What is Artificial Intelligence Today? Zenon Pylyshyn, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science http://ruccs.rutgers.edu/faculty/pylyshyn.html - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is Artificial Intelligence Today? Zenon Pylyshyn, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science http://ruccs.rutgers.edu/faculty/pylyshyn.html


Title: Where has Computational Intelligence got to (in Canada)? Author: Zenon Pylyshyn Last modified by: Zenon Pylyshyn Created Date: 4/21/2002 10:48:52 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is Artificial Intelligence Today? Zenon Pylyshyn, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science http://ruccs.rutgers.edu/faculty/pylyshyn.html

What is Artificial Intelligence Today?Zenon
Pylyshyn, Rutgers Center for Cognitive
CSCSI/SCEIO 15th Annual Meeting, Calgary, May
27, 2002
  • Is it an engineering profession, like EE?
  • Is it a branch of Computer Science, like software
  • Is it a nascent science, like Genomics?
  • Is it a methodology, like Statistics?
  • Is it the home of lost causes, like

What is Artificial Intelligence Today?Zenon
Pylyshyn, Rutgers Center for Cognitive
CSCSI/SCEIO 15th Annual Meeting, Calgary, May
27, 2002
  • Is it an engineering profession, like EE?
  • Is it a branch of Computer Science, like software
  • Is it a nascent science, like Genomics?
  • Is it a methodology, like Statistics?
  • Is it the home of lost causes, like
  • Short answer All of the above.

Where is Artificial Intelligence Today?a highly
personal view
CSCSI/SCEIO 15th Annual Meeting, Calgary, May
27, 2002
Zenon Pylyshyn, Rutgers Center for Cognitive
Where has Artificial Intelligence been and where
is it going?a highly personal view
Outline of talk
  1. A lighthearted look at what has A.I. been doing
    these past 45 years in order to survive.
  2. A more serious look at what I believe we have
    learned from work in A.I. and Cognitive Science.
  3. Some speculations on whether current trends
    provide any grounds for optimism for the future
    of A.I.

Where has A.I. been these past 45 years?
  • It has been battling the forces of darkness and
    has survived

In the meantime it has split into many partsand
has assumed many different disguises.
It has been 45 years since the 1957 Dartmouth
A.I. Has Survived Many Threats
  • It has survived
  • The illusions of innocence
  • The foolishness of futurism
  • The perils of popularity
  • The dazzle of demos
  • The shameless pursuit of short-term goals
  • The corruptions of capitalism

It has survived the illusions of innocence
  • The age of innocence Cybernetics, Weiner,
    Turing, Newell Simon and the promise of
    mechanized intelligence (Thats what drew me and
    many others to it)

Photographs courtesy of Lord of the Rings
It has survived foolhardy futurism
  • Its hard to predict, especially the future
    (Japanese saying)

Examples of foolhardy futurism
  • A computer will be chess champion and will prove
    a significant mathematical theorem within ten
    years (Simon, 1957)
  • Within a generation the problem of creating
    artificial intelligence will be substantially
    solved (Minsky, 1967).
  • I believe that robots with human intelligence
    will be common within 50 years (Hans Moravec,
  • by the year 2020, neural net computers will
    have doubled about 23 times ... resulting in a
    speed of about 20 million billion neural
    connection calculations per second, which is
    equal to the human brain. The emergence of
    machines that exceed human intelligence in all
    its broad diversity is inevitable. (Ray
    Kurzweil, 1999)
  • "Guys like Kurzweil and Moravec ... somehow think
    that they can take Moore's law and project things
    into the future and say that, by 2020, you'll
    have human-level intelligence. I don't believe
    that at all. I think new ideas are required."
    (John McCarthy, 2001).

It has survived the perils of popularity
  • For many years (in the late 1970s and 1980s)
    A.I. was the sexiest topic in computer science
    and psychology (which may be why many of us are

And that leads to certain distractionsthe
perils of popularity
It has survived the dazzle of demos
  • The Gee Whiz School of Science
  • Toy systems (GPS, Eliza, Shrdlu, Shaky,
  • Performance systems (Dendral, XCON, Prospector,

  • But how do you know when you should be impressed
    by a demo?

