Work With Individuals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Work With Individuals


Work With Individuals Step Five of the Decision Tree Chapter 12 Direct Practice Work with Individuals Direct practice with individuals encompasses: Step one ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Work With Individuals

Work With Individuals
  • Step Five of the Decision Tree
  • Chapter 12

Direct PracticeWork with Individuals
  • Direct practice with individuals encompasses
  • Step one Fiduciary responsibilities
  • Step two Crisis Intervention
  • Step three Case management
  • Step four Individual or case advocacy
  • Step five Therapy
  • This chapter (12) guides the practitioner when
    therapy is the course of action based on the
    facts of the case.

Therapy Method Choices
  • When the facts of the case at-hand indicate
  • that therapy is the intervention of choice,
  • social work clinicians must still decide
    which method of therapy is the most appropriate
  • (1) Step 5 Individual method- worker to one
  • or dyad (parent/child
  • (2) Step 6 Family method worker to one
  • (3) Step 6 Group method worker to one group

TherapyTheory Choice
  • Once a method is chosen, the clinician must then
    choose a theory-based therapy to enact a
    therapeutic process.
  • The determination of best practices requires that
    the clinician evaluate potential theory-based
    therapies and the evidence for or against them
    when deciding upon a specific treatment.

Key Assumptions Best Practices
  • Competent practice is tied to open assessment and
    case-specific model building.
  • Best practices may require the use of more than
    one method and more than one theory.
  • Best practices requires that interventions be
    evidenced-based ( e.g. based on what works)
  • See case example Chapter 13

Beginnings Point of Entry
  • Point of entry refers to the intersect of help
    seeking and help giving.
  • A clients point of entry with a help giver
    begins with an interview by phone and/or in
  • How a client enters service is pivotal in the
    conceptualization of the profession and its
    planned change processes.
  • Practitioners are defined by their field of
    practice (area of expertise), public or private
    auspice and their setting. See chapter three.

The Interview
  • The interview is used for three purposes
  • To establish rapport or a working relationship
    with a client
  • To gather information (facts) relevant to the
    request for service or need for therapy and to
    arrive at a definition of the problem, its
    possible causality the course to be followed
    for recovery
  • To enact a therapeutic process designed to change
    feelings, cognitions, attitudes, beliefs,
    personal or interpersonal functioning (behavior),
    or some or all of the above.

Historical Perspective The 5 Ws of Social
  • The parameters of who receives help for what,
    where, when, and why (why is there a problem) has
    driven the conceptualization of direct social
    work practice since its inception.

1W- Who is the Client?
  • 1. The person (Richmond, Hollis, Perlman)
  • 2. The environment (Robinson, Reynolds,
  • Smalley)
  • 3. Person-in-the environment (Karls Wandrei
  • Germain and Gitterman)
  • 4. The highly vulnerable and poverty stricken
  • individual and the traditional
  • class client (Rothman)
  • 5. Population age groups children,
  • adults and the elderly

2W- What is the Matter
  1. Primary and persistent developmental, health, and
    mental health conditions
  2. Persistent problems in social functioning
    secondary to primary conditions
  3. Acute and temporary problems in living
    developmental or situational
  4. Exposure to extraordinary circumstances
  5. Inability to perform normative roles (welfare) or
    conform to societal rules (criminal justice).

3W- Where Practice Auspice
  • Public Welfare Agencies
  • Not-for profit agencies
  • For-profit agencies
  • Managed care agencies
  • Faith-based agencies
  • Private Practice

  • When there is a need for concrete services
  • When the client feels subjective discomfort and
    voluntarily seeks help
  • When the client is encouraged to seek help by
    someone in authority parent, teacher, employer,
  • When the client is court-ordered or mandated

5W- Why Is There a Problem?Proximate and Distal
  • Proximate time causality why is the client
    seeking help now?
  • Distal time causality refers to identification
  • of the dynamic forces that created the
    situation (there and then past) or that sustain
    and maintain it (here and now current).

