Restructuring the Postwar World - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Restructuring the Postwar World


Restructuring the Postwar World Chapter 17 Cold War - terms to know Yalta Conference Iron Curtain Containment Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan NATO Warsaw Pact ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Restructuring the Postwar World

Restructuring the Postwar World
  • Chapter 17

Cold War - terms to know
  • Yalta Conference
  • Iron Curtain
  • Containment
  • Truman Doctrine
  • Marshall Plan
  • NATO
  • Warsaw Pact
  • Brinkmanship
  • Third World
  • Nonaligned nations
  • Nikita Khrushchev
  • Détente
  • SALT talks

  • Soviets and US were allied during WWII
  • However, US was wary with the Soviets because of
    the alliance with Germany in 1939
  • Stalin then blamed the US for not getting
    involved in Europe until 1944

Yalta Conference
  • Division of Germany
  • Germany would be occupied by Allies
  • Germany would pay reparations to Soviets
  • United Nations created
  • Peacekeeping organization, based in New York City

  • US and Soviets were no longer allies
  • WWII affected each one differently
  • Differences in politics and economics

United States Soviet Union
encourage democracy encourage growth of industry rebuild stable European governments reunite and stabilize Germany encourage communism and a workers revolution rebuild Soviet economy from Eastern Europe balance the USs influence keep Germany divided to prevent future war
Iron Curtain
  • Buffer zone
  • Soviets wanted a guard from the West
  • Stalin created communist governments to surround
    the Soviet Union (disregarded agreement from
    Yalta Conference)
  • Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
    Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia
  • Stalin believed communism and capitalism could
    not exist in the same world
  • Divided east and west
  • Democratic west, communist east

US resists the Soviets
  • Containment
  • Block Soviet influence by making alliances and
    helping weak countries resist communism
  • Truman Doctrine
  • US should aid any country that rejects communism
  • Highly contested, but passed by Congress
  • Marshall Plan
  • US should aid countries that are suffering
    because of WWII
  • Provide food, machinery, and other materials to
    rebuild the countries
  • Supported by Congress after the Soviets took
    control of Czechoslovakia

Berlin Airlift
  • US and Soviets clashed over control of Germany
  • Soviets wanted to keep Germany weak and divided
  • US wanted to let Germany reunite
  • Soviets continued to control West Berlin
  • Cut off all traffic to West Berlin unless the
    Allies gave up the idea of unifying Germany
  • US and Britain flew in supplies

  • NATO
  • Blockade of Berlin caused Western nations to fear
    Soviet action
  • Created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • If you attack one member of NATO, all will
  • Warsaw Pact
  • Soviets saw NATO as a threat, so they created
    their own alliance
  • Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia,
    Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania

Cold War divides the world
  • 1961 - Germans build a wall to divide East and
    West Berlin (symbolized the division around the
  • India chose to remain neutral
  • China sided with NATO

  • US and Soviets had nuclear weapons
  • Worked at creating even more powerful weaponry
    (fusion rather than fission)
  • Eisenhowers secretary of state (Dulles)
    threatened that if the Soviets ever attacked,
    that the US would retaliate immediately
  • Both countries were continually on the edge of
    going to war
  • Strengthened the military, stockpiled weapons

Inspiration from the Cold War
  • The Cold War spurred a desire for improved
    science and technology
  • Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)
  • Sputnik and other satellites
  • CIA began using high-altitude spy planes

Third World
  • Third world - countries in Latin America, Asia,
  • US, Soviets and Chinese all wanted influence on
    the governments of these countries
  • Nonaligned nations
  • Did not want to become involved in the Cold War,
    wanted to be neutral
  • Some ended up taking sides

Conflicts in Latin America
  • Latin American countries were struggling
  • Rapid industrialization, population growth,
    growing gape between rich and poor
  • Looked for aid from both US and Soviets
  • US supported leaders who protected US businesses,
    but were often oppressive
  • Soviets supported revolutionary and nationalistic

Conflicts in Latin America
  • Cuban Revolution
  • Fidel Castro led a revolution to overthrow Cubas
    dictator, but became a dictator himself
  • Took over US mills and refineries, so US put an
    embargo on all trade
  • Cuba turned to the Soviets for aid
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Soviets believed that US would not be able to
    stop Soviet expansion in Latin America
  • Khrushchev built 42 missile sites in Cuba
  • Khrushchev would remove the missiles if the US
    promised to not invade Cuba
  • Cuba became dependent on Soviet aid

Soviets in Eastern Europe
  • Soviets kept a firm grip on its satellite
  • They could not grow/develop on their own - had to
    meet the needs of the Soviets
  • Satellite countries began protesting, and China
    was becoming a threat
  • Destalinization
  • After Stalins death, Khrushchev wanted to get
    rid of the memory of Stalin
  • Toppled statues, denounced Stalin for killing and
    imprisoning innocent Soviets
  • Khrushchev wanted a change in how the Soviet
    Union dealt with capitalist countries
  • peaceful competition