  • Its not easy to tellwhether you should be
    impressed by a demo.
  • How impressive the demo is depends on what else
    you assume the system can do.
  • How impressive the demo is may depend on what
    tools are available.

It has survived the shameless pursuit of short
term goals
  • Artificial intelligence used to mean robots that
    think like people now it means software for
    rejecting junk e-mail. Low expectations could
    yield better applications, sooner." Doug Lenat.
    MIT Tech Review, 2001
  • So, whats wrong with that?

  • Short-term solutions rarely scale up.
  • It is possible to attain spectacular short-term
    achievements without any fundamental new
    understanding of A.I. problems (e.g., Deep Blue).
  • Short term criteria dont tell you when your
    assumptions are hopelessly wrong and you should
    start over.
  • Short term problem-solving detracts from the
    bigger AI goal.

A.I. has even survived the corruption of
  • Teknowledge, Tekmoney, CAIP, Cognicom, Gomi AI, ..
  • What we tell venture capitalists vs. what we
    really believe

Some of the commercial claims make one wonder who
our colleagues are working for!
Sometimes I wonder if we havet carried
ecumenism a bit too far
AIs dilemma
  • In the end, we in AI get high marks on the
    applications side, to which we have been pushed
    by sponsor pressure and seduced the lure of
    billions. And certainly, it is hard to quarrel
    with the good done. But from the perspective of
    answering big questions and realizing big dreams,
    the disappearance of AI into computer science
    retards progress by shifting the way AI people
    are judged and rewarded.
  • Patrick Winston, keynote address to the American
    Association for Artificial Intelligence, July 20,

Is it time to return to the original goal?Can we
keep our eye on the prize
  • Is it time for looking back on what weve learned
    and for refocusing on the scientific puzzles

From Nils Nilssons 1995 AAAI paper title
What have we learned in the past 45 years? Some
current criticisms of AI not my own views
Lessons I have learned from Cognitive Science
  1. Representing and manipulating knowledge is not
    everything KR has been overemphasized in AI
  2. Logical formalisms are hopeless for representing
  3. Human cognition has a lot in common with that of
    other organisms, so AI should start by simulating
    the simple ones first (e.g., insects), and
    letting complex ones evolve
  4. Intelligence is distributed among minds, bodies,
    and environments, and A.I. has not recognized
    these enough in its pursuit of KR.

There is more to intelligence than processing
  • No matter how little of the system deals with
    knowledge, it will always remain the core of
    intelligence because Intelligent behavior is
    essentially knowledge-dependent or cognitively
    penetrable. This follows from the following
    important facts about (human) cognition
  • The equivalence classes of events under which
    intelligent agents behavior is predictable are
    semantically defined inputs with the same
    meaning have the same effect.
  • Its how the world is represented, rather than
    how it actually is, that determines behaviour.
  • There is no rule or principal of intelligent
    behavior that cannot be overturned by changing a
    persons goals and beliefs. In other words, some
    part of every intelligent behaviour is cognitive

For details, see my Computation and Cognition,
MIT Press, 1984
What about the Intelligence in the I/O?
  • Its true that a lot of intelligence occurs at
    the I/O, where the processes are encapsulated in
  • Its also true that the most progress (in AI and
    CogSci) has been made in understanding the
    modular systems of cognition, such as language,
    vision, and motor control.
  • Exploring I/O systems and new computational
    architectures is important, but the basic engines
    of intelligence are semantically-driven processes
    like inference. The intentionality of the mental
    is what distinguishes human-level intelligence
    from merely clever or impressive behavior.
  • For more on this, see Pylyshyn, Z. (1984).
    Computation and Cognition. MIT Press.

(2) Logical formalisms are hopelessly inadequate
for representing knowledge
  • As Winston Churchill said about democracy It is
    the worst form of government, except for all the
  • So also logic is the worst form of knowledge
    representation, except for all the rest.