5W Type and Number of Problems to be Worked
  • Nominal definitions refer to the type of problem
    to be worked because of.. truancy, eviction,
    suicidal ideation, school failure, job loss,
    domestic violence, mental illness, parenting
    problems etc
  • Number of problems refers to whether the focus of
    intervention is on a single problem or on
    multiple problems.

5W CausalityProblem Source and Duration
  • Problem exploration determines the source of
    possible causality social or individual e.g
    what is the source of the problem?
  • Problem duration determines whether treatment
    should be directed at prevention, early
    intervention, or tertiary (remedial) intervention.

Historical Perspective The Planned Change
  • The profession, whether engaged in direct or
    indirect social work practice, has used a generic
    model of a planned change process to describe
    what it does.
  • The planned change process consists of five major
    activities (1) establishment of rapport, (2)
    assessment, (3) contracting and goal setting, (4)
    intervention, (5) evaluation.

Historical Perspective Direct Practice Overtime
  • As individual casework
  • As crisis intervention
  • As case management
  • As case advocacy
  • As individual therapy
  • As family and child welfare services
  • As family therapy
  • As clinical group work
  • As generalist practice

Historical PerspectiveConceptualization of
Therapy Overtime
  • The therapeutic process has been viewed and
    conceptualized as
  • (1) pharmacological
  • (2) crisis intervention
  • (3) psychodynamic analytic
  • (4) psychodynamic interpersonal
  • (5) behavioral-learning
  • (6) cognitive-behavioral

Conceptualizations of TherapiesContinued
  • (7) solution-focused
  • (8) strengths-based
  • (9) empowerment
  • (10) post modern
  • (11) socialization conformity to norms
  • This list is not exhaustive.

Conceptualizations of Indirect Practice Overtime
  • As policy practice
  • As administrative or management practice work
    with organizations
  • As community practice inter-group relations
  • As class advocacy rights advocacy, organizing
  • As political social work
  • As grant writing, fund raising and program
  • As generalist practice

Value Base of Clinical Social Work Core Values
  • Biestek identified the following as core social
    work values in direct clinical practice
  • (1) Confidentiality
  • (2) Self-determination
  • (3) Non-judgmental attitude
  • (4) Acceptance
  • These were discussed in full in chapter two (the
    fiduciary model and legal context of direct

Knowledge Of Human BehaviorTherapy
  • Therapists need knowledge of human behavior to
    enact a therapeutic process.
  • Each theory of human behavior contains
    assumptive premises of cause-effect.
  • Common biological, psychological, and
    sociological theories of human behavior are
    described and differentiated in exhibit 12.1
  • Taught and learned knowledge is referred to as
    declarative knowledge.

Declarative KnowledgeDefinition
  • Declarative knowledge begins with a cognitive map
    of learned (taught) concepts
  • The declarative knowledge needed to enact a
    therapeutic process depends on causal knowledge
    of individual resilience (normality) and
    vulnerability (abnormality).
  • Knowing what interferes with the unfolding of
    resilience leads to practice theories (procedural
    knowing) about how to prevent or correct missteps

Procedural Knowledge Fresh Client Data
  • Learned (taught) theoretical concepts are stored
    in memory as schemas.
  • When faced with fresh client data, the novice
    tries to match the facts of the clients case
    with the stored knowledge s/he has learned this
    is referred to as procedural knowing.
  • The novice has beginning competency when s/he
    applies learned concepts to client data e.g. the
    thinking column in a process recording.

Procedural KnowingSupervision/Mentorship
  • Reflection on action (thinking) is facilitated by
    the use of process recordings.
  • Supervised by a master clinician, the novice
    (student) advances her/his expertise by using
    process recordings in supervision.
  • In contrast, the master clinician engages in
    tacit knowing.

