Title: Reading the River Evaluation Summary 2002-2003
1Reading the River Evaluation Summary2002-2003
- Jeffrey Smith
- Department of Psychology
- Northern Kentucky University
2Participant Demographics
- N 20 (12 Female 8 males)
- Teaching level (2 primary, 1 intermediate, 6
middle school, 10 high school, 1 missing) - Subject area taught (2 self-contained, 16
science, 1 math science, 1other) - Influenced to participant by (15 own initiative,
1school staff agreed program was need, 1 other,
3 missing)
3Pre-test, Post-test, Long-term Post-test
- Pre-test measures were taken on the first day of
the program. - Post-test measures were taken on the last day of
the program. - Long-term post measures were take eight months
after end of the program.
4Participants Confidence1Low5High
- Confidence in the use of teaching technology
- Confidence in the use of instructional strategies
- Confidence in use of community resources
- Confidence in use of field based investigations
- Confidence in the teaching of program topics
5Items 1-7 Rate your confidence in the use of
the following program technologies (1Low5High)
- Water quality kits
- Labware, probes, CBLs, and graphing Calculators
- Internet websites
- Microscopes
- Videoscopes
- Presentation technologies
- Digital cameras
6Average Pre, Post and Long-term Post Confidence
Rating for Items 1-7.
7Items 8-12 Confidence in the use of
Instructional Strategies (1Low5High)
- Hands-on instruction
- Inquiry-based teaching
- Gender minority equity
- Integrating the sciences
- Integrating science with other subjects
8Average Pre, Post and Long-term Post Confidence
Rating in the use of Instructional Strategies.
9Items 13-15 Confidence in the Ability to use
Community Resources(1Low5High)
- Guest speakers
- Natural environment field sites
- Field trips to watershed community resources
10Average Pre, Post and Long-term Post Confidence
Ratings in the Ability to use Community Resources
11Items 18-21 Confidence in the use of Field Based
Investigations (1Low5High)
- Water chemistry
- Macroinvertebrate study
- Fish study
- Geology study with Topo maps
12Average Pre, Post and Long-term Post Confidence
Ratings for the use of Field Based Investigations.
13Items 23-26 Confidence in the Ability to Teach
Program Topics (1Low5High)
- Watersheds
- Connections between science and real life
- Connections between science and societal issues
- Connections between science and science-related
14Average Pre, Post and Long-term Post Confidence
Ratings in the Ability to Teach Program Topics
15Items 27-30 Rate the General enthusiasm of the
following for Science (1Low5High).
- All students in my classes
- Male students
- Female students
- Minority students
16Average Pre and Long-term Post Ratings of Student
Enthusiasm for Science (1 Low5High)
17Item 31 Percentage of Curriculum aligned with
the Core Content for Assessment
18Items 1-7 Participants Reported Use of Program
Technologies a Year (1Never, 2 1-2, 33-4,
45-6, 5Over 6 times)
- Water quality kits
- Labware, probes, CBLs, and graphing Calculators
- Internet websites
- Microscopes
- Videoscopes
- Presentation technologies
- Digital cameras
19Average Pre and Long-term Post Reported Use of
Program Technologies
20Items 8-12 Participants Reported Use of
Instructional Strategies (1Never, 2 1-2,
33-4, 45-6, 5Over 6 times)
- Hands-on instruction
- Inquiry-based teaching
- Gender minority equity
- Integrating the sciences
- Integrating science with other subjects
21Average Pre and Long-term Post Reported Use of
Instructional Strategies
22Items 13-15 Participants Reported Use of
Community Resources (1Never, 2 1-2, 33-4,
45-6, 5Over 6 times)
- Guest speakers
- Natural environment field sites
- Field trips to watershed community resources
23Average Pre and Long-term Post Use of Reported
Use of Community Resources
24Items 18-21 Participants Reported Use of Field
Based Investigations(1Never, 2 1-2, 33-4,
45-6, 5Over 6 times)
- Water chemistry
- Macroinvertebrate study
- Fish study
- Geology study with Topo maps
25Average Pre and Long-term Post Use of Field Based
26Items 23-26 Participants Reported Teaching of
Program Related Topics (1Never, 2 1-2, 33-4,
45-6, 5Over 6 times)
- Watersheds
- Connections between science and real life
- Connections between science and societal issues
- Connections between science and science-related
27Average Pre and Long-term Post Reported Teaching
of Program Topics
28Item F8, Long-term Follow-up Quality of the
Program(1 Strong agree ----5 Strongly disagree)
- The professional development addressed my most
pressing professional needs M2.53 - The instructional techniques used during the
professional development were appropriate for
reaching the intended objectives. M2.16 - The professional development provided ample time
to achieve stated objectives M2.37 - The professional development provided adequate
follow-up M2.21 - The professional development provided useful
methods for transferring new knowledge and skills
to the classroom. M2.26
29Item F9, Long-term Follow-up Quality of the
Program(1 Strong agree ----5 Strongly disagree)
- I learned new concepts, facts definitions
M2.26 - I learned new instructional approaches. M2.31
- I learned about new forms of assessment. M 2.68
- I participated in hand-on activities that I now
use in my own classroom. M2.32
30Item F10, Long-term Follow-up Impact of the
Program (Yes, No, or na).
