendors - Get your licensing right for the Virtual world
- Use appropriate Hardware
- Test applications and build virtual machines from
scratch - Monitor the environment and be prepared to change
19 Thank you