Title: SPA Annual Conference
1SPA Annual Conference
- Population, Peak Oil Climate Change
- 15th of March 2008
Peter Strachan B Sc. SF Fin
2Where in the world are We?
- The Big Issues
- Climate Change
- Peak Oil/Resources
- Water Security
- Fuel Price Security
- The rise of the East/China
3Oil Finding Development Costs
- FD Costs up from 5/bbl to gt20/bblProduction
costs up same amountNow need 50/bbl to break
even on new oil
4IEA Stats Point to Oils Peak
5Current Oil Market Status
6Peak Oil Production
- Oil production is peaking NOW!
- US recession will slightly stall peak
- A substantial, real oil price rise is expected
over coming 5-10 years - Renewables alternatives fuels plus technology
can not bridge the gap in time
7Response to Peak Oil
- Replacing 2-3 mmBOPD with renewables will not be
achieved - Technology will not come to the rescue in time
- Economies already jostling for a place at the
energy security barrier. - Market Political Response!
8Golden Age of Cheap Oil Passes
1990s an, infamous age of waste and cheap
oilToday we buy 1/3 of the energy per dollar of
average income
9A World of Scarce Oil
- China in Africa Sth America securing supplies
- National oil companies 60-70 of world supplies
- Nigeria, Venezuela, The Gulf, Mexico, North Sea
all in decline - Giant fields all in decline
- Market breakdown
- Rationing, Competitive bidding, violence!
10Gold Production has Peaked!
11Gold Close Up - What Next?
12Gold, Like Food
- Response to Ag Mining technology
- New products
- Seeds, genetics, fertilisers, pesticides
(petrochemical) - Metallurgy, satellite telemetry, Geophysics
- New mining agricultural methods
- Irrigation, large diesel powered tools
- Open pit mining economies of scale
13Food Supply
Corn, grain, oil seed prices all through the roof
14Peak Resources No Magic Pudding
- Driven by 80 years of population growth from 2 to
6.7 billion ( 4.7 Bn!! ) - Long period of sector under-investment
- Rapid wealth expansion globalisation
- Secular decline in real commodity prices appears
to be at an end real price rises now expected
15What a Coincidence!
8,000 BC population was 5 million, year 1 pop 200
16Where Are We?
Hot spots
17Some Estimates
- The more robust estimates calculate that between
90 to 110 billion humans have ever walked the
planet. - Global population rising at 1.5 pa 65-100
million pa! - 40 live in Brazil, India China
- getting richer demanding a higher protein diet.
18As Goes Taiwan, so Goes China
19Per Capita Consumption
- Grains steadyProtein risingFuel Parabolic
20Where will the People Live?
21And what will they Eat?
A quadrupling of crops for fuel leaves little on
the plate
22Food or Fuel
Contribution to Increase in global corn
The SUV ate my dinner!
23China Struggles to keep Up
- Less Arable land per capitaArea under farms
struggles to keep upPollution reduces yield?
24Where is This Leading?
- Destroying the Planet!Oceans dyingAirWaterCl
imate . . .
25Lets Talk About Implications?
26Factors for Human Advancement
- Localised Critical Population Mass plus
Enlightened Leadership - Early China
- Alexandria
- Constantinople
- Florence of the Medici
- Harnessing Energy
- Ox, Horse, Water, Steam and
- Oil Gas
27What Have we Achieved
- 61 countries with 44 of the Worlds total
population have TFR lt2.1 children per woman - But large demographic bulges ensure growth will
continue - Amongst them China, Spain, Italy Australia
28Way Forward
- Global response required
- Tackle corruption Lack of education
- Individuals can make a difference
- Reducing Fertility
- Carrot and stick
- Educate empower women
- Resist fiscal measures which encourage births
- Grameen Bank, Micro Credit, etc
- Political social approaches
29Way Forward
- Deal with existing demographics
- Can not be altered
- Bulge coming through
- Hugely skewed to young population in
- Middle East
- Turkey
- Africa Sth America
- Work to restrict the demographic Bulge
- Legal systems
- Humans have proved to be inventive
30Where Are we Going?
31If we fail, the ecosystem will sort itself out
with unpredictable consequences for human life on
32(No Transcript)
33How do you monitor risks?
34How Does StockAnalysis Work?
- Bottom Up
- Stock Picker
- Resources General (anything that makes us
money!) - Driven By Top Down Philosophy
35Finding Less Conventional Oil
36The Oil Age Ends
EIA Add 900 Million barrels, Gain 10 years.
History 1 Trillion barrels already consumed
Some Forecasters 1 Trillion barrels already
consumed peaking about now