Age of Absolutism: King Louis XIV - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Age of Absolutism: King Louis XIV


Age of Absolutism: King Louis XIV FRENCH ABSOLUTISM Absolutism Political theory that believed in the Divine Right of Kings (Monarchs received their authority ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Age of Absolutism: King Louis XIV

Age of AbsolutismKing Louis XIV

  • Political theory that believed in the Divine
    Right of Kings (Monarchs received their
    authority from God).
  • Bishop Bossuet established this in Politics Taken
    From the Very Words of Scripture.

Bishop Jacques Bossuet
Absolute Monarchy in France
  • Foundations of French Absolutism
  • Cardinal Richelieu (1624 1642)
  • Policies and goals
  • Administrative reforms
  • Cardinal Mazarin (1642 1661)
  • The Fronde Noble Revolt
  • Both were able to maintain power because they
    acted as regents for very young kings

Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715)
  • Personal rule began in 1661 with the death of
    Cardinal Mazarin.
  • "L'État, c'est moi" (the state is me)
  • Symbolized as the Sun King. (Center of France
    rays of sun reflect off of monarch onto subjects).

(No Transcript)
Châteaux de Versailles
  • Kings residence and center of government.
  • Spent vast sums of money on expansion.
  • Royal apartments were at the center of the

Court Life at Versailles
  • King severed dual functions that of courtier and
    that of administrator.
  • Both functions were aimed at state-building.
  • The Fronde had taught Louis to distrust the
    nobility, so he appointed officials from
    middle-class origin.
  • He also continued the practice of selling titles
    (nobles of the robe as opposed to nobles of
    the sword).

Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683)
  • Served as controller of finances from 1662-1683.
  • Supported mercantilist policies.
  • Built roads and canals.
  • Credited for many of Louis economic successes
    and failures.

Domestic Policies
  • Louis enacted absolutist ideas through domination
    of the central bureaucracy which had greater
    control of state finances, the execution of laws
    and the use of armed force.
  • Increased royal control over the local
  • Defended the policy of Gallicanism.
  • Revoked the Edict of Nantes in in October 1685
    and began persecuting Huguenots over 200,000
    fled France.

Wars Expansion under Louis XIV
  • Through a series of expensive wars Louis slowly
    expanded French territory.
  • War of Devolution (1667-68)
  • The Dutch War (1672-78)
  • War of the League of Augsburg (1688-97)

War of Spanish Succession
  • Childless Hapsburg Charles II names Bourbon
    Philip of Anjou as heir.
  • England, Holland and HRE oppose French
    acquisition of Spain territories.
  • Louis was defeated by the British and Austrians.

Treaty of Utrecht (1713)
  • War ended with Treaty of Utrecht (1713) and
    Treaty of Baden and Rastatt (with Hapsburgs in
  • Philip of Anjou become Philip V of Spain, but he
    nor his successors could hold French throne.
  • Hapsburgs and British gained territory, French
    lost New World lands.

The End of an Era
  • Louis XIV was one of the great state-builders of
  • Despite this, the peasants of France suffered as
    they never had before or since. This would bring
    government welfare as a state function in the
    18th century
  • His absolutist policy solidified the place of
    France as the dominant power in Europe.

The Decline of Spain
  • Appearance vs. Reality
  • Spain controls large parts of the New World, Asia
    and Africa and has trade routes between them
    appears to be rich and powerful
  • Actually, the treasury is empty, the armed forces
    are out of date, government is inefficient,
    commercial class is weak, peasants are suppressed
    and there are too many nobles and priests
  • Bankruptcies in 1596 and in 1607 under Phillip II
    and Phillip III

Decline, continued
  • Under Phillip III (1598-1621) it becomes apparent
  • Phillip IV tries to revive Spain
  • Gaspar de Guzman, Chief Minister
  • Attempts to centralize the government
  • Domestic reforms
  • Curtail power of Catholic Church and Aristocracy
  • Bring governments of possessions under control

Outcome in Spain
  • Attempts to centralize government are
  • Thirty Years War
  • Expensive military campaigns
  • Total defeat at the Battle of Rocroi (1643)
  • Internal Revolts/Civil War
  • Dutch Independence formally recognized by the
    Peace of Westphalia (1648)
  • Spanish Netherlands and outlying areas lost in
    Peace of the Pyrenees (1659)
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