  • Much has been said about why logic is
    inadequate e.g., it has trouble representing
    knowledge that is procedural, quantitative,
    pictorial (or sensory), higher-order (meta
    knowledge) and indexical although excellent
    work is being done on all of these problems. A
    reasonable assumption is that there may have to
    be more than one form of representation.
    Unfortunately, none of the non-symbolic ones
    proposed so far (e.g., neural nets, images) are
    adequate for reasoning.
  • Logic or Logical Calculus is just another name
    for symbol system except that logic usually
    provides a formal semantics (i.e., a theory of
    how the meaning of expressions is composed from
    the meanings of its parts) and a system of
    inference (at least for deductive inference, if
    not for inductive, abductive and practical
    reasoning). Nothing like that is available for
    any of the other forms of representation.

So logic is a special form of symbol system But
why do we need symbol systems at all?
  • What makes it possible to represent and process
    knowledge in a physical system, and to connect
    this knowledge with both perception and action,
    is what Newell Simon called a Physical Symbol
    System. This is perhaps the single most important
    idea of the 20th century because it made possible
  • But in order to be adequate for encoding
    human-level knowledge, physical symbol systems
    must meet some stringent conditions on format.

ASIDE on symbol systems
  • To be adequate for encoding human-level
    knowledge, physical symbol systems must meet some
    stringent conditions on format.

Conditions on the format of representations
  1. The format must have the capacity to distinguish
    an unlimited number of distinct representations.
    This is called the criterion of productivity
    which von Humboldt characterized as the Infinite
    use of finite means. This means it must be
  2. The capacity for representation and inference
    must be systematic In intelligent agents the
    capacity to represent or infer a certain
    situation is always accompanied by the capacity
    to represent or infer other related situations.
    This means it must be compositional.

Conditions on the format of representations 2
  • The capacity for representation and inference is
    systematic In intelligent agents the capacity to
    represent or infer a certain situation is always
    accompanied by the capacity to represent or infer
    other related situations.
  • If an intelligent system can represent some
    situations, say Q51 and Q27, then it will also
    have the capacity to represent some other
    situations related to Q51 and Q27.
  • If an intelligent system can infer, say, Q36 from
    Q75 then it will also have the capacity to infer
    other things related to Q36 and Q75.
  • Systematicity follows naturally from the use of
    an encoding system that has constituents (or
    parts) and builds up complexes by recursively
    embedding parts in wholes, as is done with all
    numerals, algebraic expressions, language or
    sentences in a logical calculus.

Conditions on the format of representations 2a
  • If you encode representations in terms of
    expressions that have a constituent structure,
    then systematicity holds in virtue of the format
  • E.g., if you can represent John gave the book to
    Mary and Mary gave the pen to Fred then you
    already have the capacity to represent many other
    situations e.g., John gave the pen to Mary,
    Mary gave the book to John, Fred gave the pen
    to Fred, and all other combinations.
  • E.g., if you can infer from It is cloudy and
    rainy and cold that it is cold then you must
    also be able to infer from It is rainy and cold
    that it is cold. Such a principle (called
    conjunction elimination) is an inference schema
    that can be applied to representations that have
    constituents (or parts), and once the rule is
    part of the system it will apply to arbitrarily
    many other representations, resulting in
    inferential systematicity.

Conditions on the format of an adequate system of
  • The conditions of productivity and systematicity
    entail the compositionality of representations
    complex representations are built out of simpler
    representations by rules of composition.
  • Any system of representation meeting these
    constraints is a logical calculus or language of
    thought (lingua mentis).
  • The invention of systems of logic that can encode
    wide range of beliefs are among the greatest
    achievements of the 20th century.
  • For a more detailed argument see
  • Fodor, J. A., Pylyshyn, Z. W. (1988).
    Connectionism and cognitive architecture A
    critical analysis. Cognition, 28, 3-71.

