KOC3461/KOC3466 (Penulisan Korporat) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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KOC3461/KOC3466 (Penulisan Korporat)


Title: CORPORATE WRITING Author: Multimedia University Last modified by: Dr. rosli Created Date: 9/3/2003 8:46:30 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: KOC3461/KOC3466 (Penulisan Korporat)

KOC3461/KOC3466(Penulisan Korporat)
  • Semester Pertama
  • Sesi 2013/2014
  • Perjumpaan Bersemuka 1
  • (7 September 2013)

Modul KOC3461/KOC3466
  • Isi Kandungan
  • Unit 1 Pengenalan kepada Penulisan Korporat
    m.s. 7
  • Unit 2 Peranan Penyelidikan dalam Penulisan
    Korporat m.s. 66
  • Unit 3 Penulisan Korporat untuk Audiens
    Terpilih m.s. 98
  • Unit 4 Penulisan Korporat untuk Media Cetak
  • Media Elektronik
  • Unit 5 Penulisan Kapi Periklanan
    m.s. 247
  • Unit 6 Penulisan Korporat untuk Audiens Khusus
    m.s. 294

Functions/Purpose of Corporate Writing
  • To boost the image and identity of the
    organisation among the publics through writing.
  • To promote the activity or products of the
    organisation or company to the publics through
  • To publicise the organisation to the publics.
  • To foster good relationship between the
    organisation and the publics through writing.

Corporate Writer Competencies
  • Must be knowledgeable about the publics (internal
    and external), channels and organisation.
  • Must possessed broad knowledge of the business.
  • Must be able to conduct research to know what is
    important and what is not important to the
    organisation and the publics.

  • Must know all the current issues.
  • Must be alert to the changes in attitude and
    behaviour of the society.
  • Must be an expert in communication.
  • Must posses good writing skills.
  • Must have good command of language.
  • Must be able to analyse and predict situations at

TYPES OF Corporate/PR Writing
  • Press releases
  • Speeches
  • Feature articles
  • Brochure/pamphlet
  • Annual report
  • Prospectus
  • TV, video radio scripts
  • Magazine articles
  • Information booklets
  • Business fact sheets
  • Concept paper
  • Business booklets
  • Business proposal
  • Business catalogues
  • Corporate histories
  • Corporate periodicals
  • Business letter
  • Corporate profile
  • Fliers
  • Newsletters
  • MOU/MOA document
  • Translation
  • Advertorial, etc

Channels of Corporate Writing
  • Individuals
  • Mass Media
  • Specialised Media

Readability Index
  • Gunning Fog Index
  • The Fog Index is a proven method of
  • analyzing written material to see how
  • easy it is to read and understand.

Steps to calculate Fog Index
  1. Take a full passage that is around 100 words (do
    not omit any sentences).
  2. Find the average sentence length (divide the
    number of words by the number of sentences).
  3. Count words with three or more syllables (complex
    words based on root word), not including proper
    nouns (for example, Malaysia), compound words, or
    common suffixes such as -es, -ed, or -ing as a
  4. Add the average sentence length and the
    percentage of complex words.
  5. Multiply the result by 0.4.
  6. The score indicate the level of education in
    years required to understand the passage.

Example 1
  • If your target audience is looking for self-
  • improvement information online, this is one
  • membership site you just have to be part of.
  • There is a section full of products that come
  • master resale rights and giveaway rights. Members
  • also get access to 10 self-improvement related
  • articles with private label rights every month.
  • Improvement Millionaires provides everything you
  • need so you can set up your sales pages and begin
  • selling the products in minutes. One of the first
  • things that struck many about the Self
  • Millionaires site was the professional touch -
  • excellent quality of the products, sales
  • and graphics. (105 words)

Example 2
  • Aktiviti utama tabung haji ialah pengurusan haji.
  • Pengendalian jemaah haji adalah merupakan
  • yang cukup sinonim dengan tabung haji. Ianya
  • dirancang dengan penuh teliti dan cukup berkesan.
  • Bakal-bakal haji yang mempunyai wang simpanan
  • yang mencukupi dengan mudahnya boleh mendaftar
  • untuk menunaikan fardhu haji di semua pejabat
  • cawangan tabung haji. Mereka juga boleh merancang
  • pemergian dalam tempoh enam tahun akan datang
  • dengan adanya sistem pendaftaran haji terbuka
  • telah diperkenalkan mulai tahun 1993. Bagi
  • memudahkan pemergian dan mengelakkan
  • kesesakan di lapangan terbang, tabung haji telah
  • membangunkan  dua buah kompleks haji iaitu di
  • Kelana Jaya yang mula beroperasi dalam tahun
  • 1982 dan  di Bayan Lepas dalam tahun 1995.

Ethics in Corporate Writing
  • There are two main guidelines towards of ethics
    in corporate writing
  • Be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.
    Treat others as how you want to be treated.
  • Be sensitive to the changes in society rules,
    policy etc.

Ethical Concerns
  • Influencing factors
  • Personal Standard
  • Organizational and Industry Standards.
  • Laws and Regulations
  • Public Relations Practice Standards.
  • Primary Publics

Sumber idea penulisan
  1. Orang perseorangan.
  2. Bahan penerbitan lain.
  3. Siaran berita.
  4. Laporan rasmi kerajaan.
  5. Periklanan.
  6. Direktori/brosur tentang produk dan perkhidmatan.
  7. Diri anda sendiri.

Sumber maklumat berkomputer
  1. Sistem maklumat perpustakaan .
  2. Kemudahan maklumat awam.
  3. Internet (international communication network).
  4. Perkhidmatan pangkalan data (d-base) komersial.
  5. Pangkalan data kerajaan.
  6. Pangkalan data NGOs.
  7. CD-ROMs (compact disc - read only memory).
  8. Pangkalan data persendirian

Peranan komputer dalam pengurusan maklumat
  1. Menyediakan maklumat latarbelakang.
  2. Pengorganisasian dan pemerolehan (retrieval)
  3. Pengumpulan dan tabulasi (tabulation) maklumat,
    contohnya aplikasi SPSS.

Sumber maklumat tradisional
  1. Direktori bandar dan penduduk.
  2. Direktori telefon.
  3. Peta dan gambar.
  4. Manual kerajaan.
  5. Guiness Book of Malaysia.
  6. Rekod rasmi kerajaan.
  7. Koleksi khas.
  8. Bahan-bahan arkib.
  9. Kamus dan glosari.

Sumber maklumat korporat
  1. Data korporat.
  2. Data pelaburan.
  3. Data kewangan.
  4. Fail syarikat.
  5. Akhbar dagang.
  6. Suratberita syarikat.
  7. Direktori perdagangan.
  8. Laporan mahkamah.
  9. Pihak berkuasa tempatan, dll.
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