Title: EuPA-HUPO Interactions Committee
1EuPA-HUPO Interactions Committee (EHIC) Mike
Dunn (Chair) (Ireland) Thierry Rabilloud (France)
Fernando Corrales (Spain) Connie Jimenez
(Netherlands) Helmut Meyer (Germany) Steve
Pennington (UK/Ireland) Michael Fountoulakis
(Greece) Achim Kraus (Germany)
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3Liaison with HUPO Secretariat This five-person
team, based in Montreal, Quebec,
Canada, facilitates Communication and
interactions between the national/regional
organizations and between HUPO initiatives Vacant
, Director General? Wehbeh Barghachie, Congress
Director and Project Manager Elizabeth Cooper,
Communications and Industry Liaison
Manager Sandrine Palcy, Training
Coordinator Sylvie Ouellette, Membership and
Administrative Coordinator EHIC Mike Dunn (Chair)
4(No Transcript)
5Liaison with HUPO Executive Council Ro
lf Apweiler (HUPO President from November
2006) EHIC Mike Dunn (Chair)
6HUPO Initiatives
7Liaison with HUPO Education and Training
Committee Peipei Ping (Chair) EuPA Education
Committee Concha Gil (Coordinator) Input from
EHIC as required
8Liaison with HUPO Meetings Committee EuPA
Conference Communication Committee
Jean-Charles Sanchez, Luca Bini Input from
EHIC as required Every 3 years HUPO Congress in
Europe 2008 Location chosen by HUPO Will also be
the 2008 EuPA meeting 2011 and Beyond? Need for
coordination between HUPO and EuPA for location
of meeting Will the European HUPO meeting always
be the EuPA meeting for that year?
9Liaison with HUPO Publications Committee Peipei
Ping (Chair) EuPA Conference Communication
Committee Dimitrios Noukakis, Jesus Jorrin Novo
Input from EHIC as required Achim Kraus, Mike
10Liaison with HUPO Finance Committee Richard
Simpson (Chair) EuPA Funding Committee Pier
Giorgio Righetti (Coordinator) Input from
EHIC as required
11Liaison with other HUPO Committees Nomination New
Technology and Resources Ethics Membership Awards
Input from selected EHIC members as required
12HUPO Initiatives
13Liaison with the HUPO initiatives should be a
major focus of the EuPA-HUPO Interactions
Committee Increase level of participation of
European laboratories in existing HUPO
initiatives Enable participation of
European laboratories in newly launched HUPO
14Liaison with the HUPO initiatives One EHIC
member to liaise with Chair of each HUPO
HUPO Initiatives Committee (Sam Hanash) HUPO
Plasma Proteome Project (Gil Omenn) HUPO Liver
Proteome Project (Fuchu He Christian, Brechot
, Laura Beretta) HUPO Brain Proteome Project
(Helmut Meyer, Joachim Klose) HUPO Mouse
and Rat Proteome Project (John Bergeron) HUPO
Disease Glycomics/Proteome Initiative (Naoyu
ki Taniguchi) HUPO Antibody Initiative (Mathias
Uhlen) HUPO Bioinformatics/Proteomics Standards
Initiative (Ruedi Aebersold, Henning
Hermjakob) HUPO Cardiovascular Biomarker
Initiative (Peipei Ping, Mike Dunn)
15EuPA-HUPO Interactions Committee Next planned
meetings Siena 1200-1400, Wednesday, 6th
September 2006 HUPO Long Beach Congress Date and
time TBA