Title: Ancient Islam
1Ancient Islam
2KWL Chart Example
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- 7.2.1-describe the physical features and climate
of the Arabian Peninsula and how they related to
the nomadic and sedentary ways of life. - 7.2.2- Trace the origins of Islam and the life
and teachings of Muhammad, including Islamic
teachings on the connection with Judaism and
Christianity. - 7.2.3- Explain the significance of the Quran and
the Sunna as sources as sources of Islamic
beliefs, practice and law and their influence on
Muslim daily life. - 7.2.5- Describe the growth of cities and the
establishment of trade routes among Asia, Africa
and Europe, including the products and inventions
that traveled along these routes.
4Learning Objectives
- what is the climate like on the arabian peninsula
physical features. - explain the life and teachings of Muhammad
- How does Islam connect to Christianity and
Judaism. - What are the Quran and the Sunna
- How did trade with Asia, Africa and Europe
influence the people living on the Arabian
- Nomad caravan shia
- oasis Islam sunni
- clan Muslim 5
pillars - Allah Hijrah Kaaba
- monotheism Quran prophet
- pilgrimage Sunnah Mosque
- In the Arabic language" Islam means peace or
submission to God. - In Arabic Allah means God.
- A Muslim is one who believes in Islam.
Allah in Arabic
7Physical Features and Climate of the Arabian
- In south west Asia between the Red sea and the
Persian Gulf. - Peninsula is 1200 miles long and 1300 miles wide.
- receives little rain and is mostly desert
- due to the desert climate a small percentage of
land is used for agriculture.
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- Arabian peninsula is located between Asia, Africa
and Europe, surrounded by the Mediterranean Set,
the Red sea, Arabian Peninsula and the Persian
Gulf. Location opens this area up to trade from
all countries and and local water ways. - Trade locations grew into large cities.
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- Bedoin herders that move place to place seeking
water and grazing lands. - nomads seek oasis
- Clans- families of people related by blood or
marriage and each clan governs itself.
12Islams Connections to Christianity and Judaism
- Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the
same God, all believe in Heaven and Hell
- Muslims believe Muhammad is the last prophet
and Jesus is a Prophet not the Son of God.
- Bible, Torah and Quran all speak of God,
Mary, Jesus and Abraham
13Muslims Beliefs and Daily Lives
- Believe there is only one God.
- Sunnah- Muhammads words and deeds, guide
Muslims to proper living. - Quran- What Muhammad was told by Allah.
- Muslims can not eat pork, drink alcohol Fridays
are their holy day. - All Mosques face Mecca
- Muslims follow the 5 pillars of Islam
145 Pillars of Islam
FAITH (SHADA) - believe there is no God by
Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. SALAT
(PRAYER) - pray in Arabic 5 times a day. ALMS
(ZAKAT) - charity. PILGRIMAGE (HAJJ) - go to
Mecca at least once. FASTING (SWAM) - fasting
during Ramadan.
- Born in 570 ad in Mecca, was orphaned as a child
and grew up to marry a wealthy business woman and
later became a wealthy merchant. - While praying he heard the voice of God, speak to
him through the Angel Gabriel and began preaching
that there is only one God called Allah.
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- Fearing prosecution Muhammad fled over 200 miles
to Yathrib. - This 200 mile pilgrimage is called the Hijirah
and his followers renamed this city to be Medina
(city of the prophet). - Muhammad ruled Medina and united his followers
with Arabs, Jews and Christians.
19Medina Today
20After Muhammads Death
- Muslims were with out a leader and panicked.
- Muhammads father in law Abu Bakar became the
first caliph successor. - Clans began refusing to pay taxes and some
abandoned Islam. - Bakar ruled for 2 years and used military force
to reunite the muslim community.
21Bakar was followed by 3 more Caliphs
- Umar
- Uthman
- Ali
- All Caliphs had known Muhammad personally and
used the Quran to guide them so they are called
the rightly guided Caliphs and their reign was
known as the time of the Caliphate.
22Branches of Islam
- There are three main branches of Islam, the
Muslims in each branch all believe in Allah and
Muhammad as his prophet. - They disagree about how the faith should be
organized in present day.
23- SUNNI- believe the first 4 caliphs were rightful
rulers. Any muslim who follows Muhammads example
may be a ruler. Quran and Sunnah of Muhammad are
sources. - SHIA- Only Bakar was legitimate. only a decedent
of Muhammad and Bakar may rule. Use the Quran
and the Sunnah and the teachings of the rulers
are sources.
Two Largest Branches of Islam
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