Tacit KnowingDefinition
  • Tacit knowing relies on highly disciplined and
    automatic procedural knowledge and on a highly
    refined self-regulated ability to allow for
    reflection and adjustment of performance in the
    therapeutic moment.
  • Tacit knowing is reflection in action in the
    therapeutic moment.
  • Tacit knowing distinguishes the master clinician
    from the novice.

Tacit KnowingImprovisation-Creativity
  • The master clinician can reshape understanding of
    the situation and depart from established
    procedures to respond to novel and unexpected
  • The master clinician uses tacit knowing to
    readjust her/his definition of the problem and
    adjust strategies and tactics accordingly.
  • Tacit knowing reflects mastery of the art of

6 Common FactorsProcedural Knowing
  • According to Binder (2004) every theory-based
    therapy has the following 6 factors in common.
  • Each theory-based therapy possesses
  • (1) some view of personality interpersonal
  • functioning (though not necessarily the
  • view).
  • (2) some theory about cognitive, affective,
  • behavioral processes that are activated
    (or not)
  • during the process of therapy
  • .

6 Common FactorsContinued
  • (3) specific guidance on how to formulate the
  • problem to be worked
  • (4) knowledge of salient maladaptive patterns of
  • behavior and a theory of how change occurs
  • problems are solved e.g. explanation and
  • (5) criteria (goals) to track the course of
    therapy and
  • measure its outcome success
  • (6) strategies for managing therapeutic missteps
  • the therapeutic relationship

Therapeutic AllianceGeneric or Common Factors
  • At a minimum, a therapeutic alliance begins with
    belief in the helping relationship e.g. belief
    bonding ( see chapters 4 and 6).
  • Empathy is a common factor in establishing belief
    bonding or rapport.

Therapeutic AllianceTheory-Specific
  • Beyond common factors, the therapeutic process of
    relationship is theory-bound.
  • The use of self in therapeutic alliance depends
    on ones theory of therapy.
  • Models of talk therapy are based on different
    theories of how change (the therapeutic process)
  • Not all theories of change require the same level
    of relationship intensity.

MiddlesTherapeutic Enactment
  • Intervention is the middle phase of the social
    work change process. It follows assessment (a
    theory of what is the matter) and contracting.
  • Contracting involves worker-client agreement on
    what is the matter and agreement on the change
    process (a theory of change).
  • Therapy involves theory choice and appraisal of
    the evidence for or against treatment options.
  • Such options must be evaluated for their cultural

Theory-Based TherapyExample Learning Theory
  • According to this theory, all behavior is learned
    and can therefore be unlearned. What has not been
    learned can be taught.
  • Learning can occur incrementally (shaping) or in
    large chunks. One can learn through trial and
    error or vicariously through observation.
  • There are five schools of thought within learning
    theory (1) classical conditioning, (2) operant
    conditioning, (3) cognitive-behavioral, (4)
    social learning and (5) stress management e.g
    relaxation techniques, guided imagery etc.

ExampleBehavior Modification
  • ABC assessment
  • A Antecedant events SStimulus cues
  • conditioning) what triggers the
  • B The behavior, affect, or thought that has
  • defined as problematic its frequency
  • C Consequence- R responses that increase,
  • decrease or extinguish the behavior
  • conditioning reinforcement).

  • Social Learning Theory. The worker models
    appropriate behavior client rehearses worker
  • Classical conditioning. The worker unpairs the
    S-R. Desensitization. The stimulus cues are
    changed or the client is taught an incompatible
    response to the cue i.e. running rather than
    eating when upset.
  • Operant conditioning. The worker changes the
    consequent conditions uses positive or negative
    reinforcement. Punishment may be used to
    extinguish behavior.

Behavior ModificationRelationship
  • Client as his/her own therapist client can be
    taught to manage his/her own behavior.
    Biofeedback, guided imagery relaxation skills
    help the client manage the physiology of tension.
  • Others as therapists the worker teaches others
    in the clients environment how to act as
    antecedent and consequent events in the clients
    life ( parents, teachers, guardians).
  • See process recording on Kyle in chapter 13.

