Title: PARIS21
- CONSORTIUM MEETINGParis, 17-18 October 2002
- Progress Report of the Task Team on Food,
Agriculture and Rural Statistics - Objectives
- Past activities of the TT up to October 2002
- Work Program for the period between October 2002
and June 2003 - PARIS Seminar
2Objectives of the task team
- (i) foster the use of food and agricultural
statistics in the development and monitoring of
poverty reduction strategies and food security
policies - (ii) encourage the linkages between the
agricultural statistics systems and national
systems and contribute to the advocacy of FARS - (iii) advise on ways and means of mobilising more
resources to support capacity building in FARS - (iv) provide a forum for exchange of innovative
ideas, sharing of experiences and best practices,
promote better co-ordination among stakeholders - (v) assist in identifying areas for research
needed on how to minimise costs of data
collection and ensure timely and full use of
3Past activities of the TT up to October 2002
- Paris, October 2001 first formal meeting of the
TT - discussion of draft terms of reference for the
task team justification, objectives, outputs,
structure, mode of operating - It was agreed
- that the TT will not duplicate but build on
existing work being done by various Agencies
FAO, World Bank, Bilateral institutions etc.. - the task team should act as a catalyst and
facilitator - the task team aim for a global reach rather than
sub-regional level - FAO Statistics Division should convene the Team.
4Past activities of the TT up to October 2002
- Pretoria, 2226 November 2001, Africa Region
workshop on Strengthening Food and Agricultural
Statistics in Africa, back-to-back with the 17th
Session of FAO-AFCAS (with support of TFSCB) - not formally organised by the Task Team
- however the workshop strongly supported a
proposal for Strengthening Food and Agricultural
Statistics in Africa and further developments in
the context of PARIS21 (workshop documents on
CD-ROM and at www.fao.org/ES/ESS/index.html
5Past activities of the TT up to October 2002
- Paris, 15 February 2002 informal meeting
PARIS21, FAO, World Bank, French Cooperation. - review of progress of TT and the Initiative in
the Africa Region - it was decided to organise a high level Seminar
bringing together policy makers, statisticians
and the Donor Community to discuss and agree on
the strategy of a Regional Proposal for
Strengthening Agricultural and Rural Statistics
in Support of PRSP and Food Security policies in
Africa. - A Preparatory Committee was proposed for the
6Past activities of the TT up to October 2002
- Rome, 4 June 2002 Preparatory Committee Meeting
(under the auspices of PARIS21 TT) FAO, WB,
UN-ECA, AfDB, French Cooperation, Statistics
Norway, Representative of Mali. - discussion and adoption of Seminar objectives,
Agenda, Papers, Authors, and organisational
details (date, place, funding, etc..) and
responsibilities of each Agency.
7Past activities of the TT up to October 2002
- Paris, 16 and 17 September 2002 PARIS21 TT
Seminar on a New Partnership to Strengthen
Agricultural and Rural Statistics in Africa for
Poverty Reduction and Food Security - The Seminar was organised with significant
technical and material support from PARIS21,
French Cooperation and technical support from
FAO, WB, EUROSTAT and other agencies) - Participation 17 International, Regional and
bilateral Agencies attended the meeting and 13
High level Statisticians and Policy makers from
African countries - Outcome agreement on guiding principles for a
new partnership in Food Agriculture and Rural
Statistics in Africa Agreement on the content of
a long term programme to support capacity
building in this sector (programme to be
developed for further discussion with interested
Donors). - Documents of the Seminar at www.paris21.org
8Work Program for the period between October 2002
and June 2003
- October 2002 to March 2003
- redesign of the Web page for the TT
- contact all members and update membership list in
order to get a core list of active members
available for contribution to specific tasks - Mobilisation of support for proposal of programme
to Strengthen Agricultural and Rural Statistics
Systems in Africa (i) direct support to interim
proposal (ii) donor meeting to discuss proposal.
9Work Program for the period between October 2002
and June 2003
- October 2002 to June 2003
- Review of TT objectives, tasks, lifespan
- Collection and dissemination on the WEB, of
existing and relevant technical documentation,
good practices from various agencies FAO,
Norway, Countries. - Support of a consultant for one month.
10Work Program for the period between Regional
- Seoul, South Korea 21-25 October 2002
Presentation on PARIS21 and TTFARS at 19th APCAS
(directors of Agricultural and National
Statistical Offices of Asia and Pacific). - Workshop back-to-back with 18th Session of AFCAS
(date and place to be decided).
- Rationalise the systems of agricultural
statistics strategic planning, medium term and
demand driven plan (Poverty alleviation, Food
Security, Sector Planning etc..). - Better use of existing information development
of relevant indicators, improve access to data,
analysis of existing data. - Integration of support to agricultural statistics
in sub-regional policies (where relevant) - Promote democratic debate around statistical
information - Mobilisation of funding for implementation of
strategic framework and medium term plan
countries/donors - Promote research.
- Systematic analysis of PRSPs and Food,
Agriculture and Rural Statistics Systems in
countries - Agricultural statistics components of National
Statistical Strategic Plans - Research on relevant subjects, including rural
indicators - Analysis and dissemination of existing data
- Staff trained
- Dissemination of good practices and experiences
- Technical assistance use of regional and
national expertise completed by expertise from
agencies - Training, including strengthening of sub-regional
training institutions - Credit line in support of country activities
- Networking and information sharing
- Funds in support of research
- Meetings between countries of sub-regions and
between sub-regions
- Umbrella global support component
- Sub-regional components (3)
- Country programmes
- Cost to be developed