Title: Foothills Water Network
1Foothills Water Network
Middle Fork Work Group
Protect American River Canyons American River
Watershed Group Current Adventures Granite Bay
Flycasters Horseshoe Bar Fishing Club Individuals
California Hydropower Reform Coalition
California Outdoors American River Recreation
American Whitewater California Sporfishing
Alliance South Yuba River Citizen's League
Dry Creek Conservancy Save Auburn Ravine
Salmon and Steelhead Placer Legacy Ophir Property
Owners Association Auburn Ravine Preservation
Committee Individuals
Sierra Club -- Mother Lode Chapter Gold Country
Flycatchers No. Cal Council Federation of Fly
CalTrout Foothill Conservancy Friends of the River
WPC Work Group
Trout Unlimited Natural Heritage
Institute American Rivers
Yuba-Bear Work Group