Theory-Based TherapyCognitive-Behavioral
  • In contrast to the time sequence of behavior
    modification (S-R) cognitive behavioral therapy
    is perceptual and mediational.
  • The attributions made about an event are held to
    explain dysfunctional emotions (anxiety, anger,
    depression) or behavior.
  • An individuals attributions (world views) are
    learned and can be unlearned
  • See process recording of Lily in chapter 13.

  • The ABC paradigm in this model refers to
  • A Activating event (stimulus)
  • B Belief an activating event is
  • interpreted by learned core beliefs or
  • learned distorted cognitions
  • C The affect or behavior that results
  • (consequence) is mediated by the
    meaning the
  • individual attributes to the event or
  • belief about the event.

  • Intervention targets the core beliefs
    (perceptions) or distorted cognitions of the
  • Techniques include
  • (1) keeping an automatic thought record
  • (2) Socratic questioning
  • (3) challenging distorted cognitions by
    asking for
  • evidence e.g. how do you know that?
  • (4) substituting functional thought patterns
  • dysfunctional patterns.

Example Psychodynamic TheoryMajor Premises
  • According to this theory all behavior has a
    purpose but one is not always aware of the
    purpose of his/her behavior.
  • Behavior is a product of nature and nurture
  • Behavior is a product of past current
    experiential history.
  • Behavior is both developmental and interpersonal
  • There are four major psychodynamic schools of
    thought briefly discussed in this chapter.

4 Psychodynamic Schools of Thought
  • Analytic- Traditional Freudian- Drive Theory
  • Ego Supportive Problem Solving
  • Relational
  • -Object relations psychology (Mahler)
  • -Interpersonal psychoanalysis (Sullivan)
  • -Self psychology (Kohut)
  • 4. Narrative therapy

Psychodynamic Theory Example Analytic Therapy
  • Assessment
  • Typographical model Mental activities are
    conscious, preconscious, and sub or unconscious
  • Structural model Personality is composed of the
    Id, Ego, and Superego.
  • Drive or Dynamic model energy is finite and
    affects development and functioning
  • Energy is encumbered by impulses (drives).
    Internal conflict (personality structures) makes
    energy unavailable for other uses.

Psychodynamic TheoryAnalytic Therapy Techniques
  • Relies on free association, dream analysis,
  • and interpretation of defense mechanism in a
    therapeutic environment that is capable of
    keeping the individual safe as the unconscious is
    made conscious
  • When the unconscious is made conscious, energy is
    freed to solve problems, to increase resilience,
    and to enjoy life.

Psychodynamic ThoughtExample Ego Supportive
  • Assessment focus is on painful or maladaptive
    behavior caused by
  • (1) emotional trauma
  • (2) developmental crises
  • (3) situational crises
  • (4) difficulties in social functioning role
  • performance
  • (5) difficulties in interpersonal
  • See Process recording on Mrs. Jones in chapter

Psychodynamic Ego Supportive Techniques
  • Through empathic responding the worker becomes a
    powerful significant other to the client in
  • Worker acts as a holding environment the worker
    acts as an emotional bridge that prevents the
    client from harming self or others until the
    client is able to reassert emotional control for
  • Worker lends ego support to help client problem
    solve until client regains capacity for
    autonomous problem solving.
  • .

Ego Supportive Techniques -Continued
  • Skills training is a major technique of this
    model skills increase competency and mastery of
    self and ones environment.
  • The model builds on and strengthens the coping
    capacities thereby increasing client resilience
    and decreasing client vulnerability.
  • The model is reality focused interventions
    target inside and outside realities. It is
    reflective and action-oriented.

