Presidents of the 70s and 80s - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Presidents of the 70s and 80s


National security adviser Henry Kissinger Realpolitik Achieve d tente (w/ both China and Soviets) Reduction of Cold War tensions Take advantage of rivalry between ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Presidents of the 70s and 80s

Presidents of the 70s and 80s
Nixon Foreign policy
  • National security adviser Henry Kissinger
  • Realpolitik
  • Achieve détente (w/ both China and Soviets)
  • Reduction of Cold War tensions
  • Take advantage of rivalry between China and the
  • 1972 trip to China, ending hostility
  • China 1 trade partner
  • Soviets meet with U.S (1972)
  • Sell 750 million a yr worth of wheat, corn, and
    other cereals over 3 yrs
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I)
  • Limit antiballistic missiles production not need
    to reduce already have
  • Chile 1970
  • Oppose Prez Allende (communist) who is chosen by
    the people legally
  • CIA intervention
  • Support dictator Augusto Pinochet

Nixon Domestic policy
  • Imperial Presidency
  • Revenue sharing
  • Social programs shifted to locals but funds from
  • Expand Welfare (so Nixon not very conservative)
  • Food Stamps
  • Supplemental Security Income(SSI) assist aged,
    blind and disabled
  • Affirmative Action (Philly Plan)LIBERAL
  • Reverse discrimination by executive order
  • Created
  • DEA (Drug Enforcement Admin.)
  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) LIBERAL

  • Issues (stagflation)
  • 1970-2 recession
  • LBJ fought two wars w/ no tax increase
  • U.S in debt
  • More imports than exports
  • More service jobs than manufacturing
  • Nixonomics
  • 90 day wage and price freeze (71)
  • 10 surtax on imports
  • End of gold standard, devalues the dollar
  • Automatic increase in Social Security benefits
    based on cost of living increase (protect from

the election of 1972
  • Nixon minority Prez
  • Appeal to silent majority
  • VP Spiro Agnew blamed all the U.S problems on
    liberals and media
  • Southern strategy 68
  • Appt conservative court
  • Chose Warren E Burger to replace Earl Warren
  • But Burger not overturn Warren rulings
  • Delay integration (busing)
  • Nixon wins election of 1972
  • Populist George Wallace paralyzed
  • Democrat McGovern too liberal

  • October 1973, Syrians and Egyptians surprise
    attacked Israel (Yom Kippur War)
  • Recover lands lost in Six Day War in 1967
  • U.S supports Israel
  • 2 bill in war materials
  • Arab nations of Organization of Petroleum
    Exporting Countries (OPEC) placed oil embargo on
    Israel supporters
  • Lifts in 1974, but raises oil prices 4x
  • Results
  • Long lines at gas station
  • Recession inflation
  • Buy fuel efficient Japanese car
  • Hurt American car industry loss of jobs
  • 55 mph speed limit
  • Alaska pipeline

(No Transcript)
Watergate scandal
  • Used the plumbers to stop leaks
  • Wire taps on Nixons staff
  • Discredit opponents (had a list of names)
  • 1972, men hired by Nixons reelection committee
    (CREEP) caught breaking into offices of Democrats
    at Watergate complex to bug
  • No proof Nixon part of illegal activities
  • 26 presidential aides sentenced to jail
  • Investigation shows Nixon part of cover up
  • Didnt want to release Oval Office tapes
  • House voted 3 articles of impeachment
  • Charged with obstruction of justice, abuse of
    power, and contempt of Congress
  • Nixon resigned Aug. 9th 1974
  • Results
  • Increased the publics feelings that govt corrupt
  • Proved strength of constitutional sys, esp. its
    balance of powers
  • Import of media

Gerald ford
  • VP first unelected President
  • Agnew had to resign in 1973 (bribes)
  • Pardoned Nixon
  • Congress investigates the CIA
  • George Bush called to reform the CIA
  •   Helsinki Accords 1975
  • 30 nations including Soviets
  • Cooperate economically, respect existing national
    boundaries, and promote human rights
  • 1975 Cambodia falls to Communists (Khmer Rouge)
  • U.S attacks a Cambodia naval base that had
    captured the U.S merchant ship Mayaguez
  • Freed 39, 38 Marines died

