Title: Introduction to the Gita
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212 aims of Sastric Study
- 1. To help students memorize and recall the
(theoretical) knowledge which forms the
foundation of their ongoing progress in Kåñëa
consciousness. Kno - To deepen students understanding of the Kåñëa
consciousness theology, particularly through
studying it from a wide range of perspectives and
through developing thoughtfulness and
introspection. Und
3number 3 -- SC/Rea To equip students with the
ability to see through the eyes of çästra, and
with a Kåñëa conscious worldview. Ultimately, to
assist the students in realizing scripture,
reestablishing their relationship with Kåñëa and
remaining conscious of Him at all times and in
all places. This includes Realization Although
çästra-cakñus ultimately means and requires full
realization, this Aim is also delivered at
different levels leading up to full realization
of the Absolute Truth.
4- 4. To help students apply the Kåñëa consciousness
theology, with reference to - (a) their external practices
- (b) their inner development and to help them
develop appropriate Vaiñëava qualities and
behavior. PeA Personal application - 5. To enhance devotees desire and ability to
preach effectively. PrA Preaching application
5- 6. To help create learned vaiñëava theologians
who are expert in assisting the Society through
application of çästric knowledge to a wide range
of personal, social, moral, topical and
theological issues. ThA Theological
Application - 7. To facilitate devotees in
- (a) understanding and appreciating the mood and
mission of Çréla Prabhupäda - (b) perpetuating that understanding within the
Society and its members. MM
6- 8. To ensure that devotees develop moral and
- academic integrity in the interpretation,
evaluation and application of çästric knowledge.
AMI - 9. To simultaneously cultivate within devotees
- (a) deep acceptance of the spiritual authority of
çästra - (b) a mood of open and honest inquiry and a
desire to factually understand and realize the
import of Vedic knowledge. AUT
7- 10. To help build and maintain students faith
and conviction in - (a) the process of Kåñëa consciousness
- (b) the çästra as its foundation. FC
- 11. To develop students analytical,
interpretative and evaluative skills,
particularly in respect - to the practical application of çästric
knowledge. Eva
812. To encourage students to take responsibility
for their learning and develop healthy
study habits by (a) enhancing their desire to
study Çréla Prabhupädas books (particularly
by nurturing their appreciation of çästra and
çästric study, and by demonstrating çästras
relevance to everyday life) (b) equipping them
with the appropriate learning skills. RfL
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10Introduction to the Gita
- Five main topics
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead--
- Isvara
- The Jiva --
- The soul within the body
- Prakriti
- nature
- Action
- Kala
11The Bhagavad Gita is divided into 3 sections
- Chapters 1-6 Karma Yoga
- Chapters 7-12 Bhakti Yoga
- Chapters 13-18
- Jñana Yoga
12Why is Bhakti in the middle?
- Shhhhhhhhh! Its a secret!
- (Rahasya) The goal of all sastra!
- Bhakti yoga gives life to both Karma and Jnana
yogas! - This secret is only revealed to
- those who have proven their sincerity
- Because Bhakti is so precious
- and important it is protected.
13Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1
14The sections of Chapter one
- A. Setting the scene (1.1-13)
- B. Signs of Victory
- (1.13-20)
- C . ARJUNA'S Arguments (1. 21-46)
15The significance of Dharma Ksetra
- Dharma that aspect of something which is
essential to its nature. - Water Has to be liquid
- The living entity has to serve
- Serving God according to Sastra
- Is real dharma
16Preparations for war-- What did they do?
My sons
And The Sons of Pandu
Vs 1-13
17Pancajanya, Devadatta, Paundra, Anantavijaya,
Sughosa and Manipuspaka
Signs of victory verses. 14-20
18Krsna as Bhakta Vatsala
Verses 21-27
19Behold the Kurus assembled here!
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21Arjuna's Doubts
Compassion How can I kill my kinsman and
guru? Enjoyment-- How will I enjoy the kingdom
alone? Saintliness and fear of sinful reactions
-By killing such great men I will incur sin. They
are worthy of worship. Destruction of the family-
The elders of the family will be killed!
22Degredation of Society
23Arjuna, having thus spoken on the battlefield,
cast aside his bow and arrows and sat down on the
chariot, his mind overwhelmed with grief. Verse