Protests against the Soviets
  • Satellite countries were not satisfied
  • Hungary
  • People began protesting
  • Imre Nagy formed a new government
  • Promised elections and that he would force Soviet
    troops to leave
  • Soviet troops arrived, overwhelmed the protestors
    and executed Nagy

Protests against the Soviets
  • Khrushchev lost prestige after the Cuban Missile
    Crisis, replaced by Brezhnev
  • Removed right to free speech and worship
  • Government censored all published material
  • Would not tolerate any form of dissent
  • Alexander Dubcek - Czech leader responded by
    loosening his censorship laws
  • Prague Spring - new ideas were allowed to bloom
  • Brezhnev had forces from the Warsaw Pact invade
  • Claimed it was to keep countries from rejecting

Soviets and China split
  • China was committed to communism
  • 1950 - Mao and Stalin signed a 30-year treaty of
  • Friendship did not last
  • Chinese refused to follow Soviet leadership,
    began to spread their form of communism to Africa
    and Asia
  • Khrushchev then refused to share nuclear secrets,
    and then ended economic aid

  • End of Brinkmanship
  • 1970s - US and Soviets were no longer involved in
    a series of crises that threatened nuclear war
  • Soviets stepped down from a confrontation at sea
  • President Johnson became involved in the Vietnam
  • US turns to détente
  • US chose to avoid direct confrontation with the
    Soviets after the countrys reaction to Vietnam
  • President Nixon wanted to reduce tensions between
    the two countries
  • Wanted to work with China and Russia

SALT talks
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
  • Nixon and Brezhnev signed the SALT I treaty
  • 5 year agreement
  • Limited number of intercontinental ballistics and
    submarine-launched missiles
  • President Carter was unhappy with Soviet actions
    (harsh treatment of protestors)
  • Soviets invaded Afghanistan - Congress refused to
    ratify SALT II

  • Collapse of the détente
  • More countries began creating nuclear weapons
  • Reagan took office
  • Very anti-communist
  • Increased defense spending
  • Put military and economic pressure on the Soviets
  • Created Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to
    protect from enemy missiles

China, Korea, Vietnam
  • Complete the worksheet

Conflicts in the Middle East
  • Clash over Western and Islamic values
  • Iran
  • Shah Pahlavi (Irans leader) strengthened ties to
    Western cultures, and weakened the influence of
  • Ayatollah Khomeini encouraged riots and took over
    the government
  • Strongly anti-US
  • Very militant style of Islamic government,
    attacked US Embassy
  • Took 60 people hostage for 444 days

Conflicts in the Middle East
  • Iraq
  • Saddam Hussein ran a secular government
  • Iran and Iraq went to war in 1980
  • US supported both sides - didnt want a change in
  • Soviets supported Iraq
  • Afghanistan
  • Soviet influence began increasing in the 1950s
  • 1979 - Muslims revolted and Soviets invaded
  • Soviets were stuck in Afghanistan, fighting
    troops supported by the US
  • US considered the Soviets a threat to oil supplies

  • Describe the relationship between the US and
    Soviets after WWII
  • Compare/Contrast US and Soviet ways of thinking
    for politics and economics
  • Was the Iron Curtain necessary?

  • Why were NATO and the Warsaw Pact created?
  • Why would some countries decide to remain
  • What did we gain from the Cold War?
  • Were we safer during brinkmanship?

  • Why was the Third World important during the Cold
  • What effect did the Cuban Missile Crisis have on
    the Cold War?
  • Why did the Soviet Union want to keep Hungary as
    a satellite?

  • What is the difference between brinkmanship and
  • What happened at the SALT talks?
  • Could the US have gained Ayatollah Khomeinis
    support? Why/Why not?

  • How did the Cold War contribute to Jiang Jieshis
  • Compare/Contrast Chinas promised to Tibet with
    the Soviet Unions promises to eastern Europe
  • What is the importance of the communes?
  • Describe the Cultural Revolution and its effect
    on society.

  • What was result of the Korean War?
  • Compare/Contrast the Vietnamese Nationalists and
    Communists with the Chinese Nationalists and
  • Why did the US get involved in Vietnam?
  • Are we safer today or during the Cold War?

Study Guide (Essay Test)
  • Iron Curtain - What was it? Why did it exist?
    What are the benefits and weaknesses? Was it
  • Relationship between US and Soviets - What
    weakened it? How did the relationship change
    during the Cold War? What event(s) almost came
    to war? What effect did the Cuban Missile Crisis
    have on the relationship?
  • What changes did Mao Zedong make in China? What
    was one of the major changes? How did his
    actions benefit/weaken the country? What effect
    did the Cultural Revolution have?
  • What is brinkmanship? What caused it? What
    effect did it have on society? IYO-was it good
    or bad?
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