Title: 1. Describe un sitio tur
1Year 8 Spanish summer writing assessment
1. Describe un sitio turístico que conoces bien.
(Describe a tourist location that you know well)
2. 1. Adónde fuiste de vacaciones el año pasado?
Describe tus vacaciones. (Where did you go on
holiday last year? Describe your holiday.
3. Qué planes tienes para este verano? (What
plans do you have for this summer?)
2Prepare answers of 2(or 3) sentences for each
question that include the following
? ?
Present (reg irreg)
Verb infinitive
spelling errors
Level 4 Attempted with some success. Some
correct verb forms used in most answers full
sentences that communicate, even though some
spelling errors persist. Level 5 Pupils do as
for level 4 - verb forms correct, in at least 2
of 3 tenses. Additional details added with sound
spelling. Several other past verbs other than
fui and fue included. At least one opinion
included.Level 6 Ability shown in 3 tenses
with some consistency. Some longer sentences
with a range of vocabulary. Reasons and opinions
more frequently included.Level 7 The ability
to apply structural rules and research new
language that is applied with some success across
different tenses/structures. Consequently a
wider range of language used than for level 6 and
language that has not been taught. NB Half
levels are also possible. Enter marks on
marksheet as follows Level 7 20, 6.5 19, 6
17, 5.5 15, 5 14, 4.5 12, 4 10, 3.5 8,
3 7, 2.5 5, 2 3