Psychodynamic ThoughtExample Relational
  • According to Bordon (2000), the relational
    paradigm has replaced drive psychology as the
    central paradigm in contemporary psychodynamic
  • There are three schools of thought within the
    relational paradigm (1) object relations theory,
    (2) interpersonal psychoanalysis, and (3)

Example Objects Relations Major Premises
  • An alternative to drive theory, this theory is
    based on internalization of interpersonal
  • Personality is viewed as an outcome of a series
    of chronologically ordered phases autistic,
    symbiotic separation-individuation, and object
  • The personality consists of core representations
    of self, others (objects), and modes of relating
    (self in relation to other).
  • Attachment, early care giving, and connection to
    others are foci of assessment.

Object RelationsMajor Premises -Continued
  • The model holds that previous relational
    conflicts play out in current relationships
    through repetition compulsion.
  • Current maladaptive interpersonal functioning is
    related to earlier emotionally traumatizing

Object RelationsTechniques
  • Within the therapeutic alliance, a triangle forms
    between the client , an other (a person in the
    clients past or current life) and the clinician.
  • The social work clinician works with transference
    to correct past failures in relationship in the
    here and now interactive moment (corrective
    emotional experience)
  • Clients experience new ways of being related to
    and new ways of relating to others in the safety
    of the therapeutic alliance.

Psychodynamic ThoughtExample Self Psychology
  • This model accepts that personality develops
    because of a primary need for connection.
  • The model assumes that there has been a failure
    in empathic response by the clients primary
  • Disorders of self are characterized by
    difficulties in negotiating need, regulating
    emotion, maintaining self esteem and pursuing
    meaningful goals
  • The personality is perceived as living on the
    border between anxiety and psychoses.

Self PsychologyTechniques
  • Therapeutic actions are based in a responsive
    self-object milieue.g. therapeutic atunement to
    the clients subjective state.
  • Managing the therapeutic relationship is critical
    in this model transference and

Psychodynamic ThoughtExample Interpersonal
  • This model holds that personality develops as a
    consequence of interactive experience in
    relational fields throughout life.
  • The motivation to interact is based in the need
    for satisfaction and security.
  • Assessment focus is on the problematic aspects of
    interactions with others.

Example Interpersonal TherapyTechniques
  • The clinician is a participant observer in the
    interactive field of the client both subject and
  • The clinician uses the interactive moment in
    session to experience (assess) what is wrong and
    based on corrective attunement to respond
    (intervention) in a healing manner.
  • The clinician is a tool of corrective
    interpersonal learning and healing.

Psychodynamic ThoughtExample Narrative Therapy
  • According to this model, ones social context
    influences how one processes interpersonal
    interactions the personal is political.
  • Unlike other models, this theory allows the
    worker and client to take into account political,
    economic, and cultural factors that impact
    interpersonal interactions.
  • It is held that the telling of ones story
    reviews experiential history in an attempt to
    make sense of it.

Example Narrative TherapyTechniques
  • The therapeutic alliance is used to facilitate
    the telling of the clients story(narrative)
  • The clinician acts as a co-participant in the
    clients effort to review experience, consider
    alternative views of his/her life, reconstruct
    meaning and elaborate adaptive life stories.
  • Therapy challenges the social constructions of
    others about the clients story.
  • New meanings are co-constructed within the
    therapeutic alliance.

Errors and Missteps in The Therapeutic Alliance
  • According to Binder, errors in therapist
    technique include (1) misunderstanding of the
    meaning of client communication or intention, (2)
    vague communication by the therapist to the
    client, (3) mistimed interventions, (4) failure
    to recognize the implications of client
    communication, (5) awkward use of transference
    interpretation (6) sending mixed messages with
    implicit hostile meanings,

Errors and MisstepsContinued
  • (7) not being able to identify salient
    interpersonal themes that should be the focus of
    work, (8) failure to recognize disguised
    allusions, and (9) failure to track a central
    issue consistently and (10) failure to manage
    transference and counter-transference

Transference and Counter-Transference
Psychodynamic Theory
  • From a psychodynamic perspective, relationship is
    created and recreated by the behaviors engaged in
    by participants in interactive dialog.
  • Because the worker-client relationship is
    grounded in interaction, it is subject to
  • Managing potential ruptures and missteps in the
    therapeutic alliance due to transference and
    counter-transference requires that the clinician
    monitor her/his use of self during the
    therapeutic process.