Jimmy carter
  • Carter wins election of 1976
  • 97 African Americans vote for Carter
  • Success because Washington outsider, also his
  • Human Rights
  • Appt Andrew Young- African American as UN
  • Call for end of black oppression in Zimbabwe and
    South Africa
  • End aid to Argentina and Chile
  • Camp David Accords (1978) Peace between Israel
    and Egypt (BIGGEST SUCCESS!!)
  • Israel withdrew from Sinai Peninsula
  • Egypt 1st Arab nation to recognize Israel
  • Panama Canal (1978)
  • Return to Panama in 2000

Carter II
  • Shah of Iran overthrown by Khomeini. Oil
  • Leads to national malaise speech that upset
  • Inflation at 13 (1979-80)
  • Three Mile Island (1979)
  • Power plant failure emits radiation in
  • SALT II (1979)
  • Not ratified b/c of Soviets in Afghanistan
  • Dont want Soviets to control oil rich Persian
  • Even, boycotted 1980 Olympics
  • U.S creates Rapid Deployment Force
  • American embassy (Tehran) taken hostage
  • Carters rescue mission fails (1980)

Return to conservatism
  • Old Right
  • Southerners and Westerners for States rights
  • New Right
  • Support
  • Religious and family values
  • Denounced
  • Abortion
  • Affirmative action
  • Gay rights
  • Feminism
  • Big govt
  • New Deal liberalism
  • Gun control
  • Welfare

(No Transcript)
  • Won Election of 1980
  • Republicans control Senate
  • Joined w/ conservative Demo. in House
  • New budget, cuts 40 bill in social programs
  • Supply side economics aka. Trickle down
  • Cut taxes, reduces govt spending, allows ppl to
    invest, which helps all
  • 25 decrease in income taxes
  • Small investors tax free savings (IRAs)
  • Tax breaks for upper income taxpayers
  • Deregulation (less govt restrictions)
  • Tough on labor unions
  • Fired federal air traffic controllers for
    violating contract b/c of strike. Decertified
    their union

Reality of reaganomics
  • 1982, recession
  • Unemployment at 11
  • Banks failed, businesses bankrupt
  • Economy Recovered. Reagan vindicated?
  • Reality
  • Income gaps widened
  • Yuppies- young urban pros with high incomes
  • Middle class stagnant and declined
  • Budget deficits
  • Debtor nation
  • Massive govt borrowing
  • Nat.l debt 2 trill.
  • Military spending
  • Trade deficit 150 bill
  • Loan Scandal/ Black Monday (1987)

social Issues
  • Court
  • Sandra Day OConnor
  • First woman on the Court (1981)
  • Restrictions on abortion and affirmative action
  • Regents of Univ. of Cali v Bakke (1978)
  • College admissions cant use strict racial quotas
  • Religious Right
  • Rev. Jerry Falwell (Moral Majority) 1979
  • Finances campaigns to unseat liberal members of
  • Right to Life
  • Election of 1984
  • Jesse Jacksons Democratic nominee
  • Rainbow Coalition- all minorities together

Foreign policy
  • Called Soviets evil empire
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) aka Star Wars
  • battle stations in space that could fire laser
    beams to vaporize missiles
  • Central America/Caribbean Cold War
  • Nicaragua Sandinistas regime (1979)
  • Support contras, right wing rebels
  • Boland Amendment- no more aid
  • El Salvador
  • U.S support govt against leftist guerillas
  • Grenada
  • Coup led to pro-Cuban regime
  • 1983 marines invaded the island to stop Communist
    base from being est.

Foreign policy II
  • Iran Contra Affair (1985-6)
  • Admin. secretly sold arms to Iranians
  • Use profits to fund contras in Nicaragua
  • Ignored the Boland Amendment
  • Reagan said unaware looked incompetent
  • Lebanon (1982)
  • Israel invaded to attack Palestinian guerilla
  • Left Lebanon in chaos. Already was in civil war
  • Reagan sent troops to help with peace
  • Terrorist killed 241 marines by driving bomb
    filled truck into barracks
  • Terrorist bomb embassy in Beirut, killing 63
  • Gave Palestinians a home and Arafat recognize
    Israel (1988)

Foreign Policy III
  • Soviets
  • Gorbachev willing to compromise (1985)
  • Glasnost openness, more political freedom of
  • Perestroika restructure econ. using free market
  • Need to free up money for economy
  • INF treaty 1987
  • banning all intermediate-range nuclear missiles
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