SC_01 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SC_01

Via Dolorosa
O Beloved
Above All
The Wondrous Story
I was even considered as one of His disciples.
However, my social status and my relation with
Jewish nobility, created a barrier, which
prevented me from getting closer to Him,
interacting with Him and fully benefiting from
Him during His presence on earth.
  • I, Joseph, a wealthy man from Arimathea,
  • was a prominent member of the Sanhedrin,
  • the highest Jewish council.

He was pierced for our transgressions, He was
crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that
brought us peace was upon Him, and by his wounds
we are healed.
Jewish priests have bribed one of Jesus
disciples whos name is Judas with 30 pieces of
silver to deliver Him to them
Iodas Iodas O Paranomos Yahouza (x6)
Mokhalef Al Namous
Oh Joseph .. Do not remind me .. It was themost
significant incident of my life, and themost
critical decision, which lead me to pain,
torture, and condemned me to eternal death.
But you know Joseph what was the worst thing
about all this?

I knew first hand of His loving nature and that
He forgives all those who ask. Regrettably, by
this time, I had lost my faith and forgot His
Loving Kindness. So I went and hung myself,
loosing any hope for salvation.
But it was the devil, the enemy of mankind. He
tempted me with riches, and the love of money is
the root of all evil. So it was because of the
love of money and my weakness that all this
Why did it have to be a friend whochose to
betray the Lord
And why did He use a kiss to show themThats
not what a kiss is for
Only a friend can betray a frienda stranger has
nothing to gain
And only a friend comes close enough toever
cause so much pain
And why did there have to be a thornycrown
pressed upon His head
It should have been a royal onemade of jewels
and gold instead
It had to be a crown of thornsbecause in this
life that we live
For all who would seek to love a thorn isall
the world has to give
And why did there have to be a heavycross He
was made to bear
And why did they nail His feet and handswhen
His love would have held Him there
It was a cross, for on a crossA thief was
supposed to pay
Jesus had come into the worldto steal every
heart away
Yes, Jesus had come into the worldto steal
every heart away
I was astonished by that mans behavior. Even
while we were arresting Him, He would still do
good. He would care for the safety of his
followers and heal the person who came to arrest
Him. A strange person indeed.
I will never forget that look on His face a
very deep piercing look that moved me. A look
of pain mixed with bitterness. A look of blame
mixed with love. A look of kindness mixed with
forgiveness. A look of weakness mixed with power.
Then I decided to follow the crowd to see what
was going to happen. Will the God in whom we
have believed in and all His power have victory?
Will the person that we have witnessed perform
all these miracles be delivered from His
enemies... Or was it all a beautiful dream that
began to fade away when the priests and the
elderly laid their hands on him in the garden of
He used to love me deeply even though I had a hot
temper He used to say you are Peter, and on
this rock I will build My church, and the gates
of Hades shall not prevail against it.
I will sing the wondrous storyof the Christ who
died for meHow He left His home in gloryfor
the cross of Calvary
I was lost, but Jesus found mefound the sheep
that went astrayThrew His loving arms around
medrew me back in to His way
Kana bel amsee Ya goulouYassna3ou al khair al
3azeemWa younady bel hayatyYashfy gorh al
Kana hobohou 3ageebanIz ahaba al athymeenThaly
anahou Yassou3oukad ahaba koula hine
I was bruised, but Jesus healed mefaint was I
from many a fallSight was gone, and fears
possessed mebut He freed me from them all
Days of darkness still come o'er mesorrow's
paths I often treadBut the Savior still is with
meby His hand I'm safely led
Kad oumeet al hobo zolmanKad ou meeta bel
salibMantekou al nassy talashaIz bada al hobo
al sakeeb
Enahou Hobone sa yabkaabad al dahry
yakounLaiysaa hoboun mithlou hazaSadikoun
dowman hanoon
He will keep me till the river Rolls its waters
at my feetThen he'll bear me safely overWhere
the loved ones I shall meet
Yes, I'll sing the wondrous storyOf the Christ
who died for meSing it with the saints in
glorygathered by the crystal sea
Kesat ol hobo el 3ageebyKad tagalat fee
salibKad rawaha lee habiby Sa3at el sumt el
Wahwa mass7oukou al fouadyWahwa magrou7ou al
gabineKad rawaha lee habiby Bel damel ghaly el
Wahwa mass7oukou al fouadyWahwa magrou7ou al
gabineKad rawaha lee habiby Bel damel ghaly el
A man of confidant figure, magnificent appearance
with a glorious and bright image, that all who
looked at him had to love and fear him. His face
was peaceful and enlightening. His eyes glowed
like the sun, and no one could look at His
shining face.
Despite being the High Priest of the law, I could
not realize the time of fulfillment of the
prophecies of the law.
I charge you under oath by the living God Tell
us if you are the Christ, the Son of God. And
Jesus answered, Yes, it is as you say. But I say
to all of you In the future you will see the Son
of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty
One and coming on the clouds of heaven.
In my own opinion, it was better for all that one
man die for the people than that the whole nation
But they were cunning and turned the course of
action around completely. They told me they were
accusing Him of blasphemy as He proclaimed
Himself to be the King of the Jews, knowing very
well that there is no other King in the Roman
Empire other than Caesar and whoever proclaimed
himself King was to be labeled a traitor and
sentenced to death.
But was it the Jews or was it myself who
rejected Gods approach? Refusing to meet Him
even when He himself came to meet me. Neglecting
His overwhelming love that made Him come to me
that I may judge Him and condemn Him to death.
That amazing Look which goes deep into the heart.
This incredible image that overwhelms the
feelings. He said very few words, but they were
very moving.
Above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nature andall created things
Above all wisdom andall the ways of man
You were here beforethe world began
Above all kingdoms
Above all thrones
Above all wonders the worldhas ever known
Above all wealth andtreasures of the earth
