SSTP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... 191 Cargo handling & stowage: 53 Controlling ship operations: ... 37 Oil Tanker: 40 Chemical Tanker: 47 Gas Carrier: 80 Passenger ship: 8 Ro-Ro: 10 Polar ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: SSTP

  • SSTP
  • GlobalMET Deck Cadet Structured Shipboard
    Training Program
  • Record and Activity Books

(No Transcript)
Section 1 - Deck Cadet Structured Shipboard
Training Programme Record Book (SSTP) Section 2
- Deck Cadet Shipboard Activity Work
Book Section 3 - Deck Cadet Shipboard Activity
Work Book Supplements (Oil Tankers, Chemical
Tankers, Gas Carriers) Section 4 - Project Work
File Section 5 - Proposed Distance Learning
The record book lists the practical tasks
required to be carried out on board, in
accordance with the STCW 2010 provisions relating
to minimum standards of competence for officers,
particularly in charge of a navigational watch on
ships of 500 gross tonnage or more (STCW 2010 -
Code Table A-II/1). The number of tasks in this
programme is as follows- Navigation 191 Cargo
handling stowage 53 Controlling ship
operations 145 Ship Security 10 Total
399 Tanker- General 37 Oil Tanker 40 Chemical
Tanker 47 Gas Carrier 80 Passenger ship
8 Ro-Ro 10 Polar ship 11 DP 10 OSV 10
The scope of this training programme is to expand
the knowledge and skills of the Cadet in
preparation for a responsible position on board.
The objective of this training programme is to
give guidance to the Cadet, Shipboard Training
Officer and Master regarding the desired
The relevant roles and responsibilities of the
Company Training Officer (CTO), Master, Shipboard
Training Officer (STO) and the Cadet Officer are
well defined.
The Shipboard Training Officer (STO) is in charge
of implementing and monitoring the progress of
the SSTP. The STO signs in the column Considered
Proficient when the Cadet has adequately
demonstrated proficiency in that particular task.
The assessment tools used for demonstrating
proficiency could be a practical demonstration,
an activity performed to the satisfaction of the
STO or his designated deputy, oral questioning
and/or by completing a project in the Project
Work Book.
Completion Guidelines - Throughout the Cadets
sea going service
Section 8 containing the list of
competences/tasks should be progressively
The tasks are divided into two or three phases
based on the sea time requirements of the
cadetship period, and are color coded in order to
provide a reference framework for the Cadet to
proceed. The objective is to complete all the
tasks in the structured shipboard training
programme by the end of the cadetship period.
The tasks in the SSTP Record Book are based on
main functions (navigation, cargo handling and
stowage, controlling the operation of the ship
and care for persons on board - STCW 2010 Table
The competences for Ship Security are also
included, based on STCW 2010 Table A-VI/6-1.
The SSTP Record Book also addresses tasks for
specialized vessels - Oil Tankers, Chemical
Tankers, Gas Carriers
..Passenger ships, Ro-Ro ships, ships operating
in polar waters / winter conditions..
Dynamic Positioning vessels and Offshore
vessels, as per STCW requirements.
Section 7 In addition to the practical training,
the Cadet to improve understanding and
implementation of the COLREG.
Completion Guidelines - Throughout the Cadets
sea going service
The task summary record in Section 4.4 to be used
for recording the tasks completed in Section 8.
Completion Guidelines - Throughout the Cadets
sea going service
The training programme to be submitted to the
Shipboard Training Officer on joining the ship
and subsequently every month for inspection.
Section 2 Deck Cadet Shipboard Activity Work
The purpose of the Activity Work Book is to
ensure maintenance of a written record of the
relevant tasks carried out on board. Completion
of tasks requiring documented evidence, eg
calculations, lists or procedures, to be recorded
to ensure a written record of the tasks carried
out on board.
  • The Activity Work Book contains the relevant
    tasks for the following functions, for which
    documented evidence is required
  • Navigation
  • Cargo handling and stowage
  • Controlling the operation of the ship and care
    for persons on
  • board including ship security.

Completion Guidelines - On receipt of the book
The activities are color coded in the same format
as the Deck Cadet Structured Shipboard Training
Programme Record Book. The color code for the
tasks is
Completion Guidelines - On receipt of the book
Activities coded in more than one color signify
that these activities should be performed in
other semesters, also as marked. The minimum
number of times the activity should be recorded
is mentioned in the relevant pages.
(No Transcript)
Section 3 Deck Cadet Shipboard Activity Work
Book- Supplements
Section 4 Project Work File
The Cadet is also required to do the project work
in Section 10 of the SSTP Record Book. Project
work is divided into two broad categories
Generic and Ship Type specific. The generic
category has projects applicable to any type of
ship so that the cadet can complete them on any
ship that he or she joins. The ship type specific
projects would depend on the type of ship he or
she is serving on.
Projects concerning Navigation and Controlling
the operation of the ships and care for persons
on board are compulsory for all cadets. The
projects are further prioritized into the three
Additional projects are required depending upon
the ship type - container vessels, bulk carriers
Section 5 Proposed Distance Learning
Programme (OPTIONAL)
Advantages we bring to shipboard education and
An internationally recognized Cadet SSTP Record
Book, published by GlobalMET, an association of
over 105 maritime training institutions spread
around the world, and a body recognized by IMO as
representing the maritime worlds training
providers. In the multicultural environment that
cadets encounter on board foreign flag ships, an
internationally recognized SSTP would find more
favour, including with an STO who could very well
be a foreigner.
Advantages we bring to shipboard education and
A Structured Shipboard Training Programme which
is a) Assignment / activity based b) Ship
specific projects Without the need for writing
in the Cadets Journal, which often ends up with
copying from a textbook or colleague.
Extensive learning material for the entire
on-board training programme, either provided to
the cadets in a book form or in a CD (optional).
Advantages we bring to shipboard education and
SSTP Monitoring by the Company Training
Officer After sign-off from each ship, the Cadet
shall submit the Project Work File, Activity
Workbook, Task Summary sheet from the SSTP Record
book to the CTO for verification and debriefing.
Once verified and certified satisfactory, the
Cadet may be permitted to join his or her next
ship. The company superintendent, internal
auditor when visiting the ship may check the
progress of the Cadet through observation of the
Record Book and Work Books.
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