Not every smart system is a physical symbol
  • There are many very complex and intriguing
    systems in the mind/body that are not PSSs, and
    intelligent action depends on them as well. Much
    of early vision, motor control and even
    visual-motor coordination is like that. But no
    matter how much complexity is built into such
    systems they will sooner or later run up against
    the inference wall they will have to interface
    seamlessly with knowledge-based processes in a
    way that does not require some hidden
    intelligence in the interface (e.g., without a
  • Thats why layered intelligences (e.g., Brooks)
    will never scale up. Intelligent systems are
    not layers of architecture all the way up.
    Sooner or later the process depends on
    representations rather than on fixed structures.

End of ASIDE and summary
  • The conditions of productivity and systematicity
    entail the compositionality of representations
    complex representations are built out of simpler
    representations by rules of composition.
  • Any system of representation meeting the above
    constraints is a logical calculus or language of
    thought (lingua mentis).
  • For a more detailed argument see
  • Fodor, J. A., Pylyshyn, Z. W. (1988).
    Connectionism and cognitive architecture A
    critical analysis. Cognition, 28, 3-71.

(3) It has been suggested that since human
intelligence is continuous with animal
intelligence, we should study lower organisms
(e.g., insects) in which cognition is simpler,
and then move up to human intelligence later.
  • Comparative psychology does indeed show that many
    aspects of vision, visual-motor coordination, as
    well as ontological categories and conceptual
    systems (e.g., concepts such as physical object,
    animate, cause, conspecific) and even parts of
    arithmetic are shared by most organisms,
    including human infants.
  • But the research strategy of working up from
    lower organisms will not work in general. Even
    though we may share a lot with lower organisms,
    what we do not share is critical it is
    constitutive of intelligence.

  • Although many human cognitive capacities are
    found in animals, many other capacities appear
    suddenly as we go up the philogenetic scale
    (evolution and punctate equilibrium Steven
    Jay Gould).
  • All humans, in contrast with members of other
    species, possess the capacity for language, the
    instinctive attribution of beliefs and desires to
    others, the capacity for counterfactual
    reasoning, and the need to provide a theoretical
    explanation for events around them (i.e., to
    practice inductive and abductive reasoning).
  • Human vision, language, and action are at the
    service of goals and beliefs in a way that makes
    human behavior, unlike other animal behavior,
    largely stimulus-free
  • Because all intelligent behaviour is cognitive
    penetrable by goals and beliefs.

(4) AI has traditionally downplayed the role of
the environment in intelligent action But
intelligence must be situated and embodied.
  • The first recognition of the importance of the
    environment-agent relation in shaping behavior
    may be in Simons ant example, but it now makes
    an appearance in many areas of contemporary AI.
  • There is considerable truth in the observation
    that intelligence is situated and embodied, but
    the deep intellectual puzzles still concern how
    the organism represents the world, because (as
    discussed earlier)
  • Its how the world is represented, rather than
    how it actually is, that determines intelligent

But also recent A.I. trends have been in the
direction of taking the environment into account.
Recent examples that recognize the importance of
taking the agents environment into account
  • Emphases on reactive planning, where plans allow
    for unexpected sensory input,
  • Emphasis on active vision, in which vision
    interrogates the environment for relevant clues,
  • Allowing for nonsymbolic aspects of reasoning
    through closer links with perception (e.g.,
    visual inference Jon Barwise),
  • The use of indexicals in representations.(See
    Lespérance Levesque, 1995 Pylyshyn, 2000,

Forms of representation for a robot using
From Pylyshyn, Z. W. (2000). Situating vision in
the world. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4(5),
Finally, after all this, are there grounds for
optimism about the future of Artificial
  • The simple answer is Yes, of course, otherwise
    we would not be here!
  • But what are some promising trends that offset
    the enormous problems still to be solved?