There's no way to measurewhat You're worth
Laid behind the stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose trampledon the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all
Above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nature andall created things
Above all wisdom andall the ways of man
You were here beforethe world began
Above all kingdoms
Above all thrones
Above all wonders the worldhas ever known
Above all wealth andtreasures of the earth
There's no way to measurewhat You're worth
Laid behind the stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose trampledon the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all
Like a rose trampledon the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all
Pontius Pilate wanted to save Jesus from the
penalty of death, so he cleverly gave the choice
to the Jews as to which prisoner they would set
free as per tradition in the holy Passover.
Myself? Or Jesus of Nazareth?
The moment the judgment was announced was the
first time I saw Him. He was not a criminal he
was not a killer or even caught in treason. He
was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a
sheep before her shearers is silent.
He was the Savior who came to the world to redeem
what has perished when sin entered the world.
O Beloved, O BelovedNailed unto the Cross for me
O what sin hast Thou committed?Thou Who calleth
all to be
O Beloved, wish that I couldSpend the rest of
life with Thee
Worshipping Thine holy PassionCrucifying the
flesh for Thee
Daughter of Zion behold meStricken and smitten
for thee
Friend and kin, me have forsakenThere is none to
comfort me
All alone Ill tread the winepressAll alone Ill
drink the cup
Shedding my Blood for thee to ransomAnd my Flesh
for thee to sup
Like a lamb brought to the slaughterLike a dumb
sheep to be sheered
King, Creator, Lord and MasterBy His creatures,
mocked and jeered
Despised, rejected, with grief acquaintedAnd of
men was not esteemed
Bruised, and wounded, sore afflictedYet with His
stripes we were healed
I was bound, and I was smittenAnd they did spit
in my face
I was stripped, and I was scouredI was condemned
in your place
Your sins became my crown of thornsO that you
would understand
Every time you sin a newIts one more nail in My
Lord created in us a fountainThat with tears
will ever flow
And a heart contrite and brokenAnd the Spirit
within renew
O that we could shed the tearsOver Thy feet
pierced and bruised
That we could always rememberFor our sins Thou
wert abused
O that we could shed the tearsOver Thy feet
pierced and bruised
That we could always rememberFor our sins Thou
wert abused
yet to me it was more like dead scriptures on
rocks very ridged teachings lacking life
instruction and laws lacking spiritual depth in
my relation with God
Who has believed our message? And to whom has the
arm of the LORD been revealed? He grew up before
him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of
dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to
attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that
we should desire him.  He was despised and
rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar
with suffering.  Like one from whom men hide
their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him
not. Surely he took up our infirmities and
carried our sorrows, yet we considered him
stricken by God, smitten by him, and
afflicted. But he was pierced for our
transgressions he was crushed for our
iniquities the punishment that brought us peace
was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us
has turned to his own way and the LORD has laid
on him the iniquity of us all.  He was oppressed
and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth he
was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a
sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did
not open his mouth.
His teachings enlightened the law and brought it
to life so that the difficult laws became easy to
bear and understand. Truly His words were alive
for in fact He was the heart of the law and the
author of the law.
Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that dayThe
Soldiers tried to clear the narrow streetsBut
the crowd pressed in to seeThe Man condemned to
die on Calvary
He was bleeding from a beatingThere were stripes
upon His backAnd He wore a crown of thorns upon
His HeadAnd He bore with every stepThe scorn of
those who cried out for His death
Down the Via Dolorosa called the "Way of
Suffering"Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ
the KingBut He chose to walk that roadOut of
his love for you and meDown the Via Dolorosa all
the way to Calvary
Fee tareek el Golgotha quad sara yaoman
sayedeeWal gonoodo tas3a kai tokhly tareelkIz
tazahamal gamee3 leyarao kaifa yokafa ou sedeek
Fee Tareek el Golgotha sara elahona al
HabeebSara tao3an wa khteyaran lel salibKabila
Yasoo3 al maota Men aglek wa men agleeFitareek
el Golgotha sara al habeeb. Ela salib
The blood that would cleanseThe souls of all
menMade its way to the heartOf Jerusalem
Fee Tareek el Golgotha sara elahona al
HabeebSara tao3an wa khteyaran lel salibKabila
Yasoo3 al maota Men aglek wa men agleeFitareek
el Golgotha sara al habeeb. Ela salib
I saw a crowned king who did not choose to wear a
crown of gold but a crown of thorns. He did not
choose His throne among the royal thrones of
kings, but chose it to be a cross. He did not
choose to reign in the halls of kings, but he
chose to be hung on the kranioun. He did not
choose to reign over nations although He is King
of kings the Lord of lords. He chose to reign in
our hearts with love. And I saw the Lords love
in the Christ hanging on the cross. For there is
no greater love than for one to sacrifice their
life for a loved one.
You would think that I have overtaken the kingdom
of God by one word but in fact these moments were
worth a lifetime as if my past life was
insignificant compared to these crucial moments.
Those few moments granted me the privilege of
being the first to enter the kingdom of heaven.
I was overwhelmed and cried out to Him saying
Remember me O Lord when I come into your
kingdom. Remember me my Savior when I come into
your kingdom. Remember me my King when I come
into your kingdom. So He looked at me with
tenderness and said with the might of a king
Today you shall be with me in my paradise.
The End
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