Managing Transference and Counter- Transference
  • The clinician monitors her/his use of self
    through supervision, consultation, and ones own
    therapy if warranted. Students monitor their use
    of self in supervision through the third column
    of process recordings.
  • Premise it is important that the client replay
    earlier relationships (transference) through the
    therapeutic alliance however, the worker must not
    replay his/her earlier relationships
    (counter-transference) as to do so would
    interfere with the helping process.

Therapeutic Missteps
  • Hepworth, Rooney, and Larsen (2002) offer the
    following list of 14 therapeutic missteps
  • (1) failing to sense important feelings
  • by the client
  • (2) being inattentive or tuning out clients
  • (3) sending messages that clients interpret as
  • criticisms or put-downs
  • (4) failing to acknowledge incremental
  • achieved by clients

Therapeutic Missteps-Continued
  • (5) employing inept or poorly timed
  • or confrontations
  • (6) exhibiting lapses of memory about important
  • information
  • (7) being tardy or canceling appointments
  • (8) appearing fidgety or drowsy
  • (9) disagreeing, arguing, or giving excessive
  • (10) taking sides against the client

Therapeutic Missteps-Continued
  • (11) not allowing a client to be an active
  • in planning his/her own treatment
  • (12) dominating discussion or frequently
  • clients
  • (13) failing to recognize client limitations by
  • assignments that they cannot carry out.
  • (14) Using power beyond the range of legal
  • mandates

Indicators That The Therapeutic Process is Not
Going Well
  • Hepworth, Rooney, and Larsen (2002) identify the
    following 17 client behaviors
  • (1) mental blocking
  • (2) lengthy periods of silence
  • (3) inattention or mind wandering
  • (4) rambling at length dwelling on
  • unimportant details
  • (5) restlessness or fidgeting
  • (6) discussing superficialities or irrelevant

  • (7) lying or misrepresenting the facts
  • (8) avoiding feelings and problems by
  • focusing on abstract ideas
  • (9) changing the subject
  • (10) forgetting details of a distressing
  • (11) being tardy, forgetting, changing or
  • appointments
  • (12) minimizing problems or claiming
  • improvement

  • (13) bringing up important material at the
  • end of the session
  • (14) not paying fees
  • (15) not applying skills or insight gained to
  • daily life
  • (16) assuming a stance of helplessness
  • (17) using verbal ploys to justify not taking
  • corrective actions

Counseling vs. TherapyIs There a Difference?
  • The terms counseling and therapy are
    frequently used to distinguish the BSW from the
    MSW clinical practitioner.
  • The BSW graduate and the MSW foundation year
    student are educational and experiential novices
    in the art of therapy.
  • Second year MSW students may(or may not) choose
    an educational or practice trajectory that will
    advance their clinical skills.

Counseling vs. TherapyContinued
  • Clinical social work practitioners continue to be
    supervised while employed, leading to mastery of
    the art of therapy.
  • This is reflected in the type and level of
    licensing they earn.
  • Some social work clinicians get advanced clinical
    training as doctoral students in clinical social
    work programs or as students in clinical programs
    staffed by psychologists and psychiatrists.
  • Accreditation as a skilled Analytic
    psychotherapist requires additional training.

  • See exhibit 12. Guidelines for Selecting a
    Theory-based Talk Therapy at the end of the
  • See chapter 13 for an explication of a case
    focused on work with an individual.
  • See decision schemas 12. direct practice and
    decision schema 12. Therapeutic Process at the
    the end of the chapter.
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