- I maintained contact with participants. yes18,
no1 - Developed a professional network yes18, no1
- Joined an organization yes10, no8, na1
- I attended professional conference yes13, no5,
na1 - I have or would recommend this program to other
teachers yes19, no1 - I shared what I learning with colleagues through
informal interactions yes19, no0 - I shared what I learned with colleagues through
formally interactions. yes11, no8
31Item F11, Long-term Follow-up Impact of the
Program on Students (1 Strongly agree ----5
Strongly disagree)
- My students are more attentive and involved in
classroom activities. M2.32 - The quality of student work is noticeably
improved. M2.42 - Student scores of statewide student assessments
have improved M2.8
32Item F12, Pre and Long-term Follow-up
Professional Impact (1 Strong agree ----5
Strongly disagree)
- I have a good understanding of fundamental core
content in my discipline. - Pre M2.63 Lt. Post M2.16
- I believe I am an effective teacher.
- Pre M2.53 Lt. Post M2.16
- I am excited about teaching my subject area.
- Pre M2.32 Lt. Post M2.05
33Item F13, Pre and Long-term Follow-up Approaches
in Classroom Teaching
- Pair A Lecture vs. Interaction
- Pre M3.95 Post M3.88
- Pair B Group work vs. Independent
- Pre M2.79 Post M2.5
- Pair C Central ideas vs. Broad coverage
- Pre M2.74 Post M3.0
- Pair D Repetitive vs. Manipulate ideas
- Pre M3.58 Post M3.44
- Pair E Hand-on vs. Lectures/demos
- Pre M2.74 Post M2.75
- Pair F Successful vs. Unsuccessful encouragement
- Pre M2.37 Post M2.63
- Pair G Conventional vs.Alternative Assessment
- Pre M3.2 Post M3.4
34Reading the River Session Evaluations
- Scaling
- Strongly agree 1
- Agree 2
- Undecided 3
- Disagree 4
- Strongly Disagree 5
35Reading the River Session Evaluations
- Sunday AM Curriculum Guidelines
- Session was beneficial M 1.84
- Sunday Afternoon Stations
- Experience was beneficial M 1.56
- Sunday PM Watershed Watch Riparin Zones
- Experience was beneficial M 2.0
36Reading the River Session Evaluations
- Monday AM Headwaters
- Experience was beneficial M 1.10
- Monday PM Stream Monitoring
- Experience was beneficial M 1.58
- Monday PM Historical Society
- Experience was beneficial M 1.40
37Reading the River Session Evaluations
- Tuesday AM Cave Run Lake
- Session was beneficial M 1.59
- Tuesday AM Fish Identification
- Session was beneficial M 1.74
- Tuesday Afternoon Pontoon Study
- Session was beneficial M 1.12
- Tuesday PM Recreation
- Experience was beneficial M 1.60
38Reading the River Session Evaluations
- Wednesday AM Mussel Study
- Session was beneficial M 1.11
- Wednesday Afternoon Canoe Trip
- Session was beneficial M 1.21
- Wednesday PM Recreation
- Experience Was Beneficial M 1.56
39Reading the River Session Evaluations
- Thursday AM Canoeing/Monitoring
- Session was beneficial M 1.44
- Thursday Afternoon History Flooding
- Session was beneficial M 2.0
- Thursday Afternoon Cultural Resources
- Session was beneficial M 2.4
- Thursday Afternoon Farm Visit
- Session was beneficial M 1.39
- Thursday PM Campfire Program
- Session was beneficial M 1.6
40Reading the River Session Evaluations
- Friday AM Microscopic Study
- Session was beneficial M 1.47
- Friday Mouth of Licking River
- Session was beneficial M 1.50
- Friday Sanitation District No. 1
- Session was beneficial M 1.63
- Friday Summary of Data
- Session was beneficial M 1.47
41Pro Environmental Attitudes(New Ecological
Paradigm Scale)