Some grounds for optimism
  1. There are a very many accomplishments for which
    AI can take credit, despite the AI winter we
    have come through. The military, the airlines,
    traditional Operations Research domains, robotics
    and the games world have all seen major AI
    achievements (see Nilsson, 1995). There are also
    many small accomplishments, like Google, seen
    daily on the web and in nearly every walk of
    life, that have widespread effects. Many have
    not used the term artificial intelligence but
    they nonetheless owe their technology to AI which
    has infiltrated much of conventional CS.
  2. Unlike the early days of AI, many more approaches
    are being entertained. While most of the grand
    polemical claims made by their advocates are
    almost certainly wrong, these approaches are
    leading to different lines of inquiry, which is
    healthy. The diversity is also producing
    powerful niche results in areas within
    computational vision, robotics, computational
    linguistics, and speech understanding.

There is strength in diversity(also distractions)
Fuzzy sets
Neural nets
Expert ystems
Some grounds for optimism
  • 3. One of the consequences of de-emphasizing pure
    reasoning has been more progress in areas where
    human cognitive skill is modular (and may not
    involve any reasoning).
  • Vision (especially early vision).
  • Computational Linguistics (a large part of
    grammatical analysis is modular),
  • Speech recognition (much of phonetic analysis is
  • Visual-motor coordination (much of that is
    modular in humans and animals). Lends itself to
    Rod Brooks approach.
  • Hybrid systems, in which the developments of
    modular smart subsystems (especially vision and
    control) are combined with knowledge-based
    systems (e.g., UBCs hybrid controllers and U of
    Ts cognitive robotics).

Some grounds for optimism
  • (4) Finally, there has been a large (and
    unexpected) resurgence of interest in the very
    broad questions of the nature of intelligence,
    and it relation to consciousness, to biology, to
    evolution and to technology. Books and articles
    by Kurzweil, Moravec, Joy, Wolfram, Dennett and
    the critical writings of Searle, Fodor, Lanier
    and others have once again returned the bigger
    questions of human and machine intelligence to
    centre stage.
  • While these may get people thinking about where
    we stand in history, they probably only move AI
    ahead by focusing public debate and perhaps
    awakening funding agencies. But some problems
    are just not ready for scientific scrutiny they
    are the mysteries as opposed to the puzzles. The
    trouble with mysteries, such as the question What
    is consciousness? and What are the limits of AI?
    is that they are inherently ill-posed they are
    not stated in a way that could connect to a
    recognizable answer.

Yet despite the possibility that this new
interest will let in misguided views and give us
bad press, a multitude of approaches have to be
tolerated because nobody knows where the key
discoveries will come from. So we shouldnt put
them down, even when they are wrong (and even
when they have larger grants than we do)!
.because then we could all lose ..
References cited
  • Pylyshyn, Z. W. (2001). Visual indexes,
    preconceptual objects, and situated vision.
    Cognition, 80(1/2), 127-158.
  • Pylyshyn, Z. W. (1999). Is vision continuous with
    cognition? The case for cognitive impenetrability
    of visual perception. Behavioral and Brain
    Sciences, 22(3), 341-423.
  • Reiter, R. (2001). Knowledge in Action Logical
    Foundations for Specifying and Implementing
    Dynamical Systems. Cambridge, MA MIT Press.
  • Winston, P. H. (1999, July, 1999). Why I am
    optimistic. Paper presented at the AAAI Annual
  • Brooks, R. A. (1991). Intelligence without
    representation. Artificial Intelligence, 47,
  • Fodor, J. A., Pylyshyn, Z. W. (1988).
    Connectionism and cognitive architecture A
    critical analysis. Cognition, 28, 3-71.
  • Lespérance, Y., Levesque, H. J. (1995).
    Indexical knowledge and robot action - a logical
    account. Artificial Intelligence, 73, 69-115.
  • Levesque, H. J., Lakemeyer, G. (2001). The
    Logic of Knowledge Bases. Cambridge, MA MIT
  • Nilsson, N. J. (1995). Eye on the prize. AI
    Magazine (summer), 9-17.
  • Pylyshyn, Z. W. (2000). Situating vision in the
    world. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4(5),
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