Title: Meet with feedback
1CSAA Values 360 Follow Up and Development Planning
Participate in follow up survey. Include
feedback as part of your mid-year development
discussion with your manager. Update development
plan and continue to take action every day to
Implement development plan. Make time in your
schedule to ensure you take action. Solicit
informal feedback regarding progress.
Here you are again! Remember, the process of
learning and growing is ongoing!
Review development plan with feedback coach
(email) and manager. Make sure it is specific
and actionable. Integrate into PMP. Send thank
you to your survey takers.
Meet with manager to clarify his/her perspective.
Share perspectives of others regarding strengths
development opportunities. Review drat
development plan.
Integrate additional insights and ideas into
development plan. Prepare a final draft to
review with feedback coach and manager.
Meet with selected survey takers (it is a good
idea to meet with your entire team of direct
reports) to clarify feedback and solicit input on
your focus for development.
Meet with feedback Coach for additional insight,
Build draft development plan.
Analyze interpret results Determine focus for
You are here!